Handmade and shipped from EU ♥ >>


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  1. Rating

    Nepogrešljiva sos krema,ki pozdravi in začeli vse! Čista pečica!!!

    review by Irena on 12/26/2024
  2. Rating

    To je res čudežna kremica. Razpokano kožo na prstih zaceli že par ur po nanosu. Lišaji na obrazu in razpokane ustnice v hladnih dneh, so preteklost. Kremico sem pred kratkim prvič naročila, vendar sem že oddala novo naročilo, ker jo bom podarila.

    review by Ingrid on 12/20/2024
  3. Rating

    Vasa kremca je pa za obraz enkratna, tako lepo kozo imam potem.

    review by Igor on 12/9/2024
  4. Rating

    Čudovita kremica, ki ti pozdravi ranice, razpoke na prstih. Zvečer sem si namazala razpoko ob nohtu na prstu, zjutraj je bila ranica zaprta. Hvaležna, da jo bom lahko uporabila pozimi, ker se mi takrat to bolj pogosto pojavlja. Hvala!

    review by Karmen on 9/29/2024
  5. Rating

    Super kremca... pozdravi, zaceli in je naravna! Ko jo bo zmanjkalo jo zagotovo spet naročimo!

    review by Maja on 9/21/2024
  6. Rating

    Kremico uporabljam šele par dni vendar sem zelo zadovoljna z rezultatom in jo sigurno še naročim.

    review by Mateja on 6/14/2024
  7. Rating

    Trda krema, prijetnega oz.nevsiljivega vonja, temna,tekstura. Navdušena nad kremo in celim nakupnim procesom. Hvala za prijetno izkušnjo in se še vrnem k vam.

    review by Tea on 4/30/2024
  8. Rating

    V vetrovnih in mrzlih dneh jo uporabljamo vsi v druzini. Zaceli tudi razpokane ustnice. Na zacetku se malo tezko maze, ampak cez nekaj casa postane mazljiva in lazja za uporabo. Kupila sem ze drugo, s kremico sem zelo zadovoljna.

    review by Maja on 3/16/2024
  9. Rating

    Glineno mazilo z ognjičem sem najprej dobila v preizkus, a je hitro postalo moja stalnica. Če bi morala na potovanja in izlete vzeti le en negovalni izdelek, je to "to" - lifesaver za razpokane ustnice, suhe roke, razdraženo kožo ... zares je "čarobna kremica". :)

    review by Julija on 2/17/2024
  10. Rating

    Sama sem zaprisežena hribovka in sploh v teh minus razmerah, iskala nekaj, da zaščiti kožo…že več kot mesec uporabljam ognjič z glino, imenitno!!!...nimam izsušene kože, tudi rdečica ( ne vem, mogoče rahli dermatitis☹), ki se mi občasno pojavi, je pri temperaturni razliki ( toplo-hladno) manjši.

    review by Alja on 1/24/2024
  11. Rating

    Krema je zelo blagodejna za različne nepravilnosti na telesu. Izredno hitro in zelo učinkovito je pomagala pri opeklini na vratu in atopijskemu dermatitisu na obrazu in rokah. Koža rok je zaradi izpostavljenosti nenehnemu umivanju rok in že mrzlemu zraku zdaj primerno in naravno zaščitena. Pa še prijetno diši.

    review by Jasmina on 11/19/2023
  12. Rating

    Enkrat poleti sem se odločila za nakup Kokota in Calendule in od takrat naprej kupujem samo še vaše vilinčice... Sej ne, da sem se odločila že po embalaži ki mi je res tako zelo prisrčna, ampak tudi zaradi tega, ker menjavam mojo celotno kozmetiko z naravno.

    Najprej mi je moj dragi malce najedal, kaj si kupujem zopet nove kreme in oh in sploh, potem sem ga pa prepričala, da sproba Calendulo.... No, zmanjkalo jo je takoj, ker se je gospod začel mazat po celotnem telesu :) tako da mi je potem začel težit kdaj jo bom spet kupila.... No, zdaj si ne predstavljava kamorkoli it brez Calendule.

    review by Tinkara ( SI) on 10/19/2023
  13. Rating

    Kremo sem začela pred kratkim uporabljati in sicer za zdravljenje dermatitisa. Prvi nanos je bil zelo blagodejen in zato vztrajam naprej v upanju, da dermatitis izgine popolnoma. Hvala, lep dan

    review by Rosana on 10/4/2023
  14. Rating

    Kremico imam vedno s seboj. Prijetno osveži kožo

    review by DAMJANA on 9/6/2023
  15. Rating

    Nisem jo še za prav začela uporabljat,ampak mi je full všeč,ker je tako prijetna na otip.

    review by Layla on 8/30/2023
  16. Rating

    Najboljša krema kar jih je! Meni reši vse težave s kožo. Čista 10ka.

    review by Sara on 8/27/2023
  17. Rating

    Če bi bila možnost izbire od 1 do 10...Čista 10.

    review by Nastja on 6/26/2023
  18. Rating

    Ognjičevo mazilo je bilo darilo za taščo, ker sem navdušena uporabnica. :)

    review by Mateja on 6/15/2023
  19. Rating

    Najboljše mazilo kar obstaja! Pred leti sem imela velike težave s kožo na dlaneh in stopalih, delali so se mi mehurčki, ki so počili in za sabo pustili ranice in razpokano, suho kožo. Na najhujši točki sem imela dlani v živih ranah. Poskusila sem vsa možna mazila, ki obstajajo, delala obloge iz zeolita, menjala prehrano, v obupu poskusila tudi s kortikosteroidi, ki jih predpiše dermatolog...skratka ne vem česa nisem poskusila, stanje na rokah se nikakor ni uredilo. In potem sem nekega dne naletela na to spletno trgovinico, prebrala da je krema dobra za luskavico in si rekla no pa poskusim še to. Jaz točne diagnoze sicer nisem dobila, luskavica naj ne bi bila, ampak sem si rekla nimam kaj izgubiti če poskusim še eno kremo... In ta krema je naredila čudež. Ne morem uporabiti druge besede, ker je zame to bil res čudež. Roke so se v enem tednu popolnoma zacelile in od takrat s kremo uspem preprečiti, da bi sploh prišlo do slabega stanja.. če se mi slučajno karkoli pojavi na koži, je ta kremica zmeraj rešitev, zato je pri meni zmeraj na zalogi.

    review by Sara on 5/16/2023
  20. Rating

    High five for calendula, which I now ordered for the first time.

    review by Nika on 4/6/2023
  21. Rating

    The cream is really nice, it moisturizes the skin perfectly. Even though I have sensitive skin and occasional dermatitis, it does a great job of nourishing and soothing my skin.

    review by Anja on 3/23/2023
  22. Rating

    A friendly fairy for all occasions!

    review by Andreja on 11/7/2022
  23. Rating

    Calendula is a love, pampering and skin care aid stored in a sun box. It's always in stock with me!

    review by Irena on 5/5/2022
  24. Rating

    I have had atopic dermatitis since childhood. After cleaning with a clay bar, I also use Calendula clay ointment. It helps. Soothe my problematic skin. Then it doesn’t itch or burn me. I recommend instead of all corticosteroid creams. So no side effects, from nature.

    review by Sonja on 4/25/2022
  25. Rating

    We all use this cream because it is versatile. The girls often ask if I also ordered the yellow fairy?

    review by Karolina on 4/20/2022
  26. Rating

    Tina, this ointment is some of the best I have used for all skin problems. So I make sure I always have one in stock. I call it a miracle ointment. Thank you!

    review by Irena on 4/11/2022
  27. Rating

    I am very happy with the cream, I use it for foot care.

    review by Tatjana on 4/5/2022
  28. Rating

    CALENDULA ointment is a little miracle ... it fixes everything :-), from red buttocks, to sun allergies if you get spots ... and it helps with psoriasis ... It's really great ... we always have it at home, because we all use it ... :-) Well done for such a cream! lp, Nina

    review by Nina on 3/29/2022
  29. Rating

    A sunny fairy that smells really nice and draws a smile on my face.

    review by Andreja on 5/24/2021
  30. Rating

    She is really great! I use it after waxing
    (no pimples, completely soothes the skin), with extremely dry skin all over the body, lips, sores, abrasions, pimples on the face. Excellent against dermatitis (used by a partner).

    review by Aleksandra on 3/12/2021
  31. Rating

    Santa brought 2 clay products to my mom who has completely different skin from me- very dry. But she is also very happy, the calendula ointment fascinated her, she can't believe that she takes it so little and spreads it so nicely.
    Thanks for such great products!

    review by Petra on 1/7/2021
  32. Rating

    Calendula ointment is great. It has a nice and gentle scent and spreads nicely. I use it for everything ... for abrasions, allergic reactions, dry lips, dry hands, pimples ..

    review by Mateja on 12/23/2020
  33. Rating

    Calendula is a wonderful cream!

    review by Teja on 12/15/2020
  34. Rating

    I have to say that I first tried your cream Calendula from one of my customers here at the bar, where I work and there was already a noticeable difference after the first use.

    review by Anja on 10/14/2020
  35. Rating

    I tried the calendula cream and it is great!!! In the evening when I applied it, it soothed my skin so nicely that I just looked at myself in the mirror for half an hour :) really really great !!!

    review by Janja on 8/26/2020
  36. Rating

    We are very happy with the cream. Of all the creams tested, this one works best. Thanks

    review by Metod on 8/12/2020
  37. Rating

    Calendula has already been tested and is excellent

    review by Klavdija on 7/13/2020
  38. Rating

    Thank you for helping me to fight this dermatitis.

    review by Tilen on 7/8/2020
  39. Rating

    Co-worker says no cream in her life has helped her so much for dermatitis and dry skin.

    review by Vanja on 6/30/2020
  40. Rating

    I am happy to announce that your Calendula has healed my beautiful lower lip on which one crack has formed and did not want to go away.

    review by Kristin on 6/26/2020
  41. Rating

    Since I have problems with dermatitis and psoriasis, the cream really helps me a lot.

    review by Tanja on 6/15/2020
  42. Rating

    I use Calendula ointment as a day, night and as an eye cream. I massage a thin layer into damp skin. In the evening I also use a clay cleansing bar 1001 nights. Beautiful skin, no wrinkles and I'm going towards 40;)

    review by Maja on 6/15/2020
  43. Rating

    Fantastic face cream for dry skin. I love it.

    review by Laura on 6/2/2020
  44. Rating

    Very soothing. Quick shipping too! Thank you.

    review by Barbara on 6/2/2020
  45. Rating

    Great cream and smells nice.After the first application on the face, I felt the positive effects. The skin is smooth. :)

    review by Katja on 6/2/2020
  46. Rating

    Love this product!!! Works perfect with my skin. I will definitely be buying more!!

    review by Natalija on 6/2/2020
  47. Rating

    Clean simple ingredients. Fast shipping.

    review by Sonja on 6/2/2020
  48. Rating

    It's been a real life saver for my dry, winter hands.

    review by Dana on 6/2/2020
  49. Rating

    Absolutely love! I use it everyday!

    review by Maja on 6/2/2020
  50. Rating

    One of my must-haves on bedside table!

    review by Kim on 6/2/2020
  51. Rating

    Vsako zimo imam zelo razpokano kožo na petah. Ta krema mi deluje čarobno!!! Po pedikuri namažem vsak zvečer in peta po par dni postane mehka, brez razpok. Nepogrešljiva! :-)

    review by Timea on 2/8/2020
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Face and body ointment CALENDULA

Everyone should have a pot of this little miracle worker in their bathroom ! Perfect for all skin types.

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €11.95

Akcijska cena: €8.90

This pure clay calendula oitment is handmade with highest quality calendula flowers, extra virgin olive oil, mineral-rich Clay and Beeswex wax, a perfect mixture of natural ingredients which protects, regenerates and nourishes the skin. Calendula can be used on all skin types ( face and body) , but is especially beneficial for dry, sensitive, and mature skin. You'll feel it yourself from the first time you'll use it.

GlinaSi ointment Calendula smell like the earth and sunshine. The scent of heat rising from the earth. It´s rich and golden. 

Massage a thin layer of the ointment into dry or wet skin several times a day.


  • Formulated by holistic skincare expert, licensed esthetician, and massage therapist Tina Avguštin.  
  • Inspired by Ancient beauty rituals ;
  • 60 years familiy tradition with Slovenian Clay;
  • 100% pure ;
  • 100% natural; 
  • 100% Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
  • Original product;
  • Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU)
  • Crafted in small batches;
  • No parabens;
  • No Synthetic Fragrance;
  • No silicone, mineral oils & parabens;


  • INCI: Calendula Officinalis Flower • Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil • Cera Alba ( Beeswax ) • Pure Grey Clay
  • Produce: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Weight: 25 g

Face and body ointment CALENDULA

Add to Cart €8.90
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly