Write Your Own Review
This serum is truly magical :)
review by Andreja on 2/7/2025
I highly recommend it! -
An oil my clients absolutely adore!
review by Renata on 1/26/2025
In the evening, I love using it for a face massage – it gives the skin a radiant glow while providing the perfect moment of relaxation. It’s especially effective when combined with a gua sha or suction cup, as it stimulates microcirculation and leaves the skin smooth and well-nourished.
Try it yourself and pamper your skin with love! -
Tina, the clay face serum is truly magical, as it caresses your entire body with its scent and softness. In the evening, it relieves and soothes you! :) It ensures a carefree sleep.
review by Tatjana on 1/26/2025
I’d also like to praise your personal approach with every customer ❤️ Your packages truly have soul ❤️ -
I really like the serum. It spreads and absorbs beautifully. My skin feels supple and radiant. Before that, I also use the rose clay mask, which truly makes a difference for my skin.
review by Romana on 1/26/2025
An excellent product, I can’t say anything else. On top of that, I received the product in beautiful packaging, along with a fairy card and a sample of shampoo for hair. I also tried the shampoo sample, and I must say I’m very satisfied. It lathers very well, and I didn’t need any conditioner, yet my hair is soft and manageable. I’ll definitely order this product too. Thank you, Alenka!
review by Alenka on 1/23/2025 -
I use the serum together with the Gorgeous cream. It hydrates my skin nicely, so I no longer feel any tightness. My skin feels pleasantly soft to the touch, and this lasts all day. This combination works perfectly for my dry skin, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else!
review by Petra on 1/23/2025
Odličen serum, s prijetnim vonjem. Po serumu je obraz mehak kot dojenčkova ritka!
review by Maruša on 12/8/2024 -
Uporabljam že vašo masko, pa milo, pa kavni piling, ampak SERUM, po njem- pa moja koža na obrazu dobesedno zasije. Čudovit občutek. Mehka, voljna, sijoča in tako neskončno mehka koža na obrazu. Tudi tista utrujenost na obrazu kar izgine. Sem vesela, da ste ustvarili ta čudoviti serum, moja koža na obrazu ga obožuje. Jaz tudi.
review by Sonja on 12/6/2024 -
Resnična čarovnija za mojo zrelo kožo,njen čudovit vonj pa me spremlja in osrečuje cel dan. Hvala,Tina!
review by Irena on 11/25/2024 -
Serum je preprosto čudovit in moja koža je gladka in napeta. Čudovit vonj, njegova mazljivost in gladka koža, ki jo dobim po nanosu so lastnosti zakaj bom serum ponovno kupila. Preprosto ne najdem besed, s katerimi bi opisala moje navdušenje in zadovoljstvo ob uporabi seruma.
review by Maja on 11/23/2024
Prepričana sem, da je s serumom vsaka uporabnica izredno zadovoljna. -
Glineni serum za obraz MAGIC je pravzaprav prvi serum, ki sem ga kdaj uporabila. Zato sem nekajkrat, nakupovalno razpoložena, kupila podobne sorodne izdelke.. češ dajmo preverit kako se še kakšna druga znamka obnese.. a se vedno vračam k temu in tukaj tudi ostajam. Mogoče, ker prvega ne pozabiš nikoli, zagotovo pa zato, ker je res odličen. Nanos je prijeten in enostaven, lepo se vpije v kožo in še lepo diši. Top! (-:
review by Tamara on 10/2/2024 -
Še vedno najboljši serum, bogat z vonjem in lepo mazljiv na koži.
review by Tanja on 10/2/2024 -
Prvič uporabljam ta serum in sem vesela da sem g izbrala, ker je resnično zelo dober. Neguje moj obraz s svojo čarobnostjo in ni mi žal da sem ga izbrala.
review by Nataša on 10/2/2024 -
Serum za obraz pa tako hitro "izgine" pri nas :) 10-letna hci ga uporablja, ker ji božaaaansko diši :) Z vasimi izdelki pa sem "okužila" tudi sodelavke v službi
review by Mateja on 8/29/2024 -
Serum je nežen, osvežilen in aromatičen. Kožo naredi mehko in svežo. Super izdelek.
review by Mateja on 8/17/2024 -
Ne vem kolikokrat sem ga že kupila, kar seveda pomeni, da mi je všeč in da prija moji koži.
review by Dunja on 8/17/2024
Skupaj s kremo Gorgeous sta postali moja edina kozmetika. Vesela sem, da sem se znebila kemije, zares uživam v teh naravnih izdelkih. -
Ufff, po urorabi se počutim kot Afrodita, koža je svilena in mehka, hčerka pa komaj čaka, da seruma zmanjka, da pride do roževca ♥
review by Danijela on 8/2/2024 -
Serum sem nekaj časa uporabljala samega, kot večerno hranilno nego. V kombinaciji s kremico Gorgeous pa kožo še malenkost bolj nahrani. Lepo se vpije in občutek na koži je prijeten.
review by SABINA on 6/19/2024 -
Serum enostavno obožujem. Že vrsto let ga uporabljam vsaki jutro in ne predstavljam, da ga ne bi imela, ker poboža mojo kožo in hkrati tako zelo lepo diši.
review by Monika on 5/28/2024 -
Si ne predstavljam vec dneva brez stekleničke Magic :) vsako jutro nanesem na obraz (najprej hidrolat pozem pa tole čez) , kožo mi lepo nahrani, zelo pomaga pa tudi pri tem da pozdravi razpokane ustnice pozimi :)
review by Vanči on 5/25/2024
Hvaležna sem da si ustvarila to čudežno naravno stekleničko samih dobrot za kožo ^.^ Hvaležna sem da obstajaš in ustvatjaš čisto naravno kozmetiko s fenomenalnimi učinki *.*
Glineni serum za obraz Magic uporabljam že nekaj časa in sem popolnoma zadovoljna. Priporočam vsem. :)
review by Danijela on 5/22/2024 -
Najboljši serum
review by Tina on 5/22/2024 -
Ma prav je MAGIC✨✨✨✨
review by Goranka on 5/22/2024 -
Kot že rečeno za Gorgeous creme, tudi brez seruma ne morem več. Skupaj s kremo sta enkratna!
review by Dunja on 5/11/2024 -
Najlepsa ti hvala za tvoje cudovite izdelke, res so neki cisto drugega, kot ostala kozmetika…v bistvu me prav v srcku segreje ko jih uporabljam…serumcek je pa nekaj…nekaj iz drugega sveta!
review by Janja on 4/3/2024 -
Serum Magic uporabljam vsak večer in sem navdušena nad njim. Koža je res gladka in mehka. Na koncu dodam še kremo za obraz Magic in občutek je res popoln.
review by Alenka on 3/18/2024 -
Glineni serum uporabljam zvečer pred spanjem - na kožo in vratni del nanesem res majhno količino (eno do dve kapljici), ki se lepo razporedi po celotnem obrazu in vpije v kožo, da zjutraj ta ni mastna. Kožo naredi mehko in gladko.
review by Mojca on 3/11/2024 -
Boljšega opisa kot je tvoj, ne bi mogla napisati. Drži vse. Najboljši izdelek za nego obraza ❤️
review by Lidija on 3/9/2024 -
Čudovit serum. Uporabim ga tako, da nanesem najprej vlažilno emulzijo, nato serum, ki se čudovito vpije. Na vrh še vmasiram glineno kremico.
review by IRENA on 3/7/2024
Zelo zadovoljna, imam lepo kožo po uporabi. -
Ta serum je super in poleg tega še čudovito diši.
review by Jasmina on 3/6/2024 -
My favourite face oil! :)
review by Maja on 3/1/2024 -
Ta serum je res fantastičen!
review by Maja K. on 3/1/2024 -
Serum je res odlicen. Sem v zrelih letih in imam vedno bolj suho kozo, poskusala sem najti pravo kremo zase pa mi nobena ni odgovarjala. Poleg tega raje posegam po naravnih izdelkih. Serum ima prijetno teksturo, imam obcutek, da kozo nahrani, poleg tega izjemno prijetno disi. Ko si jo nanesem ob vecerih je kot prijetne uvod v spanec.
review by Simona on 2/17/2024 -
Že od nekdaj prisegam ma naravno kozmetiko in preproste formulacije izdelujem tudi sama. Poskusila sem že veliko izdelkov. Vaš Serum sem kupila prvič in sem nad njim nabdušena. Obraz si popršim s tonikom in nanj nanesem serum. Moja koža je nahranjena in gladla. Piko na i pa doda še vonj po geraniji. Vaša obljuba welnesa izpolnjena !!
review by Tina on 2/9/2024 -
Že kar nekaj časa sem iskala nekaj, kar bo mojo izsušeno in utrujeno kožo na obrazu spet naredilo sijočo in gladko. Serum Magic mi je priporočila prijateljica in že po prvi uporabi sem bila res navdušena. Uporabljam ga zjutraj in zvečer. Odličen je!
review by Maja on 1/26/2024 -
Olje mi zelo odgovarja. Kožo nahrani , se lepo dopolnjuje s kremo, tako da ga pogrešam, če mi zmanjka.
review by Nežika on 1/23/2024
Lp Nežika -
Serum paše predvsem zreli in zelo suhi koži. Za zelo mastno je morda malce pretežek. Vonj odličen. Dobila sem komentarje na lepo polt.
review by Eva on 1/21/2024 -
Uporabljam ga prvič, me je zelo pozitivno presenetil. Moja koža je mehka in voljna. Drugače imam zelo občutljivo kožo, zato je zelo primeren zame.
review by TATJANA on 1/20/2024 -
Nepogrešljiv izdelek pri vseh dekletih v naši družini :), odkar smo ga prvič poizkusile.
review by ŠPELA on 1/17/2024
Ta vonj in mehkoba kože, ki poneseta v sanjarjenje: čarobni, lepi trenutki, ki si jih privoščiš, zaslužiš...
Ko porabiš vse do zadnje kapljice pa te čaka kristalček za piko na i. :)
kožo naredi mehko in sijočo, lepo diši in super dene na mojo kožo
review by Marinka on 1/17/2024 -
Tale serum pa je nekaj najboljsega kar sem probala. Pusti tako mehkobo na kozi in bozansko disi. koza prav žari po uporabi tega seruma.
review by Ivana on 1/17/2024 -
Pozdravljeni se enkrat, tokrat morem pohvalit serum ki je bozanski sem ga narocila da probam in sem tako vesela da ga imam. Tako lepo disi in naredi kozo cudovito mehko in nahranjeno. Uporabljam ga zjutraj in zvecer pred spanjem ker da to mehkobo :) top res. Zdaj se morem samo sprobati vaso kremo ki spada tu zraven! to bo naslednji nakup. Lep dan!
review by Ivana on 1/17/2024 -
Uporabljam ga prav vsak dan že kar nekaj let in je top zadeva za moj obraz in dekolte.
review by Milena on 1/11/2024 -
Uporabljam ga ze nekaj casa. Meni je TOP!
review by Mdk on 12/2/2023 -
Super serum!
review by Tanja on 12/1/2023
Nahrani kožo obraza, ki je po uporabi seruma tudi na dotik prijetno mehka.
Zvečer si z njim namažem tudi roke. -
Odličen proizvod!
review by ŠPELA on 11/27/2023
Če bi morala izbrati najljubšo vilinčico, ta zmaga! :)
Čudovit vonj, ki ponese v mir, udobje, mehkobo,... občutek na koži, ki si ga želiš...
in še... in še...
Najboljši serum vseh časov!
review by Marjetka on 11/27/2023
Njegov vonj me popelje v Welnes.
Obožujem ga. In ta občiutek mehkobe, ki ga pusti na moji koži.
Ker imam rosaceo, mi veliko izdelkov draži kožo.
Ta pa ne.
Res kvaliteten naravni izdelek.
Priporočam. -
Serum je naravnost magičen.
review by Petra on 11/24/2023 -
Odkar sem po naključju odkrila ta serum, ga redno uporabljam. Koža je zdrava in ni več suha. V uporabo je pravkar šla že druga steklenička. In kako lepo diši...
review by Valentina on 11/20/2023 -
Glineni serum se lepo vpija v kožo, je prijetnega vonja in občutek je prijeten. Priporočam.
review by Alenka on 11/20/2023 -
Izdelek prekrasno diši, koža je mehka in prijetna na dotik. Moj večerni ritual. Primeren tudi za roke, ki že kažejo prve znake staranja.
review by Jasmina on 11/19/2023 -
Preprosto čudovit. Vedno na zalogi ❤️
review by Lidija on 11/18/2023 -
Odličen produkt.
review by Alenka on 11/18/2023 -
Obožujem naravno kozmetiko. Vsako jutro in zvečer, ko na obraz nežno vmasiram glineni serum, občutim zadovoljstvo in dobro počutje. Mojo suho kožo v trenutku nahrani. Res je čaroben in odlična podlaga za kremo.
review by Mira on 11/15/2023 -
10 +
review by Layla on 11/15/2023
Priporočam.V kombinaciji s kremo gorgeous. -
Čudovit serum. Kožo naredi mehko, sijočo in hitro se vpije. Priporočam.
review by Karmen on 10/3/2023 -
Krasen, posebej v kombinaciji z glineno čistilno ploščico. Lp!
review by Katja on 9/30/2023 -
Magični serum uporabljam že nekaj let in z gotovostjo lahko trdim, da ima vilinske lastnosti - mojo kožo naredi mehko, mladostno, prožno in sijočo! Hkrati se hitro vpije, kar je zelo pomembno, da ne puščam mastnih madežev na blazini... Pa še vonj seruma je mmm! Skratka - obožujem ga! Hvala Glina.si! ❤️
review by Maja on 9/30/2023 -
Čudovit, mehka , nežna koža s čudovitim vonjem.
review by Bojana on 9/30/2023 -
Serum je čista desetkrat! Vsako jutro še tako utrujenemu obrazu doda mehkobo, svežino in pravo mero leska.
review by Vojka on 9/27/2023 -
Čudovit serum, diskretno odišavljen in naredi čudovito kožo.
review by IRENA PRAH on 9/27/2023 -
Uporabljam ga za masazo in nocno nego. The best!
review by Milena on 9/23/2023 -
..odličen serum..božanski občutek,vidna sprememba na koži,učinkuje tudi na pigmentne madeže,..res odličen izdelek.
review by NEVENKA on 9/21/2023 -
Obrazni serum magic pa ima naravnost opojen vonj! Človek bi se kar skopal v njem! Prvo kapljico sem si nanesla na roke. Krasno se vpije!
review by Jelka on 8/30/2023 -
Odličen - prijeten občutek na obrazu in prijeten vonj.
review by Urška on 8/21/2023
Viinsko razvajanje, s pridihom čarobnosti.
Tina, res krasen izdelek. -
S serumov končam moj dan, lepo se razmaže in vpija v kožo in ta nebeški vonj. Navlaži mojo kožo, da je mehka in voljna celo noč.
review by Tanja on 8/21/2023 -
Da nimam vašega seruma. Si ne predstavljam več nege obraza brez njega. Dolga leta sem se borila s suho kožo na obrazu. Ko sem preizkusila serum, se je koža izboljšala in sedaj imam mehko, prav navlaženo kožo. Vsako jutro z njim začnem nego obraza. Pa še prijetno diši! Pravo razvajanje!
review by Damijana Jamnik on 8/20/2023 -
Serum mi je tako zelo všeč, da si več ne predstavljam dneva brez njega. Vsakodnevni jutranji obred z njim, mi resnično polepša dan. Je tako zelo negovalen za kožo in tudi lepo diši.
review by Monika on 8/17/2023 -
Božanski serum, lepo diši, se vpija, čudovit za masažo obraza
review by Lara on 8/16/2023 -
Dolgo sem ga iskala, zdaj pa vem da je to to. Paše moji koži, lahek je, prijetnega vonja, in moja občutljiva koža je pomirjena, navlažena. Priporočam!
review by Nives on 8/16/2023 -
Izjemen. Vsakodnevni obred uporabe, dá moji koži vse kar potrebuje, mojemu telesu in duhu pa daje blagodejnost in ravnovesje...umiritev in poživitev, odvisno od časa uporabe. Zame in name ima ta serum namreč izredno meditacijski in aromaterapevtski učinek. Vonj in sestava/kombinacija vsega...odlično (5) Sedi! Moja koža in telo je hvaležno! Priporočam iz srca.
review by Simona on 6/28/2023 -
review by Darja on 6/26/2023 -
Nežno dišeč in blagodejen. Vsako jutro (včasih tudi zvečer) ga nanesem na vlažno kožo obraza, vratu in dekolteja. Nič ne masti in moji mešani koži izredno ustreza. Hvala Tina!
review by Veronika on 6/25/2023 -
Odlično nahrani kožo! Sama imam suho kožo in se zelo lepo vpije :)
review by Polona on 6/24/2023 -
Zelo prijeten serum, ki ne masti. Poleti ga uporabljam samo zvečer, pozimi bo pa super tudi za čez dan. Imam normalno do mešano kožo in mi nič ne masti.
review by Daša on 6/20/2023 -
Od vseh mogočiih preizkušenih izdelkov me je ta prepričal! Enkraten izdelek, vonj, mehkoba, ki jo pusti na koži...čudovito!
review by Brigita on 5/28/2023 -
I've been using the serum regularly for some time now and I'm very satisfied, if I don't use it I'm missing something. It's super moisturizing and non-greasy.
review by Alenka on 4/14/2023
Odličen izdelek. Hvala. Le tako dalje
review by Lidija on 4/8/2023 -
Brez te MAGIC stekleničke si več ne predstavljam dneva, uporabljam jo vsako jutro za obraz
review by Vanja on 4/8/2023 -
Serum že nekaj časa redno uporabljam in sem zeloooo zadovoljna, če si ga ne dam mi prav nekaj manjka.Super najrani in ne masti.
review by Alenka on 4/8/2023 -
I also ordered the serum, I hesitated for a while because I have very sensitive skin and today... the relief when I applied the serum and there was no reaction, the skin just drank the serum and it massages really well. I love it!
review by Nika on 4/6/2023
The serum is really wonderful, even though it's oily, it absorbs immediately and doesn't leave a greasy look. I myself prefer to use it for facial massage because it glides just right, and the experience combined with the smell reminds me of a salon. It also goes well with a bb cream base.
review by Tanja on 2/17/2023 -
A great serum for mature skin. It really rejuvenates the skin :)
review by Eva on 2/7/2023
This serum... It leaves a pleasant feeling on the skin and it smells really nice and gentle... And not too much... It really makes the skin beautiful and soft.
review by Saša on 2/2/2023
Simply magical :)
review by Vnesa on 2/2/2023
The serum is great, this is the third one, it smells great, and I use it to remove make-up, it's TOP
review by Iza on 1/26/2023 -
A real treat and a very happy skin. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
review by Nada on 1/26/2023
The serum is wonderful! Its real name is MAGIC! It smells amazing and is super oily, it feels magical on the skin. Very happy.
review by Polona on 1/18/2023
I have already tried quite a few of your products. They all deserve a 5+. It's the first time I've had a serum and definitely not the last. It's amazing, and so is my skin. I wish you all the best for creating these amazing products. We can feel your love for making them. Big hug!
review by Lidija on 1/18/2023 -
The serum is wonderful. The delicate scent pampers me all day long, even after applying make-up.
review by Darja on 1/11/2023
the clay serum is great. We've used it for three generations of women and it's excellent, and it smells so nice. It's really for pampering.
review by Bernarda on 1/11/2023
The serum is wonderful. I applied it to my face in the evening and in the morning I could still smell the pleasant citrus scent.
review by Darja on 1/11/2023
Excellent oil for professional facial massage... I like it because the skin is not greasy. Customers love her.
review by Renata on 1/11/2023 -
I admit that I was skeptical about the serum at first. I have dry to combination skin, and oil serums are very difficult to absorb. Well, this serum is great, it absorbs into the skin immediately and gives that feeling of silk and no greasy feeling, which is great. I will definitely order again.
review by Sara on 12/12/2022
The serum is very pleasant on the skin and smells very nice.
review by Maja on 11/23/2022
I love this serum so much, that I have one at home and one at work, Please never stop making this Magic so that it will be available again and again :)
review by Irena on 11/7/2022 -
Your magical face serum has become a my daily ritual in the morning and evening in my "dewy sixties". I finally found the right elixir for my skin, which is now tight, supple and sufficiently moisturized throughout the day. I also use your face cream and that's it. It really works. I am grateful to you and I wish you a lot of positive energy in making new clay products.
review by Nataša on 11/2/2022
I'm on my fourth bottle of the serum and it really smells and feels like a fairy touch. The serum takes you to a wonderful place that you can only dream of. Every morning when I wake up, I take three minutes that are only mine and last the whole day.
review by Tina on 8/29/2022
Thank you for the wonderful fairy! -
The oil is rich and dense, but not too heavy; nourishes nicely but not greasy. I usually use it as the last step in evening care, but I often apply it on my own, on damp washed skin. Aromatherapy guaranteed. :)
review by Nika on 4/28/2022 -
I feel wonderful after using the fragrant, gentle, pleasant serum. The skin is soft and supple. Two teenagers have also tried it and are now happy to use it. I hope that at least my husband will leave the serum to me;)))
review by Marjeta on 4/15/2022
Thanks! -
After using the serum, the skin is extremely soft, the serum is nicely absorbed and does not leave a greasy layer. The scent of geraniums is wonderful. Very very satisfied.
review by Si on 4/11/2022 -
The serum moisturizes the skin, adds shine and smells great.
review by Anita on 3/29/2022 -
I have been using the serum for a good week, the skin is soft and fragrant. Since I have dry skin, there is already a significant difference since using the serum.
review by Tanja on 3/29/2022 -
The first serum was given to me by a friend (I am immensely grateful to her), the second I ordered myself. The skin is soft and the smell is divine!
review by Damijana J. on 3/28/2022 -
My facial skin is great- it smells nice and is no longer dry. I have been using the serum for a good week and there is really a visible difference. I am very pleased. Thanks.
review by Meta on 3/28/2022 -
Oil has become a mandatory part of my evening ritual in facial care. The oil is thick, pleasantly fragrant, spreads nicely and absorbs quickly into the skin. After applying the oil, I also use a clay cream that adds a dot to the skin. After just one week, the skin is noticeably softer and visibly more radiant and beautiful. In the evening I can’t wait to start pampering!
review by Tina on 3/28/2022 -
The oil has a wonderful scent and leaves the skin really soft. Thank you.
review by Nataša on 3/23/2022 -
Best serum rated 10 out of 1-5. :)
review by Urška R. on 3/22/2022 -
This serum is exactly what I was looking for. Something a little thicker than ordinary oils and something insanely fragrant :) Excited!
review by Ajda on 3/21/2022
Great blend for my exhausted and dehydrated skin after difficult therapies. Grateful for the product.
review by Danica on 3/21/2022
Divine serum! ❤ Not only does it nourish the skin, with its scent it also gently lulls you to a pleasant sleep.
review by Katja on 1/7/2022 -
I have combination skin and my pores clog up quickly, but there are no problems with using this serum. My skin is very grateful for this serum :)
review by Saška on 12/28/2021
A serum without which I can no longer imagine morning or evening. It's magical ...
review by Sonja on 12/17/2021 -
Tina, this serum is extremely divine. I put it on my face in the morning and in the evening. my skin is so beautiful after ... i'm obsessed with it, there's no way i don't have it anymore. :). It smells so very nice, it nourishes the skin, soothes it and also affects my inner experience of life, I feel a lot with this serum ... thank you ...
review by Darja on 11/11/2021
It's my favorite. I’ve run out of it and can’t wait for a new shipment to arrive. The skin is so soft and silky after application. Too bad it doesn’t last longer.
review by Cilka on 4/21/2021
This serum is perfect for my face! I can’t wait for the morning to apply it - it brightens my day. It’s also on the bedtime schedule. The skin is visibly more toned and fresh. Thank you for pampering us with such products!
review by Kristina on 4/13/2021
Best thing ever! ♥
review by Katja on 3/17/2021 -
That's it! TINA, THANK YOU !!! ❤️
review by Aleksandra on 3/12/2021 -
For me, this serum is the best facial care thing I’ve ever tried. The divine scent and silky texture is nicely absorbed and moisturizes the skin. That's all I need.
review by Eva on 3/11/2021
5 drops of Magic serum and my morning is beautiful. :)
review by Špela on 3/8/2021 -
Every time I step to the bathroom mirror where I have Magic oil stored on the shelf, I smell it and it lifts my energy and mood.
review by Stanka on 2/5/2021
I'm ending with my first magic bottle and
review by Nina on 1/22/2021
I would like to say - wow .... the fairy truly is divine! -
It really is magical, and it still smells wonderful :)
review by Špela on 1/12/2021
I met the Magic Fairy and I’m in love ... A morning ritual I can’t wait for!
review by Andreja on 1/11/2021
Applause for the face serum! I notice that the makeup also looks nicer when I use the serum. The skin is fresh, calm, and I look a couple of years younger
review by Petra on 1/7/2021
I love her ❤
review by Špela on 1/6/2021 -
Best product ever! Congratulations Tina!
review by Tanja on 1/6/2021 -
I ran out of magic fairy- face serum Magic ... It's really top! My daughter tells me all the time how nice I smell and when we take a shower together, she also apply it . We then have a facial massage together. Thank you! From the heart. And the products are really great
review by Vesna on 12/14/2020
The clay face serum is fantastic. I’ve used many types of serums before, but yours is by far the best.
review by Dada on 12/14/2020
Since I love Gorgeous face cream so much, at first I didn’t even want to try the Magic serum. How glad I am to have it ❤ In the morning when I wake up I have no more dark circles at all. It's really magical !!!
review by Tanja on 12/11/2020
Great serum. I just ordered it again. :) Thank you for this miracle!
review by Bojana on 11/25/2020
The serum is simply exceptional!
review by Marjeta on 11/17/2020
I have had this bottle since you first introduced MAGIC and it really surprised me when I started using it. It has such a wonderful scent and it really makes great skin. And at first I was worried about how quickly it will run out because it looks like a small bottle, but I I immediately found out , that you really use a drop or two for the application and I fell in love with it even more.
review by Vanja on 11/9/2020
Truly, magical serum! Tested!
review by Žiga on 11/6/2020
The serum is divine, as are all the other clay fairies. I'm already ordering another bottle. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such beautiful, stunningly fragrant, natural, and above all products made of pure love. Tina, thank you for being so warm, heartfelt, positive and committed to your products ..... it is felt in your clay faeries.
review by Nina on 11/6/2020
Wonderfully soft skin, I am 58 years old, I used up the first bottle, I am already ordering the second.
review by Marjana on 11/6/2020
Meditation in a bottle :) gentle smell and feeling reminds you that you are present in this moment and that you are breathing, you are aware of your gentle face and you are grateful. For all. :)
review by Nina on 10/28/2020
Serum smells crazy nice, and the feeling on the skin is as if the face is wrapped in silk.
review by Andreja on 10/27/2020
This product truly is a miracle. I have used many products, from extremely expensive to cheaper, home-made diy products, etc ... After application, this serum leaves my skin extremely soft and beautiful, I apply it on a damp face before bed, and it works wonders :). My husband surprised me with the product, he bought it for me when he ordered clay for compresses for himself. Now I will just go ahead and surprise my mother.
review by Sandra on 10/27/2020
a very small amount is already working wonders! I usually use Magic serum in the evening and Gorgeous cream in the morning and the dry skin on my face is gone :)
review by Tadeja on 10/23/2020
I have already tried several serums and after a few weeks of use I can say that this serum is really worth buying :) It makes the skin wonderfully soft, nourished and also excellent aromatherapy.
review by Tatjana on 10/12/2020
I got a packet of serum today ... And it smells stunning and the feeling on the skin is magical :)
review by Angie on 10/1/2020
By applying the serum after the mask, I look like a porcelain doll, my skin literally shines :) Top
review by Maja on 9/22/2020
I ordered a face oil and an anti-cellulite cream, both of which are fantastic, extremely satisfying! <3
review by Jadi on 9/21/2020
Not to mention the serums and creams every night I can't wait to apply them - they are phenomenal :)
review by Tanja on 9/9/2020
I managed to apply it two nights in a row and then forgot about it while packing at home! Wow - I’ve been using it for two days and I already miss her! My clay fairy :)
review by Vesna on 9/4/2020
The best serum ever!
review by Katja on 9/4/2020
thanks for the kind message I received when buying the Magic serum, which smells wonderful and thanks for the sample- clay mask ... these fairy curly girls of yours smiling from your products are kindly naughty!
review by Valerija on 9/4/2020
Today, my children also enjoyed the smell and pampering ... "mmmmmm mom, how nice it smells"
review by Maša on 9/3/2020
It's beautiful. It smells great and absorbs nicely into the skin. Congratulations on a wonderful magical story.
review by Maja on 9/3/2020
my favorite evening ritual! <3
review by Doris on 8/31/2020
Already got it. She is beautitul!
review by Milena on 8/31/2020 -
Beautiful! Light, fragrant and perfect!
review by Nastja on 8/31/2020
Tinaaaa. I love your serum! I'm at sea and all the girls who are on vacation with me, are borrowing it :)
review by Barbara on 8/26/2020
Of course, I couldn't wait, I immediately tried it on my face and it's really great, but above all it smells nice and doesn't give a "greasy" feeling at all, because it absorbs nicely into the skin.
review by Barbara on 7/27/2020
Hi, this serum really helps me with psoriasis,
review by Tejc on 7/9/2020
face cream and serum are really WONDERFUL
review by Mojca on 6/26/2020 -
I don't even know what to say .. This crystal serum is really magical! It smells very pleasant, natural! I am really positively surprised!
review by Tadeja on 6/24/2020 -
Magic serum smells fantastic and does not grease the skin (tested after a week of regular use).
review by Vesna on 6/8/2020 -
It smells wonderful and the feeling on the skin is heavenly. I'm obsessed with this magic bottle.
review by Anja on 6/4/2020 -
It really is divine! Bravo Tina for this magic!
review by Mojca on 6/4/2020 -
first let me compliment your new serum, I love the way this makes my face feel.
review by uRŠKA on 6/3/2020 -
I absolutely love it!! It smells so amazing and leaves my skin super soft!!
review by Maja on 6/2/2020
review by Nastja on 6/2/2020 -
Smells wonderful and is so hydrating. My skin looks glowy and plump!
review by Mija on 6/2/2020
Smells great and made my face feel amazing!
review by Sofija on 6/2/2020 -
Love this oil! A little drop goes a long way, and my skin is loving it! I have sensitive skin, and have no issues with using this oil. Thanks so much!
review by Adela on 6/2/2020
It is a very nice serum, scent is light and it makes my skin glow..
review by Karina on 6/2/2020
My favourite facial oil of all time. Feels amazing on the skin and I can actually put makeup over the top of it and it’s fine. Love this product .
review by Cvetka on 6/2/2020