Handmade and shipped from EU ♥ >>


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  1. Rating

    We are really satisfied with the shampoo. We have been using it for several years. It is gentle enough for sensitive scalp, and the hair is beautiful and shiny. Thank you! :-)

    review by Boris on 2/17/2025
  2. Rating

    I thought this shampoo wouldn’t lather much, but it does! :) I like it!

    review by Mateja on 2/10/2025
  3. Rating

    Tina, the shampoo and conditioner are amazing! I'm thrilled. Thank you!

    review by Vesna on 2/3/2025
  4. Rating

    Hello, the clay product shampoo is excellent and easy to apply. The other clay product, Silky (the conditioner), is also easy to apply to the hair. What’s more important—and what surprised me—is that my hair didn’t tangle for an entire week, and I could easily comb through it with my hands. I don’t usually comb my hair because it’s curly. Thank you!

    review by Vesna on 1/28/2025
  5. Rating

    Šampon redno uporabljam in je top zadeva, sedaj pa bom preizkusila še balzam.

    review by Monika on 11/10/2024
  6. Rating

    Zelo zadovoljna!
    Lasje so mehki, sijoči in res lahki.
    Najboljši naraven šampon kar sem jih kdaj preizkusila!

    review by Lea on 11/10/2024
  7. Rating

    Zelo sem zadovoljna z vašimi izdelki!
    Šampon in balzam sta res čudovita. Lasje so svetleči in lahki!

    review by Mojca on 11/4/2024
  8. Rating

    Že ob prvi uporabi trdega šampona sem ugotovila, da se zelo lepo peni in nanaša na lasišče, moje suhe, barvane in goste lase pa je ta šampon v kombinaciji z balzamom pustil mehke in voljne. Tudi hitreje so se sušili. Navdušena sem nad možnostjo, da lahko svojim lasem zagotovim najboljšo naravno nego brez vse nepotrebne kemije, ki počasi uničuje in suši moje lase. Čudovito odkritje!

    review by Anjel on 11/4/2024
  9. Rating

    Kupila sem balzam in šampon in oba sta me navdušila. Lasje so po pranju mehki, gladki in zelo dišijo.

    review by Vesna on 8/10/2024
  10. Rating

    Imam dolge in suhe lase, že po pravi uporabi pa so bili super mehki. Všeč mi je, da se šampon lepo speni, tako je umivanje enostavno. Po balzamu pa se jih enostavno razčeše.

    review by Damjana on 7/13/2024
  11. Rating

    Šampon se lepo speni na laseh in jih lepo umije, balzam pa lase lepo nahrani. Lasje so po uporabi lepo mehki in svetleči. Odkar uporabljam vaše izdelke preprosto ne eksperimentiram več z drugimi izdelki, ker so vaši izdelki top.

    review by Nataša on 7/11/2024
  12. Rating

    Resnično zelo zadovoljna tako s šamponom kot z balzamom. Šampon se izjemno lepo speni in umije lase, balzam jih zmehča. Po uporabi so lasje bolj gladki, mehki in dlje časa ostanejo čisti. Super kombinacija.

    review by Katja on 7/10/2024
  13. Rating

    Odličen duo za moje sicer nekoliko suhe lase. Priporočam.

    review by Mojca on 6/12/2024
  14. Rating

    Tina, lepo pozdravljena in vse pohvale za vaše izdelke. Tako s šamponom kot balzamom sem izjemno zadovoljna, oba sta točno to kar obljubljata

    review by Katja on 6/10/2024
  15. Rating

    Zelo sem zadovoljna s šamponom in balzamom. Šampon se lepo speni in je želi prijetnega vonja, prav tako balzam. Sem prijetno presenečena in se še vrnem v vašo trgovino po nove izdelke.

    review by Katja on 6/8/2024
  16. Rating

    Popolna kombinacija umivanja las. Lasje se manj mastijo in umivanje ni potrebno na 2 dni. Mehki, sijoči lasje, lasišče po umivanju pa je prav pomirjeno.

    review by Mojca on 4/16/2024
  17. Rating

    Imela sem problem s srbečim lasiščem. Noben šampon ni pomagal niti tisti iz lekarne... slučajno videla vaš oglas in naročila šampon in balzam. In…..pomaga !! kakšno olajšanje, lasje pa so sijoči in mehki. Hvala :)

    review by Alenka on 4/2/2024
  18. Rating

    Moji lasje so suhi, lomljivi in tanki, lasišče pa suho, zato je bilo iskanje primernega šampona in balzama prava umetnost . Dokler nisem našla glinenega šampona in balzama. Uporaba je preprosta, lasje vidno bolj sijoči, lasišče pa ne srbi.

    review by Jasmina on 3/6/2024
  19. Rating

    Rada bi pohvalila kombinacijo vašega šampona in balzama! Imam suhe, krepaste, kodraste lase in nekaj neverjetnega je kako učinkujeta nanje. Probala sem res že veliko izdelkov, ampak nad vašimi sem navdušena. Naj trajajo in se ne spremenijo. Hvala!

    review by Maja on 10/9/2023
  20. Rating

    Meni ugaja..imam dolge lase,ne potrebujejeo posebne nege,zato mi šampon zadošča popolnoma,..ko so lasje mokri ploščico dam med lase in mešam,kot bi prala perilo..pa je,lepo se peni tako,da vem kdaj ga je dovolj,sperem in dodam balzam ploščico in ponovim :)

    review by NEVENKA on 10/8/2023
  21. Rating

    Izdelek je res super. Hvala za take naravne stvari…

    review by Patricija on 9/20/2023
  22. Rating

    ekološki, naraven. z eno besedo popoln!

    review by saša on 9/11/2023
  23. Rating

    vse pohvale. top.

    review by urska on 7/13/2023
  24. Rating

    Že 3 leta sem navdušena uporabnica šampona. Pa sem se odločila sprobat še balzam in je tudi super. Oboje lepo diši in naredi mehke lase. Čista petka oz. desetka za oba skupaj. ❤

    review by Mateja on 6/15/2023
  25. Rating

    Všeč mi je, da je ta izdelek naraven in vsebuje samo sestavine, ki so koristne za lase in kožo. To je še posebej pomembno, če se uporablja pogosto. Priporočam ga vsem, ki iščejo naraven izdelek za umivanje las, tako zase kot tudi za svoje pasje ljubljenčke.
    Na splošno sem zelo zadovoljen s tem izdelkom in ga z veseljem priporočam drugim.

    review by Romana on 4/10/2023
  26. Rating

    Excellent shampoo. It lathers just right and the hair is already pleasantly soft during washing. The conditioner makes them even more willing, but if I didn't have colored hair I wouldn't need it at all. My hair gets oily quickly at the scalp, I noticed that it lasts longer now. I'm very satisfied, I highly recommend it, also because of the natural ingredients, which is how important is frequent washing.

    review by Vanja on 3/31/2023
  27. Rating

    I finally found a shampoo + conditioner that is natural, the hair is lush, combs well and is not straw-like. I am 100% satisfied and my highest rating is a pure 10. I wish you much success in your work. Maja

    review by Maja on 2/2/2023
  28. Rating

    The best product I have ever bought is the shampoo and conditioner. Hair is really smooth, soft, shiny. Even a really bad itch a year ago was completely soothed by this hard Beauty shampoo. Dandruff still remains a little, but this is also a matter of the body's internal balance. Not to be too long winded, I think your work is... ma Zlato, dear Tina. Real. You seem to enjoy it. Not to mention the packaging, beautiful and too sweet.

    review by Špela on 1/11/2023
  29. Rating

    Hello! I would like to say that I am extremely satisfied with the products. I mainly use the clay shampoo and balm - the problems with dandruff have disappeared, and my hair and I are extremely satisfied

    review by Bernarda on 1/11/2023
  30. Rating

    I like everything very much, I "lent" it to my daughter so that she could try it too and she likes it too

    review by Leonida on 1/9/2023
  31. Rating

    Both products are excellent. Finally my scalp doesn't itch and the dandruff is gone too. After using the conditioner, my hair is soft and bouncy, and what pleases me the most: it doesn't stick out on all sides and remains slightly wavy. Super satisfied. I still need to convince my loved one to use the clay shampoo and the victory will be complete.
    Well done, Tina!!

    review by Zdenka on 11/7/2022
  32. Rating

    I am already a satisfied user of the shampoo, and now I have also impressed my partner. Top shampoo for hair, comes out very soft after use and does not tangle.

    review by Sara on 11/2/2022
  33. Rating

    Solid shampoo and conditioner are the perfect pair for my dry and frizzy hair. I finally found the right product. After washing, I now have soft, voluptuous and beautifully shaped curls. Also, my husband also uses his solid shampoo and God forbid he runs out of it. He no longer has dandruff.

    review by Nataša on 10/20/2022
  34. Rating

    Great shampoo and conditioner❤️

    review by Andreja on 10/2/2022
  35. Rating

    At school you say "sit down, A+".
    I have long and thick hair that I used to wash every two days. It took me a while to get used to the harsh shampoo and conditioner, but now that I've been using both products for more than two years, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
    The hair is beautiful, smooth, clean, without unnecessary chemicals and what's great, I wash it once a week.
    It's also great when I travel by plane, I don't need to measure liquids :)

    Definitely recommend!!!!

    review by Petra on 9/23/2022
  36. Rating

    Shampoo and conditioner great!

    review by Polona on 8/30/2022
  37. Rating

    I was skeptical before buying .... after reading the reviews I decided to buy, and I have to admit I don’t regret it. The hair are really clean, nourished and soft. ♥

    review by Kristina on 5/25/2022
  38. Rating

    I have been using a combination of shampoo and conditioner for a long time and it is great for me. Natural, soft and supple hair, it is quickly combed after the balm and is not wrapped in plastic!

    review by Neža on 5/12/2022
  39. Rating

    My baby and I are excited about the shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo foams quickly and allows the hair to be washed really nicely. After the balm, the hair is incredibly soft. The shampoo also helped eliminate dandruff for the teenage daughter. And most importantly - it is natural ♥

    review by Patricija on 5/10/2022
  40. Rating

    I used to wash my hair every day, now I wash it after 3 days - but they are not greasy at all (more because of sports, because I sweat). I can comb them very well, they are soft and shiny, the scalp no longer itches. Despite the balm, my hair is not burdened, I usually had weird tips after commercial balms. The foam is top notch :) I ordered Beast for mine :)

    review by Martina on 4/28/2022
  41. Rating

    The shampoo combined with the conditioner are really different from everyone else on the market and completely natural. The result is non-greasy hair even after sports and all week.

    review by Špela on 4/6/2022
  42. Rating

    I have been using shampoo and conditioner for almost two years now, my hair is soft, it doesn't get greasy so quickly, it smells nice and my scalp doesn't itch anymore. Very very satisfied ... yes, natural ingredients !!!

    review by Damijana J. on 3/28/2022
  43. Rating

    After your shampoo and conditioner, my hair is shiny and soft. Best decision ever to try this shampoo. And I’m very glad the products are not tested on animals. :) Thanks. ♥

    review by Spela on 10/4/2021
  44. Rating

    In love with your products. So far i adore everything i have tried - especially the shampoo and conditioner are really great for me, my hair is so nicely soft and shiny after washing. :) You work really well with the nature and make top quality products.

    review by Špela on 9/24/2021
  45. Rating

    Your shampoo and conditioner are hair and scalp friendly, effective and charming. :)

    review by Andreja on 7/12/2021
  46. Rating

    After the second hair wash, I can say that I really like The beauty shampoo and Silky conditioner. I am very pleased. :) :) The hair is very soft and shiny, not greasy and I don't have dandruff (I dye my hair otherwise). Since I also exercise, I was pleasantly surprised because despite the sweating, my hair remained soft and non-greasy. :) Woow, I'm really happy.

    review by Sabina on 6/14/2021
  47. Rating

    I have been using the shampoo for a long time and it is really great. I have very thick hair, I had little doubt that the shampoo would suit my hair, but it is really great. Now I also use a conditioner which is also great. I also really like the packaging design. you are great :)

    review by Barabara on 3/15/2021
  48. Rating

    I’d just like to say that your shampoo (and conditioner too) are great! I really love them!

    review by Petra on 1/22/2021
  49. Rating

    My hair has never been as healthy as it is now with your shampoo and conditioner, and it’s also getting longer, something I’ve never been able to achieve before.

    review by Elizabeta on 1/5/2021
  50. Rating

    I highly recommend this shampoo bar and conditioner bar, I waited two washes, to be able to give a rating. And yes I am thrilled, my hair has got a special volume and shine. I can't wait for the new week to be pampered! I highly recommend it!

    review by Karmela on 1/4/2021
  51. Rating

    I've been using this shampoo and conditioner of yours for some time now. And now that the hair has gotten used to it is ful soft and healthy. They are really great.

    review by Barbara on 12/14/2020
  52. Rating

    All I love products, they are fantastic. I appreciate hair products the most, both shampoo and conditioner, because now my hair can last up to 4 days.

    review by Staša on 11/25/2020
  53. Rating

    The shampoo suits us all very well (except for my husband - but he is bald -so... :) and this conditioner is from the solid ones we have tried, really the best.

    review by Tjaša on 11/20/2020
  54. Rating

    I am really happy with the shampoo and conditioner. For the first time in my life, my hair has volume and amazing shine. And I strive for everyone to try how soft they are. I can’t wait for every hair wash. You’re great and I can’t wait to order and try something new.

    review by Melita on 11/13/2020
  55. Rating

    Since my mom doesn’t have Facebook, she asked me to give you her words: "Barbie, wash my hair with shampoo bar and then conditioner - I can't believe it's really this great and I only used it once"

    review by barbara's mom :) on 10/26/2020
  56. Rating

    I have to tell you that I am very pleased with shampoo and conditioner bar.

    review by Edda on 10/13/2020
  57. Rating

    I have been buying from you for a long time and I keep coming back. Your hair products have no competition.

    review by Katja on 10/5/2020
  58. Rating

    Very satisfied . I use shampoo bar Beauty
    and hair conditioner bar Silky (after using only these two, I have soft and shiny hair and they also don’t get greasy.) I also use a face mask and i can't praise enough face cream Gorgous. The skin is smooth like silk when you touch your face. Thanks for these beautiful products.

    review by Majda on 10/5/2020
  59. Rating

    Shampoo and conditioner are the best. The hair is soft, shiny. I don't replace them anymore and I warmly recommend both of them. They make my days better!

    review by Nina on 9/24/2020
  60. Rating

    I am very happy with both - shampoo and conditioner bar :)

    review by Katja on 9/24/2020
  61. Rating

    My 4 boys and I also don't use any other hair care anymore, just clay - from head to toe. :)

    review by Mojca on 9/23/2020
  62. Rating

    Dear Tina, I would like to share with you one wonderful experience ..... Since I have been using a set of clay shampoo bar & conditioner bar regularly for almost 3 months - after each (chlorinated) swim - my natural hair color is more beautiful and with less shiny silver in between - In short ... I don't replace it with any other.

    review by Kristin on 9/23/2020
  63. Rating

    I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and it’s really great! The hair is really soft and shiny! certainly from now on I only use this one. Thank you!

    review by Mateja on 7/21/2020
  64. Rating

    Really top shampoo and conditioner. My hair is getting curly and lush again, and it’s full of new hair.

    review by Špela on 7/10/2020
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Set for all hair types

Perfect duo: get ready to pamper your hair with our two clay violet fairies: shampoo bar & hair conditioner bar ♥

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €31.90

Akcijska cena: €23.80

  • Vsebuje našo glino
  • Naravna kozmetika
  • Prijazno do živali
  • Ročno izdelano v Sloveniji
  • Naravna olja in zelišča
  • Veganski izdelek
  • Izdelek brez plastike
  • Možnost recikliranja

Shampoo bar The Beauty is designed for all hair types and provides the scalp and hair with a special kind of ritual - the gentle and rich foam cleans the hair and revitalises it, leaving it full of energy, soft and nourished in a completely natural way. Our shampoo bar is enriched wtih natural Coconut, Olive Oil, Mineral Grey Clay and Natural Essential Oils and doesn`t contain SLS, silicone or any other ingredients that are harmful for your hair. One bar is equivalent to 2-3 bottles of liquid shampoo. 

Hair conditioner Silky: The perfect accompaniment to the solid shampoo The Beauty, this conditioning bar Silky provides the hair with a special kind of ritual to keep your hair beautiful shiny and silky smooth without using any harmful ingredients. Our conditioner bar is enriched with with earth-sourced ingredients like shea butter, cacao butter, Jojoba Oil, Slovenian grey clay,  natural essential oils and BTMS - non-sulfate, derived from rapeseed oil, that will leave you with wonderfully soft and silky hair in a completely natural way. One bar is equivalent to 3-4 bottles of liquid conditioners. 

They both smell like summer, with notes of citrus and Peppermint.

Color of our shampoo and conditioner bar represents Amethyst, which is all about self protection and balance. Amethyst facilitates hair growth and scalp health. 


1. Wet your beautiful Hair

2. Apply shampoo bar: Swipe the shampoo a few times along the entire length of wet hair, massage it in and leave it in your hair for one minute.Rinse shampoo bar. Repeat as necessary

3. Apply conditioner bar : Apply the conditioner with a few strokes along the entire length of the hair or only to the tips and leave it to soak in for at least 5 minutes. Wash off thoroughly. Repeat as necessary.

4. Towel dry hair


  • For all types of hair;
  • Perfect duo;
  • Perfect for travel;
  • one bar is equivalent to 2-3 bottles of liquit conditioner and shampoo;
  • Formulated by holistic skincare expert, licensed esthetician, and massage therapist Tina Avguštin.
  • Inspired by Ancient beauty rituals;
  • 70 years familiy tradition with Slovenian Clay;
  • Pure and Natural;
  • 100% vegan;
  • 100% Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
  • Original product;
  • Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU)
  • Crafted in small batches;
  • No parabens;
  • No Synthetic Fragrance;
  • No silicone, mineral oils & parabens;



  • INCI SILKY : Behentrimonium Methosulfate ( Non-sulfate, derived from rapeseed oil) • Cetyl Alcohol • Cetearyl Alcohol •  Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter • Butyrospermum Parkii ( Shea) Butter • Glyceryl Stearate • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut ) Oil •  Simmondsia Chinensis ( Jojoba) Seed Oil • Pure Grey Clay • Stearic Acid • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil • Citrus Reticulata ( Mandarin) Peel Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass)  Oil • Mentha Piperita ( Peppermint ) Oil • d-Limonene* • Citral* • * naturally in Essential Oils.
  • INCI BEAUTY: Sodium Coco-Sulfate ( made from the fatty acids of coconut oil)  • Aqua • Olea Europaea ( Olive) Fruit Oil • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut ) Oil • Pure Grey Clay • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil • Citrus Reticulata ( Mandarin) Peel Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass) Oil • Mentha Piperita ( Peppermint ) Oil • d-Limonene* • Citral* • * naturally in Essential Oils
  • Produce: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Weight: 50g + 50g

Poreklo: T.A. NARAVA ( Komenda, Slovenija)

Sestavine Clay Ritual glinenega balzama za lase SILKY: Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter • Cetearyl Alcohol • Glyceryl Stearate • Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Cera • Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut ) Oil • Butyrospermum Parkii ( Shea) Butter• Simmondsia Chinensis ( Jojoba) Seed Oil • Glycerin • Stearic Acid • Pure Grey Clay • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil • Citrus Reticulata ( Mandarin) Peel Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass)  Oil • Mentha Piperita ( Peppermint ) Oil • d-Limonene* • Citral* • * naturally in Essential Oils

Sestavine Clay Ritual glinenega trega šampona za lase The Beauty: Sodium Coco-Sulfate • Aqua • Olea Europaea ( Olive) Fruit Oil • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut ) Oil • Pure Grey Clay • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil • Citrus Reticulata ( Mandarin) Peel Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass) Oil • Mentha Piperita ( Peppermint ) Oil • d-Limonene* • Citral* • * naturally in Essential Oils

Set for all hair types

Add to Cart €23.80
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly