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Najboljši balzam za lase!
review by Tjaša on 4/15/2024
Ker lase zaradi zelo občutljivega lasišča umivam z milom, so postali s časom lasje nekoliko suhi in naelektreni. S tem balzamom so že po prvi uporabi spet sijoči in se nič ne elektrijo! <3
Res sem navdušena, pa še malo se ga porabi in zelo lepo diši. Hvala za tako čudovite izdelke! -
Balzam daje mojim lasem svež videz. Po uporabi so lasje mehki in se lepo razčešejo. Ob uporabi drugih balzamov sem imela vedno občutek teže na lasu, poleg tega so bili lasje hitreje mastni. No, z balzamom od Tine gline sem rešila tudi ta problem :)
review by Mojca on 3/30/2024 -
Prvič sem poleg šampona uporabila tudi balzam.
review by Ana on 2/22/2024
Zares so lasje svilnati in se še lažje razčešejo. -
Nekaj let uporabljam glineni šampon,ga ne zamenjam za vse na svetu!
review by Magda on 2/7/2024
V kombinaciji z balzamom lasje res mehki.
Do sedaj balzama niti nisem uporabljala.
Vonj čudovit,naraven.
Balzam bo sedaj vedno na zalogi.
prvič imam balzam v trdi obliki in sem navdušena. hvala!
review by natasa on 2/3/2024 -
Super balzam. Lasje so po uporabi lepi, mehki, sijoči in se enostavno razčešejo, pa še lepo diši. Zadošča za veliiiko uporab. Top!
review by Katja on 12/7/2023 -
Super balzam :)
review by Nadja on 11/27/2023 -
izdelek ocenjujem s čisto petko. Lasje so točno takšni,kot navajate v opisu, gladki, mehki in sijoči.
review by Mirjana on 10/24/2023
Top balzam!
Odličen naraven balzam. Lepo diši in po uporabi se lasje brez težav razčešejo ter ostanejo svilnati, mehki in sijoči.
review by Valerija on 10/15/2023 -
Balzam je odličen, lase naredi mehke in sijoče.
review by Tanja on 9/23/2023 -
Balzam za lase je super, lasje so po uporabi zelo mehki in sijoči.
review by Nina on 9/3/2023 -
Moji lasje so po uporabi trdega balzama in šampona spet sijoči, nahranjeni in svilnati. Moje lasišče pa se počasi zdravi. Hvaležna Tini, da je in ustvarja tako čudovite negovalne izdelke.
review by LILI on 6/12/2023
Lili -
The balm is wonderful. Hair is soft, I use it for the first time, but it will remain my conditioner. Considering I have problems with psoriasis, it doesn't irritate my scalp. I recommend!!! Congratulations on the product.
review by Iris on 1/11/2023
Really great product that works. Clay products really do not disappoint you. I highly recommend it!
review by Tina on 10/27/2022
The best hair conditioner I have ever tried. It smells so nice, it is plastic free, it lasts up to 9 months of use, it is environmentally friendly, it is handmade and the hair is incredibly soft after use.
review by Urša on 12/20/2021
The solid balm lasts a really long time. I now use this balm for a month - twice a week, and it seems to me that the bar is still the same size! :)
review by Sara on 12/20/2021
I use Silky regularly after each hair wash. I really have had it for a long time! :)
review by Ines on 11/22/2021
How long does 1 bar last? A lot :) I've had it for exactly one year and it's not over yet! :) I wash my hair 1-2 times a week. :)
review by Tina on 7/12/2021
Really the best hair conditioner. I noticed the difference already after the first use - the hair are much softer and nourished.
review by Kaja on 12/30/2020
Your products are beautiful, I really like hair conditioner (top)!
review by Petra on 12/7/2020
All I love products, they are fantastic. I appreciate hair products the most, both shampoo and conditioner, because now my hair can last up to 4 days.
review by Staša on 11/25/2020
this conditioner is from the solid ones we have tried, really the best.
review by Tjaša on 11/20/2020
I am really happy with the shampoo and conditioner. For the first time in my life, my hair has volume and amazing shine. And I strive for everyone to try how soft they are. I can’t wait for every hair wash. You’re great and I can’t wait to order and try something new.
review by Melita on 11/13/2020 -
Dear Tina, I would like to share with you one wonderful experience ..... Since I have been using a set of clay shampoo bar & conditioner bar regularly for almost 3 months - after each (chlorinated) swim - my natural hair color is more beautiful and with less shiny silver in between - In short ... I don't replace it with any other.
review by Kristin on 9/23/2020
I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and it’s really great! The hair is really soft and shiny! certainly from now on I only use this one. Thank you!
review by Mateja on 7/21/2020
Really top shampoo and conditioner. My hair is getting curly and lush again, and it’s full of new hair
review by Špela on 7/10/2020
I highly recommend this hair balm. Used yesterday, today my hair are like silk. A miracle bar!
review by Marjeta on 6/19/2020