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Still the best face cream. Nourishing, gentle, and absorbent. All natural, fragrant ingredients.
review by Tanja on 1/13/2025 -
The Gorgeous cream is truly amazing—soft, delicately scented, and most importantly, made from natural clay ingredients. I’ve been using it for quite a while and am very satisfied. Thank you, Tina!
review by Andreja on 1/13/2025 -
A cream that’s very kind to my sensitive skin. ☺️
review by Nataša on 1/13/2025 -
The cream I always come back to. Out of curiosity, I test other creams, but I always end up returning to the wonderful, fragrant, fluffy, and exceptional Gorgeous
review by Muniba on 1/13/2025 -
The clay face cream is extra amazing if you’re an outdoorsy person. It nourishes the skin, protects against wind and cold, and smells lovely! Wonderful products, thank you!
review by Ema on 1/13/2025 -
Despite having very "complicated" skin—not oily nor too dry, yet still prone to blemishes—I decided to buy it. It’s been two or three years now, and the Gorgeous clay face cream has become a staple in my daily morning routine. It absorbs well, smells divine, and doesn’t feel heavy or tight on the skin. I can honestly say I’ve become a huge fan of clay cosmetics.
review by Sandra on 1/13/2025 -
One of the best things I've ever tried for my facial skin. I’ve struggled with oily skin since my teenage years. After using this cream, my skin doesn’t look oily. Super satisfied. Thank you! – Maja
review by Andreja on 1/13/2025
Winter Shampoo: Just as wonderful and special as the "regular" solid shampoo. Because with Tina, there’s nothing ordinary—only unusually great products. :) -
I’ve been using the Gorgeous face cream for about three weeks. When I apply it, especially at night, I feel a sense of relief, as if my skin is taking a deep breath. In the morning, my skin is smooth, soft, and radiant. The cream is rich, perfect for winter—just right for this season.
review by Alenka on 1/13/2025 -
Že nekaj let kupujem kremo Georgeous. Njena tekstura je lahka kot puh, nežna, prijetno dišeča, koža pa po uporabi svilnata. Všeč so mi predvsem sestavine kreme, saj so naravne in hranljive, krema pa je brez 'nepotrebnih' dodatkov.
review by katja on 12/22/2024 -
Čudovito puhasta krema, ki kožo nahrani in je po nanosu svilnato mehka. S hčerko jo obožujeva.
review by Ingrid on 12/20/2024 -
super kremca :)
review by Lara on 12/12/2024 -
Odličen izdelek, končno sem našla nekaj, kar je dobro in naravno. Hvala.
review by SIMONA on 12/4/2024 -
Prijetna krema za suho kožo. Kljub temu, da kožo dobro navlaži, nikakor ne deluje mastna. Zelo mazava kremca... če jo naneseš na malo vlažen obraz, se še lažje razmaže. Ker je dobro mazava, je ne porabiš hitro, kar je še en plus pri vsem skupaj.
review by Špela on 11/25/2024 -
Kremo sem dobila kot vzorec ob naročilu drugih izdelkov. Takoj mi je bila všeč, ker se res lepo maže. Kožo lepo navlaži in zelo lepo diši. Sicer imam zelo suho kožo in težko najdem kremo, ki mi ustreza.
review by Petra on 11/20/2024 -
Res mi je všeč. Pa tudi Vaše sporočilo se dotakne .
review by Saša on 10/21/2024
Lahko povem,da mi je v lekarni gospa ponudila kremo,ki je naravna za telo,obraz . Pa sem odvrnila ,"Hvala uporabljam glino ." :)
Dobila sem vašo kremo glinena krema za obraz in me je pozitivno presenetila. Imam suho kožo in mi je po namazu kreme na obraz delovala mehko in pa dala mi je občutek lahkosti. Zelo sem vesela, da sem se odločila za to kremo. Hvala in veliko uspeha v prihodnje.
review by Ljudmila on 10/16/2024 -
Včeraj sem prejela serum in kremico za obraz in lahko rečem, da je res božansko. Zelo sem vesela, da sem vas našla. Hvala, da ste, vse dobro in veliko uspeha pri kreiranju novih izdelkov. Zelo me je tazvedelilo sporočilo Vilinjke, res pozorno in lepo.
review by Lili on 10/4/2024 -
Kaj naj rečem? Navdušena! :) Takšne kreme pa še nisem imela. Mislim, da bom pri tej kremi kar vztrajala, mi je preveč všeč :)
review by Snezana on 9/3/2024 -
Kremica je lepo mazljiva, cudovito disi, kozo pa pusti nahranjeno cel dan. Super zadovoljna!
review by Ava on 9/1/2024 -
Krema je odlična. Še vedno :)
review by Tanja on 8/31/2024 -
Super kremica!
review by Janja on 8/30/2024 -
Vaši izdelki so toooop. Ne uporabljam nobene vec druge kreme za obraz kot vašo!!
review by Mateja on 8/29/2024 -
To je res najboljša krema za obraz. Kožo naredi mehko, vendar ne mastno. Moja koža je zelo suha in ta krema jo naredi mehko in prožno. Odlična je ♥
review by Nika on 8/3/2024 -
Krema Gorgeous si pa tudi zasluži častno omembo, še zlasti v zimskih dneh.
review by Irena on 7/29/2024 -
mi hidratantne kreme ne odgovarjajo, se mi ta krema zdi primerna za mojo kožo.
review by Biserka on 7/15/2024 -
Krema poboža telo, vonj dušo.
review by Petra on 6/23/2024 -
Krema poboža telo, vonj dušo.
review by Petra on 6/23/2024 -
Odlicna krema - obcutek imas, da bo premastna, ampak sploh ne, ful se lepo vpije v kozo. In taka mehka je in lepo disi, ko jo nanesem imam res trenutek zase.
review by Maja on 6/22/2024 -
Kremo za obraz in vaše “trdo “ milo pa šele zadnji teden uporabljam; zaenkrat sem zadovoljna, oboje nežno poboža kožo!
review by Irena on 6/20/2024 -
Stalna in edina krema, ki jo uporabljamo vsi v družini (od moža, otrok in mene) ... enostavno GORGEOUS :-)
review by Barbara on 6/19/2024 -
Ker imam bolj dehidrirano in občutljivo kožo, kremo uporabljam zvečer v kombinaciji z glinenim serumom. Kožo lepo nahrani in je ne masti, čeprav morda deluje malenkost bolj mastna. Ne maši por in občutek na koži je prijeten.
review by SABINA on 6/19/2024 -
Sem redna uporabnica vaše kremice Gorgeous (božanska je), sedaj sem navdušila še mami, ki je tudi ne more prehvaliti..v glavnem, kremica je odlična..
review by Urška on 6/17/2024 -
Rada te mam :). Vsak večer, že leta in leta, zaspim s tvojimi izdelki na obrazu in lasje so vedno oprani s tvojim šanponom.
review by Darja on 6/14/2024 -
Krema je super, vlažilna, vpojna in koža je po uporabi mehka, lepo diši.
review by Lara on 6/12/2024 -
sporočam vam, da sem nad glineno kremo za obraz Gorgeous navdušena! Že večkrat sem kupila katero izmed krem, ki so mi jih priporočale prijateljice, a med njimi še nisem našla takšne, ki bi mi popolnoma ustrezala. Krema Gorgeous pa trenutno (no, uporabljam že tretjo škatlico) zadovoljuje vse potrebe moje kože. Naj tako ostane :)
review by Nina on 6/6/2024 -
Krema je zelo vlažilna, odlična za mojo suho kožo. Zadošča že majhna količina kreme, koža pa je po uporabi svilnato mehka.
review by Sonja on 5/31/2024 -
Dolgo sem iskala idealno kremo za obraz za mojo suho in občutljivo kožo z občasnimi ekcemi - našla kr sem iskala.
review by Neža on 5/16/2024 -
Super krema, dolgo sem iskala in našla, kar sem iskala. ne zamenjam več. Hvala.
review by Simona on 5/7/2024 -
Krema, ki me s svojo dišavo in mehko teksturo zbudi v lepši dan.
review by Romana on 5/4/2024 -
Sem zelo zadovoljna s to kremo. Lepo diši.
review by Nuša on 5/4/2024 -
Kremo uporabljam že dalj časa. Ker imam zelo suho kožo, najprej uporabim ustrezno kremo, nazadnje pa obvezno še vašo kremico Georgeous, po kateri je koža mehka in sijoča. Ko mi jo zmanjkuje, takoj naročim novo.
review by Sonja on 5/4/2024 -
Čudovita krema, vsestranska. Naravna. Brezskrbna uporaba. Neškodljiva. Vlažilna ali hranilna. Sem preizkušala že marsikatero a tale nima konkurence. Čista petka
review by Simona on 5/1/2024 -
Krema za obraz in dušo. Ko mi je pošla sem jo zelo pogrešala. Super za masažo in nego obraza.
review by Nataša on 4/7/2024 -
Super kremica ne zamenjam več. Zelo lepo se vpije in pusti kožo mehko. Pa še tako lepo diši!
review by Ines on 3/19/2024 -
Kremo uporabljam šele nekaj dni, najprej uporabim serum Magic nato pa čez še kremo. Občutek na koži je res poln, koža je mehka in polna.
review by Alenka on 3/18/2024 -
Zelo mi je všeč, ker se lepo vpije v kožo. Tudi diši čudovito.
review by Verica on 3/16/2024 -
Krema za obraz mi je všeč. Sedaj jo kupujem za sina ,ki je imel kar močno aknastno kožo, ki pa se mu je po uprabi te kremice zelo zelo izboljšala.
review by Magdalena on 3/16/2024
Priporočava. -
Odlicna kremica, lahka, puhasta in hranljiva! Priporocam!
review by Ines Clara Baumann on 3/16/2024 -
Kremo uporabljam že dlje časa in ne, da je to ena izmed boljših krem, ampak meni resnično naj, najboljša. Ustreza vsem v družini, tudi najmlajši članici, če je potreba. Hvaležna, da sem spoznala vaše izdelke (kremo za roke, balzam za ustnice, mila, serum, glina,...). Namreč z vsem, kar sem preizkusila, sem izjemno zadovoljna. Hvala za vaš trud!
review by Tea on 3/16/2024 -
Zelo nezna in ucinkovita krema. In zelooo lepo disi. ☺️
review by Maja on 3/16/2024 -
Zelo malo krem ustreza koži na mojem obrazu. Po vaši kremi nimam rdečih in srbečih izpuščajev...
review by Vesna on 3/13/2024 -
Zgodilo se je: na začetku mi je bila krema všeč, sedaj pa si ne predstavljam več biti brez nje!
review by Dunja on 3/12/2024
Moja koźa jo odliĉno prenaša in rezultati so vidni. Kombinacija z Magic oil je čudovita.
Obožujem jo! -
Z Vašimi izdelki sem zelo zadovoljna zato jih tudi redno naročam. Hvala in lep pozdrav, Anita
review by Anita on 3/11/2024
Hči kremo obožuje. Kožo nahrani in pusti mehko. Tekstura je čudovito puhasta, ki se lepo vpije in omami s svojim vonjem.
review by Ingrid on 2/18/2024 -
Krema je odlična. Zadnje čase me je začela koža na obrazu srbet, pozimi pa je že sama po sebi bolj suha. Ta krema za obraz me je rešila.
review by Jasna on 2/3/2024 -
Krema je super! Uporabljamo vse, poleg mene tudi moji dve hčerki. Vse tri zelo zadovoljne.
review by Mateja on 1/29/2024 -
obožujem vaše izdelke, kremica za obraz je božanska
review by Marjeta on 1/29/2024 -
Tale kremica je res super za mojo suho kožo, ki je sploh pozimi takoj pordela in suha. Z uporabo Gorgeous kreme pa nimam več teh težav, koža je nahranjena in mehka.
review by Maja on 1/26/2024 -
Prima krema ... sem jo naročila že drugič. In krasno pakiranje!!!!
review by Maja on 1/24/2024 -
Odlična kreme za problematično kožo. Potrebno jo je samo nanesti na vlažen obraz.
review by Eva on 1/21/2024 -
Super krema, kožo lepo navlaži in naredi mehko. Primerna tudi za občutljivo kožo.
review by Anja on 1/19/2024 -
Tole je res top krema za moj obraz. Super je, ker po nanosu pusti prijeten občutek, ne zateguje, ne izsušuje, nimaš občutka, da ti koža na obrazu žari ali pa te vse peče. Res super!
review by Špela on 1/15/2024 -
Super kremica. Moja koža je sijoča in hvaležna. ✨
review by Klara on 1/10/2024 -
To je res odlična krema. Vlaži kožo, a ni mastna. Namažem le zjutraj in zvečer in nimam več problemov s suho kožo.
review by Nika on 12/12/2023 -
Končno sem našla kremo, ki kožo res naredi mehko. Pa tako luštna embalaža, da se namažeš še z večjim veseljem.
review by Maja on 11/28/2023 -
Odlična krema, ki je nepogrešljiva.
review by ŠPELA on 11/27/2023
Vsa dekleta v družini jo uporabljamo in smo stalne potrošnice ter seveda navdušenke... -
Kremo uporabljam samo ali pa po serumu Magic. Očitno mi zelo paše, ker se je koža še ni naveličala. Dokaj hitro se vpije in po njeni uporabi se ne svetim pretirano. Priporočam.
review by Valentina on 11/20/2023 -
Kremico uporabljam ze kar nekaj časa. Super je, se ne masti ne daje občutka zategnjene koze. Se hitro vpije in da tak svilen občutek na koži. Dolgo sem iskala kremico in sem jo našla tako da vse pohvale. Dajem oceno 5!
review by Ines on 11/20/2023 -
sporočam vam , da sem z vašimi izdelki res zelo zadovolnja. Vaše kreme , serumi itd. so res enkratni. Ne morem si predstavljati, da bi si obraz mazala s katero koli drugo kremo. Res same pohvale.
review by Marija on 11/17/2023
Uporabljam jo zvečer,po uporabi seruma.10+
review by Layla on 11/15/2023 -
krema Gorgeus ima pravo ime, ker je resnično čudovita, mazljiva, lepo se vpije in čudovito diši, nasploh božanska :)
review by Lara on 11/14/2023 -
Vesela, da sem našla to kremo v vaši ponudbi. V začetku se mi je zdela kar premastna, sedaj jo nanesem malo manj in vidim, da je rezultat odličen. Tudi serum mi je všeč. Krasna kombinacija.
review by Dunja on 11/13/2023 -
Moja izkušnja z nakupom nasploh je bila zelo lepa. V vsem procesu nakupa se počutiš kot bi bila res v trgovini in se pogovarjala s teboj. Pet zvedic!
review by Breda on 11/13/2023
Kremo zdaj uporabljam le nekaj dni, imam jo za zvečer, ker se mi zdi po konsistenci malo bolj mastna. Za čez dan imam eno svojo bolj hidratantno, ki se takoj v celoti vpije v kožo. Za nočno kremo je 5 zvezdic.
Pozdravljeni,zelo sem zadovoljna z vasimi izdelki,hvala ker sem koncno nasla kremo zase;))
review by Senada on 11/13/2023 -
Res odlična, lepo mazljiva krema za obraz. Kožo naredi svilnato in lepo dišečo. Priporočam.
review by Tanja on 11/13/2023 -
Kremico za obraz uporabljam že nekaj časa. Od kar sem jo probala, sem se zaljubila vanjo. Prijetno diši in kožo naredi mehko in svilnato. Priporočim jo lahko vsakemu!!
review by DAMIJANA on 11/13/2023 -
Puhasta kot oblacek - super za vsak tip koze.
review by Teja on 11/13/2023 -
Tudi za najbolj občutljivo kožo, hranljiva, ten kože je poenoten. Super izdelek, narejen iz malo sestavin.
review by Simona on 11/12/2023 -
Naredi gladko kožo in diši prijetno. Veselim se vsakega jutra, ko jo nanesem na obraz.
review by Petra on 11/11/2023 -
Zadovoljna. Mehka in gladka koža.
review by Bernarda on 11/11/2023 -
Imam že kar veliko izkušenj z raznimi kremicami, ampak tale kremica Gorgeous je fantastična. Moj obraz je spet mehak in nežen in občutek imam kot bi bila spet mlada. Lepo je mazljiva, se hitro vpije in prijetno diši. Koža je ves dan voljna. Super res.
review by Teja on 11/11/2023 -
Nad kremo sem navdušena.. Se hitro vpije, je ravno prav mastna in lepo diši. Kožo naredi gladko.
review by Petra on 11/7/2023 -
Krema me je zelo presenetila, je zelo puhasta, se lepo maže, koža pa je lepo navlažena.
review by Tanja on 11/7/2023
Zelo mi je všeč tudi njen nežen vonj. -
Tale krema je pa fenomenalna in bozanska, s svojo puhasto mehkobo lepo neguje kozo, navlazi jo ravno dovolj, da ne pusti mastnih sledi, kot ene kreme....☺️
review by Vero on 11/7/2023
Odlicna, ne mine dan brez nje, in sem hvalezna za tako uporabno kremico, ki za razliko od drugih, me tokrat pri tej ne zateguje koza na obrazu. -
Krema mi je zelo všeč, ker pa je precej mastna, jo uporabljam samo zvečer.
review by Tatjana on 11/5/2023 -
Kremica je super,po nanosu je koža navlažena,sijoča in še lepo diši :)
review by Petra on 10/22/2023 -
Koža je mehka, nahranjena in navlažena. Zelo zadovoljna, priporočam.
review by Karmen on 10/3/2023 -
Že 5 let je ne zamanjam.
review by Dunja on 9/25/2023 -
Mehka, puhasta, dišeča... krasna je!
review by Danila on 9/20/2023 -
kremico uporabljam ze kar nekaj časa. Super kremica ki ne masti ne daje občutka zategnjene koze. Se hitro vpije in da tak svilen občutek na koži. Dolgo sem iskala kremico in sem jo našla tako da vse pohvale. Dajem oceno 5.
review by Ines on 9/18/2023 -
Super kremica za navlažitev kože.
review by ANDREJA on 9/17/2023 -
Neskončna fantazija!
review by Ksenija on 9/14/2023 -
Super krema, ki navlaži in nahrani kožo.
review by Karmen on 9/13/2023 -
Mehka, lepo, se vpije v kožo. Priporočam. Lp, Verica
review by Verica on 8/10/2023 -
Super je :)
review by Katja on 8/7/2023 -
Zelo zadovoljna!
review by Špela on 8/2/2023 -
Ta krema je zame nepogrešljiva.
review by Tanja on 8/2/2023 -
Prečudovita krema za obraz, ki božansko diši.Moja koža jo obožuje☺️
review by Maša B. on 7/23/2023 -
Super krema. Zadovoljna.
review by Andreja on 7/12/2023 -
Moje oči so potrdile, da je krema za obraz naravna, saj se mi pri kremah, ki vsebujejo umetne snovi in jih namažem v bližini oči, vedno solzijo.
review by MARIJA on 6/26/2023 -
Ena boljših kremic kar sem jih sprobala, in zato kar ostajam pri tej. Tako je nežna, svilena in moja koža jo odlično prenaša. Še za moža bi jo rada imela, saj on kar mojo uporabi :)
review by Nives on 6/13/2023 -
Čudovitaa, bogata krema. Zadostuje majhna količina in na koži pusti občutek mehkobe in nahranjenosti.
review by Brigita on 5/28/2023 -
Čudovita krema za obraz,puhasta,nežna,lepo se razmaže.Vonj kreme pa pomirja.
review by Magda on 5/26/2023 -
Glinena krema za obraz je res fajna... Zdaj jo z veseljem uporablja še mami, ki zelo ceni naravne izdelke, hkrati pa tudi glino...
review by Saša on 5/24/2023 -
Za mojo kožo je to daleč naj krema, ki sem jo po zelo dolgem času iskanja le našla (imam problematično kožo).
review by Mateja on 5/24/2023 -
Kožo naredi mehko in sijočo. Prijeten vonj. Super zadovoljna.
review by Janja on 5/21/2023 -
Krema je super teksture, se lepo vpije pa še lepo diši. Težko najdem kremo, ki bi nahranila moj obraz za cel dan, brez da bi imela občutek suhosti, a tej vilinčici je to uspelo. Top!
review by Špela on 5/20/2023 -
Odlična krema, puhasta in mazljiva. Hitro se vpija v kožo . Kar tako naprej. Srečno
review by Lučka on 5/20/2023 -
Ocena 5+ za izdelek kreme iz gline. Končno po dolgem času sem dobila prekrasno kremo, ki mi ustreza. Pri drugih sem dobila izpuščaje. Sedaj sem bolj nasmejana in moj obraz sije sonce. In pomaga sinu pri izpuščajih. Kadar ga namažem ni več rdečih lišajev. Njegova koža sije. Top izdelek ko zmanjka naročim.
review by Vanja on 5/20/2023 -
Super je..mazljiva,majhna količina namaže cel obraz..koža mehka in napeta.
review by Nevenka on 5/17/2023 -
Zelo nežna,mazljiva ,pa lepo se vpija.
review by Erika on 5/9/2023 -
Krema je mehka in dišeča, predvsem.pa popolnoma naravna. Sem prepričana, da bo postala moja krema. Tina, hvala za prečudovito kremo.
review by Ksenja on 5/8/2023 -
Odlična krema! Koža na obrazu po nanosu kreme je tako mehka in dišeča. Po kakšni naporni, neprespani noči, je zjutraj obvezna tale kremica, da se malo pocrkljam z nežnostjo in vonjem. Vonj kreme mi dviguje razpoloženje.
review by Urša on 5/7/2023 -
Vedno me preseneti ta mehkoba kremica in ta čudovit vonj, mmm :)
review by nina on 4/12/2023 -
The gentle texture of this cream and the beautiful scent of roses are a balm for my soul and my skin. Love both :)
review by Roma on 3/31/2023
The best face cream. I can't do without her anymore. And there is always some extra in stock at home :-)
review by Romana on 3/23/2023
I've been using this cream for quite some time now and it's great, it spreads nicely, smells good and most importantly, it pampers my skin and makes it soft and glowing. Thank you.
review by Tanja on 3/23/2023
A cream that impressed me and I wouldn't exchange it for any other.
review by Jana on 2/24/2023
After two years of regular use, I can only ask the universe that this magical cream will ALWAYS be available, because it is simply the best. Kind to my skin and kind to animals, which is a winning combination. Thank you Tina for taking care of us, the animals and the planet
review by Suzana on 2/17/2023 -
Great cream. It nourishes the skin in the winter cold and wind, and does not clog the pores even with acne-prone skin. :)
review by Iva on 2/7/2023
Great cream for young and old. Both my daughter and I can use it. Very pleasant feeling, nourishes well, nourishes, does not irritate,...
review by Špela on 2/7/2023 -
The cream is great, in combination with the serum, the start of the day is more beautiful, it helps me a lot against dermatitis - thank you!!!
review by Tea on 2/7/2023
The face cream is phenomenal.
review by Duška on 2/2/2023
The face cream makes my skin feel so nice and soft. I won't trade her for any other.
review by Alenka on 2/2/2023
Made the skin really soft and shiny
review by Darja on 1/26/2023
A wonderful cream for my sensitive skin!
review by Cvetka on 1/11/2023
Crazy good cream...My face loves it..
review by Renata on 1/11/2023 -
Very satisfied with this cream. Pleasant, light and really makes the skin soft.
review by Nena on 12/27/2022
The smell of the cream is wonderful, and the feeling on the skin is divine.
review by Alma on 11/28/2022
The best products.I have been using it for 10 years, no pimples, no red spots, skin is soft supple and moisturized. Face masks made of clay are the best care, without expensive preparations.
review by Marija on 11/22/2022
This cream is really great!
review by Leja on 11/22/2022 -
The best cream that my daughter and I both use. Me for many years, and my daughter now, when she is a teenager. I wouldn't trade her for anyone else. Beautiful cream, both my daughter and I are very satisfied.
review by Jana on 11/21/2022
Love this cream :-)
review by Vesna on 11/17/2022
I can no longer imagine life without your products. The face cream is the best I have found so far. I use it in combination with the serum, the skin is soft and shiny!!!
review by Damijana on 11/17/2022
I give the cream (and all your products) a gazillion stars , nit just 5 :) . The Gorgeous cream is magical. That's a fact. The texture and scent are a combination of a fluffy cloud and a spring breeze. She's fantastic, really. The combination of delicate scents and a great feeling on the skin is priceless. Thank you, dear Tina, for taking such good care of us and nature by creating clay products that are not tested on animals.
review by Suzana on 11/17/2022
I am delighted with the cream! I use it in combination with clay serum, morning and evening. My skin is soft, shiny and fragrant ❤
review by Urška S. on 11/8/2022
Very happy! I will order again, because you are great and very hardworking + fast delivery. The cream is very good for my face!
review by Vanja on 10/24/2022
I have been using the cream for 5 years and I never want to change it!
review by Dunja on 10/13/2022
The feeling when you apply this cream on your cleansed face is fantastic. It is light and fluffy, absorbs well, does not leave a greasy feeling behind - it really becomes a part of you. It takes good care of the skin, leaving it soft and delicately scented. It was first given to me as a gift by a friend, since then I have been buying it regularly and I have no intention of changing it. I like it because it is completely natural and because I don't have any reaction after it like after many other creams (even organic ones). In addition to the cream, I regularly use a clay mask and a cleansing bar - everything is great! Thank you Tina for devoting her life to the production of quality and natural cosmetics and for preparing some candy almost every week - a discount, free shipping, a gift... I'm already looking at what I'll order next time. Especially the deodorant and shampoo are the ones I would like to try as soon as possible.
review by Katja on 10/4/2022
The cream is really great, I can no longer imagine facial care without it.
review by Damijana on 6/1/2022 -
When you open the cream, you will be surprised by the beautiful smell abd its foamy structure absorbs incredibly quickly into the skin. I use it every morning.
review by Katjuša on 5/13/2022 -
This cream is something special, when you open it you smell the coconut gently and when you touch it it starts to melt between your fingers. It is nicely applied to the skin, absorbs nicely and the feeling of nourishment lasts and lasts until the evening.
review by Irena on 5/10/2022 -
Great soft-smelling cream - I usually use it in the evening, as it is a little too much for me in the morning. ♥
review by Jana on 5/10/2022 -
Really great cream ♥
review by Tanja on 5/9/2022 -
I love her. In the evening, before going to bed, I pamper my face with it. Magically.
review by Tina on 5/9/2022 -
Since I have very dry skin on my face and dermatitis, the cream is really great and super moisturizes my face ...
review by Tanja on 5/9/2022 -
A great cream, the perfect gift for any woman.
review by Lea on 5/9/2022 -
This face cream is really the best. The skin is beautiful, soft and just a little shiny. Even my little suns like to pamper themselves with it, and I give it to them without a guilty conscience, because it has only natural ingredients❤️
review by Mateja on 5/9/2022 -
Najboljša krema, uporabljam jo zjutraj in zvečer. Ne morem biti več brez nje..za vsak slučaj imam vedno eno na zalogi :)
review by Romana on 5/9/2022 -
Great cream. It spreads nicely, nourishes the skin, there are no allergies, a mild pleasant smell.
review by Danica on 5/9/2022 -
Top cream!
review by Kristina on 5/3/2022 -
The best cream ever!
review by Suzana on 5/3/2022 -
Hi, this cream is TOP, really. :)
review by Mihaela on 5/3/2022 -
Excellent cream, pleasant natural scent. It absorbs very nicely into the skin and what I like most is that the skin is extremely smooth and soft after applying the cream.
review by Teja on 5/3/2022
review by Vanja on 4/11/2022
18-year-old daughter Alja is enthusiastic about your products. She has problems with acne-prone skin, which is dry on some parts of his face. So we first ordered a package for oily skin, then she drank clay and the skin obviously improved a lot. Now you can’t imagine a day without your face cream and lip balm. She is also thrilled with your dishes, painting and your handwritten thank you with every order.
Thank you and best regards, Vanja J. -
Natural clay face cream combined with clay miracle serum is a real balm for face and soul. It’s my new daily ritual and pampers me despite my sixties.
review by Nataša on 4/11/2022 -
I received the recommendation to buy the cream just when I was looking for a natural cream that would deeply nourish my very dry skin and not just superficially oil it, as most creams do ... After just a few days of use, the cream exceeded all expectations ♥ The skin is significantly nourished, soothed and radiant without a feeling of heaviness on the face? ♥
review by Tjaša on 4/5/2022 -
The cream is fluffy and melts immediately in contact with warm skin. It spreads nicely and absorbs into the skin. I am enthusiastic about the cream, but I use it in combination with a clay serum. Immediately after application, the skin is soft and smooth and invites to caress. After just one week, the skin is noticeably softer and visibly more beautiful. My new favorite evening ritual!
review by Tina on 3/28/2022 -
... I started using the cream a couple of days ago and I'm really excited ... the product can compete with some really expensive brands ... the cream absorbs beautifully into the skin, which is silky soft after application ... the smell of the cream is wonderful , smells like coconut, very similar to KOKO body cream ... pure 10 ;)
review by Buba on 3/3/2022
The cream is top notch, especially if you use a serum beforehand (which is top by the way). The skin screams with joy after use, it is soft, silky. The cream absorbs nicely into the skin. I use it several times a day.
review by nATAŠA on 12/30/2021
Great face cream and a wonderful foundation for make-up as well. No rolling and the skin on the face is silky to the touch. Now I will also try a face serum. Divine pampering of the skin. One big hug, Milena
review by Milena on 10/8/2021
Dear Tina, when I first ordered the shampoo, I said to myself “let’s try it” because I needed a change. You also sent me a sample of Gorgeous cream as a gift, which I fell in love with the first time I used it. It’s like applying a soft fluff of a cloud to my face that gently pampers my skin. A very special feeling and completely different from all the usual creams so far. A real balm for the soul. The products are all beautiful and I really enjoy using them. It is also a really beautiful packaging that makes the cabinet in the bathroom very beautiful :)
review by Ana on 8/9/2021
I love this face cream! ♥
review by Biba on 4/13/2021 -
First of all, let me write that I have oily and acne-prone skin, so I did not use creams, except those with anti-acne acids .... Until Gorgeous cream! Although I have difficult skin, it ideally moisturizes and does not grease my skin, and I massage it on moist skin. My skin has a beautiful glow, but not the typical oily one :) I absolutely adore it, I recommend it to everyone❤️
review by Lejla V on 3/12/2021
I must say that the Magic serum and the Gorgeus cream (which are always in stock in the bathroom) are the only products I have ordered several times and I intend to continue in this direction. Before I discovered your fantastic products I never, but really never bought twice the same face creams. Always tried some new ones .. That is why I am now overjoyed and most grateful for your clay products! Because it's simple ... Is Gorgeus cream running low? Let's open the glinasi.com page and order a new one! :) Thanks for being! :)
review by Tadeja on 3/10/2021
Dear Tina, I have no words about face cream ... I am 48 years old and so far every cream I have tried has caused me at least one annoying thing on my face. So I gave up everything and came to terms with the fact that the creams just weren’t for me. Then your fairy comes to my face and I am left speechless ... In all these years, a lot of money, a lot of visits to beauticians ....
review by Mojca on 3/5/2021
Your cream is as divine as your hands that work because it is more than visible that it is from the heart and from natural things .... Congratulations and many more such wonderful natural products. Stay true to nature .... Thanks again, big hug -
The best cream!
review by Urška on 2/25/2021
It is divine ❤ and in combination with the cleaning bar 1001 NIGHT it is the best.
review by Sendi on 2/25/2021
I bought this cream in a Lidl yesterday and I will never buy other cream again. This cream is the best. :)
review by Nina on 2/25/2021
I love clay creams. Koko for pampering the body and Gorgeous for pampering the face.
review by Mateja on 12/23/2020
Tina, a packet of my favorite cream arrived today. And I can’t wait to try another new Rose mask. All your faeries are great and I can’t imagine a day without them.
review by Mojca on 12/16/2020
I love that cream so much, really. It smells very nice and has a very pleasant texture. What I am most happy about is finally not having too much shiny feeling on my skin ❤
review by Tanja on 12/11/2020
A wonderful face cream that finally soothed my skin. Thanks ❤
review by Maruša on 12/8/2020
The best and most gentle face cream!
review by Ksenija on 12/4/2020
Your clay face cream really is wonderful.
review by Tatjana on 11/27/2020
I can't adore her more :) simply TOP. The first one that does not tighten my skin.
review by Eva on 11/16/2020
Let me first say, that I love your products and i used them regularly. Your Gorgeus cream and Beauty shampoo are constantly in stock with me and are just phenomenal. :)
review by Vesna on 11/4/2020
Really exceptional products <3 The cream gently pampers my skin and blows on my soul! <3. and şmell, .. omg ... I love your products. I can't wait to try some more products.
review by Iva on 11/4/2020
Since the cream is a little bit greasy for me, I use it in the evening. It is really fluffy, spreads nicely and smells nice. I love it ❤️
review by Tatjana on 10/30/2020
The best cream I start and end the day with . And thank you for all your top products.
review by Mojca on 10/27/2020
The best cream already ordered! :)
review by Urška on 10/26/2020
Divine cream!
review by Chery on 10/26/2020
Truly the best cream on the planet!
review by Tina on 10/26/2020
You made a very good line of cosmetics. Congratulations! I bought one of your creams in lidl because I didn't have time to make my own. Very very good.. And these faeries are just wow !!!
review by Petrca on 10/16/2020
I bought your face cream and I am very pleased.
review by Iris on 10/16/2020 -
I love your products. The face cream gently hugs me everytime I put her on my skin.
review by Ana on 10/9/2020
Very satisfied . I use shampoo bar Beauty
review by Majda on 10/5/2020
and hair conditioner bar Silky (after using only these two, I have soft and shiny hair and they also don’t get greasy.) I also use a face mask and i can't praise enough face cream Gorgous. The skin is smooth like silk when you touch your face. Thanks for these beautiful products. -
This facial creams are great!
review by Tanja on 9/24/2020
This face cream smells divine and really nourishes my skin. She is so cozy and fluffy that I would just eat her. ;)
review by Mateja on 9/21/2020
Not to mention the serums and creams every night I can't wait to apply them - they are phenomenal :)
review by Tanja on 9/9/2020
5 stars : Super soft, fluffy and fragrant cream that surprised me from the first application.
review by Tanja on 9/4/2020
I already had this facial cream and I am ordering it again because it is divine!
review by Janja on 8/26/2020 -
bought your cream a few days ago. its beautiful!
review by Lucija on 8/21/2020 -
Great cream! Love it!
review by Silva on 7/6/2020 -
wonderful cream. I already have it at home and I enjoy using it. It smells beautifully and suits my skin very well.
review by Stanka on 7/6/2020
face cream and serum are really WONDERFUL
review by Mojca on 6/26/2020 -
Not to mention Gorgeous cream .. I have already emptied some containers and I intend to continue in this direction :) Thank you for creating these wonderful clay products!
review by Tadeja on 6/24/2020 -
First off I want to say I absolutely love the packaging. It is so cute and a very nice face cream, smells great & it is more like a mousse, so really soft & easy to use.
review by Pia on 6/2/2020 -
love it! It does wonders for the dry areas on my skin. I received it as a sample last year and was amazed at the results and I had to come back to order.
review by Eva on 6/2/2020 -
Gorgeous cream which leaves the skin feeling soft and lovely.
review by Azra on 6/2/2020 -
Such a beautiful cream. The scent is gentle and delightful, it really moisturises my skin without being greasy.
review by Karmen on 6/2/2020 -
I absolutely love this stuff. I've been looking for a natural moisturiser for a long time and this is the one.
review by Gabrijela on 6/2/2020 -
Lovely cream!
review by Ana on 6/2/2020 -
The best face cream in the world- I have combination skin and it just loves this so much. Love everything about this - texture/smell and it just makes my skin so happy!
review by Sara on 6/2/2020