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  1. Rating

    I already know solid shampoo, but this one has won me over! :)

    review by Nežika on 2/17/2025
  2. Rating

    A perfect 5! In the future, I will also treat myself to your hair balm—THANK YOU! :)

    review by Darinka on 1/30/2025
  3. Rating

    The best shampoo that lathers better with just a few strokes than a handful of liquid shampoo. Plus, it's completely natural and leaves hair smelling great and looking shiny. I must also praise Mrs. Tina's attitude and responsiveness—worth every cent! ♥️

    review by Anja on 1/16/2025
  4. Rating

    I've already used several shampoos, and after each use, my hair feels soft while my scalp has a gentle, pleasant feeling of freshness. For me, this is definitely the best solid shampoo by far.

    review by Klara on 1/16/2025
  5. Rating

    Today, I washed my hair for the first time with this wonderful solid shampoo. I don't have the right words to truly describe the feeling of cleanliness, freshness, and lightness in my hair that I have right now as it's dry. I can only express immense gratitude for it and for the fact that we can return to nature. ♥

    review by Ester on 1/14/2025
  6. Rating

    The shampoo gives my hair wonderful care; after washing, it feels simply divine

    review by Sandra on 1/13/2025
  7. Rating

    We could barely wait for the new ones. We don’t buy any other shampoo anymore. We only wash with clay now!

    review by Vanja on 1/13/2025
  8. Rating

    I'm very satisfied with the shampoo!

    review by Kaja on 1/13/2025
  9. Rating

    Najboljši naravni šampon, se bogato peni in naredi res lepe lase.

    review by Anja on 12/28/2024
  10. Rating

    Šampon že leta uporabljamo vsi v družini. Lasje so po pranju mehki in gladki ter dlje časa čisti, na lasišču pa pusti lahkoten in zračen občutek. Še posebej opazno je pri naši najstnici. Na potovanja gre vedno zraven, kakor tudi ostali izdelki, ki so za nas nepogrešljivi.

    review by Ingrid on 12/20/2024
  11. Rating

    Hčerka je po redni uporabi šampona navdušena nad mehkimi, gladkimi in sijočimi lasmi ❤️

    review by Metka on 12/11/2024
  12. Rating

    Šampon uporabljam že 2 meseca in nad njim sem navdušena. Moji lasje so tako mehki in gladki kot še nikoli. Se mi zdi, da so tudi že malo močnejši.
    Ne uporabim več drugega šampona.

    review by Maja on 11/23/2024
  13. Rating

    Pred kratkim sem začela uporabljat Vaše izdelke in sem nadvse navdušena! Uporabljam krasno peneče milo za lase in moji lasje so po pranju mehki in voljni.

    review by Darinka on 11/22/2024
  14. Rating

    Danes sem si umila lase z vašim darilom, res sem bila presenecena, da se je tako penilo! Res mi je toplo pri srcu, ko pomislim na vas ♡

    review by Helena on 11/22/2024
  15. Rating

    Šampon je super. Prvi trdi naravni šampon, ki se lepo peni. Lasišče ne srbi. Najprej sem kupila enega za "probo", zdaj imam že 4 na zalogi :)

    review by Petra on 11/20/2024
  16. Rating

    Ocena je čista petka ,zelo dober šampon,tudi prhljaj se počasi poslavlja z mojega lasišča. Zadovoljna zelo.

    review by Milena on 11/19/2024
  17. Rating

    Super šamponi za zakomplicirano lasisce.
    Koncno!!! Hvala Tina.

    review by Sanela on 11/18/2024
  18. Rating

    Super šampon.lasje so mehki,sijoči
    Lasišče me srbi manj,prej po vsakem šamponu me je cela glava srbela.
    Lepo diši.in vedno dodaš sporočilce v paket kar polepša dan
    Hvala ti

    review by Tea on 11/17/2024
  19. Rating

    Ker imam suhe lase pri konicah in mastne pri lasišču, sem vedno imela težavo, ker so mi vsi šamponii (in res sem jih veliko probala!) le še dodatno izsušili lase. Res sem hvaležna, da sem našla tvoj trdi šampon, ne zamenjam ga več za drugega! Tudi sin, ki ima dolge in goste lase, se je pritozeval, da ima po umivanhu las prevec suhe lase in ko sem mu ponudila tega, je bil sprva skeptičen,zdaj pa pravi, da mu je super :) Uporabljam tudi precej drugih tvojih izdelkov in prav z vsemi sem zelo zadovoljna!

    review by Saša on 11/16/2024
  20. Rating

    Sporočam ti, da je tvoj šampon nekaj najlepšega kar sem kdaj odkrila. Namreč imam nenehne težave z lasiščem od prhljaja in belih pikastih ramen do nekih trdih strdvov na lasišču - no z upprabo tvojega šampoga vse to pčasi izginja:) kar me zelo veseli. Poleg tega me manj srbi lasišče, ker imam svetlo rjave lase se čas pranja podaljša za en dan. Pa tudi hitro se speni in naredi lase mehke iz živahne. Zelo zadovolja s tvojimi glinenimi izdelki ter z vilinskimi sporočili, ko odprem lepo zapakiran paketek.Vsekakor ostajam uporabnica tvojih izdelkov.

    review by Zdenka on 11/14/2024
  21. Rating

    Brez plastike, naraven, super se peni, zdravilnost gline :), lepo diši in super opere lase. Še moram sploh kaj dodati? :)

    review by nia on 11/13/2024
  22. Rating

    pišem, ker bi pohvalila in se zahvalila za res zelo dober in kakovosten izdelek- glinen trdi šampon. Lasje se mi zelo hitro mastijo, s tem šamponom pa mi zdržijo kar do 5-6 dni preden si jih ponovno umijem. Poleg tega so lasje bolj gosti,polni, pa tudi prhljaj se mi je umiril.
    Izdelek je super.❤️

    review by Nastja on 11/11/2024
  23. Rating

    Najboljši šampon!...pa jih je slo res veliko skozi moje lase :)

    review by Tina on 10/3/2024
  24. Rating

    šampon sem že 2x uporabila in ga moram zelo pohvalit. Izdelek je izredno kvaliteten, prijeten in enostaven za uporabo, lasje so mehki in čisti.

    review by Aleksandra on 10/2/2024
  25. Rating

    Moji lasje so cudoviti, lepo se cesejo, lepo nezno disijo...polni, bujni (ceprav imam tanke in mi zdaj jeseni odpadajo kot lisje). Ampak Tina, tole z glino in naravnim penilcem kokosom je pa zadetek v polno. 3x sem ze oprala lase in moram priznati, da tole, kar sem jaz poskusila je bomba. :)
    Namrec imam urtikarijo-kronicno. In res ne prenesem nekih agresivnih sredstev!

    review by Sanela on 9/30/2024
  26. Rating

    To je šampon, ki da življenje tvojim lasem in lasišču. Nimam več prhljaja, lasje so mehki in prijetni na otip! Hvala!

    review by Karmen on 9/29/2024
  27. Rating

    Top produkt,lasje lepo voljni in sijoci pa tudi naravna barva se povrne.
    Najlepsi del je ko prejmes paket in je vse tako lepo pozorno zavito in posvetila res fantasticni ste.
    Hvala da ste !

    review by Roberta on 9/28/2024
  28. Rating

    Vse tri moje otročke umivam zgolj s tvojimi izdelki.
    Naj bo dan prijazen s teboj.

    review by Helena on 9/20/2024
  29. Rating

    Šampon se lepo speni, lasje so po uporabi mehki. Všeč mi je tudi, da ga imaš dolgo časa. To je že moj drugi nakup.

    review by Aleksandra on 9/10/2024
  30. Rating

    Eden boljših izdelkov, absolutno. Porabiš ga malo, ker se lepo speni, zato je en šampon za kar nekaj časa. Ni pakiran v plastiko, ampak v zelo lično škatlico. Tudi vonj je prijeten.
    Od kar sem ga preizkusila, je stalnica v kopalnici. :D

    review by Špela on 9/8/2024
  31. Rating

    Šampon sem ponovno naročila, ker me je po prvem nakupu navdušil. Hitro se speni, lase pa lepo umije. Priporočam.

    review by Damjana on 8/28/2024
  32. Rating

    Vau... Preprosto vau!
    Jaz sem tako zelo zadovoljna s tem šamponom, da ne znam povedat dovolj dobro. Enostavna uporaba, sam dva potega po laseh in pene kolikor želiš. Lasje so super, zdržijo pa mi ogromno dlje kot kdaj koli prej, načeloma si glavo perem sedaj vsako nedeljo sem pa že imela tudi 10 dni brez problema, pa sem vedno imela težave z mastnim lasišče. Top res top!

    review by Saška on 8/20/2024
  33. Rating

    Obožujem vaš trdi šampon. Uporabljam ga že cca 5 let, laski so mehki in negovani, hkrati pa imam mirno vest, ker ne prispevam k onesnaževanju s plastiko.

    review by Darja on 8/19/2024
  34. Rating

    Vaše glinene izdelke uporabljamo že kakšno leto in smo zelo zadovoljni. S trdim šamponom zanj in zanjo si umivamo lase vsi (mož, hčerkica in jaz) in smo navdušeni. Mož ima že od nekdaj zelo suho lasišče in je že marsikaj poskusil, a do sedaj mu to milo najbolj odgovarja. Toplo priporočam vsem!

    review by Jana on 8/19/2024
  35. Rating

    Hčerka je izredno zadovoljna, saj ji je šampon odstranil prhljaj in po njegovi uporabi ima svilnate lase. Pravi, da je top. :-) Pa še prijazen okolju je, kar nam je pomembno.

    review by Monika on 8/16/2024
  36. Rating

    Brez vsakega pomisleka lahko recem, da ste spremenili mojo rutino pranja las, za kar sem vam izjemno hvalezna. Zal mi je samo, da vas nisem "odkrila" prej, bi mi prihranili ogromno casa, slabe volje in glavobolov. Hvala vam. Od zdaj naprej, vasa zvesta stranka. :)

    review by Ajda on 8/12/2024
  37. Rating

    Šampon je čudovit. Lasje so mehki in lahki. Najboljši šampon, kar sem jih kdaj uporabila. Pa še okolju prijazen.

    review by URŠKA on 8/10/2024
  38. Rating

    Super šampon, kupila sem že tretjega. Zelo lepo očisti lasišče in lase. Odličen je tudi za potovanja, saj je v trdi obliki in zavzame malo prostora. Uporablja ga tudi 10 letna hčerka, ki ima dolge in goste lase. Po uporabi tega šampona so mehki in se lažje razčešejo. Najboljše pri tem pa je, da je šampon naraven. Še ga bova uporabljali.

    review by Sonja on 8/10/2024
  39. Rating

    Imam zdaj že par vaših izdelkov pod palcem, preizkušenih in odličnih. Vaš deodorant in kreme za obraz so popolne. Šampon je pa morda tisti, ki žal ni ravno primeren za moje lase in lasišče. Po dveh dneh so moji lasje težki in nevidezno mastni. Nikakor ne poščam negativen komentar. Tudi šampon se bo pravi našel. Prav vse dobro vam želim.

    review by Mihrije on 8/6/2024
  40. Rating

    Jaz bi vam sam rada povedala, da vaš šampon iz gline je res neverjeten. Imam kratke lase, veliko sem aktivna, torej se potim, ampak ta vaš šampon ohranja moje lase velikoooo časa čiste. Lasi sploh se mi ne mastijo. No pa našemu najstniku sem odpravila prhljaj z njim. Tako, da sedaj si vsi že umivamo lase z njim.

    review by Vanja on 8/5/2024
  41. Rating

    Odkar mi ga je sestrična podarila za rojstni dan, poskrbim, da ga imam na zalogi. Z izdelkom sem zelo zadovoljna, saj mi je trdi glineni šampon povrnil lesk las, nimam več prhljaja, lasje pa so bolj močni.

    review by Petra on 8/3/2024
  42. Rating

    Šampon je odličen, s hčerko (12 let) sva navdušeni. Lasje so mehki in bleščeči.

    review by Danijela on 8/2/2024
  43. Rating

    Se kar naprej vračam, ker mi je glina všeč in preverjeno deluje. Lahko pohvalim šampon, je poleg mil največ v uporabi.

    review by Irena on 7/29/2024
  44. Rating

    Najboljsi! Jaz sem zelo zadovoljna z šamponom. Res je top

    review by Sandra on 7/25/2024
  45. Rating

    Šampon je super. Lepo se peni, lasje so po umivanju gladki in sijoči. Priporočam nakup.

    review by Anja on 7/24/2024
  46. Rating

    Vaše milo uporabljamo že kakšni dva tri leta, ker imam precej težav z mastnimi lasmi in mi je sinova terapevtka, ko je nanesel pogovor na to temo, podarila eno milo, ki sva si ga z taščo bratsko razdelili. Milo je za dolgo časa, lasje so po uporabi lepo voljni in tašča pa pravi: "ooo kak se to lepo peni!"
    Tako da ja vaše milo je v obeh kopalnicah v hiši:)
    Hvala za tako dober izdelek in ko zmanjka se zopet oglasimo!Lep pozdrav iz štajerskega konca!!

    review by Andreja on 7/8/2024
  47. Rating

    Pred kratkim sem naročila glineni trdi šampon v obliki mila in moram reči,da me je že prijetno presenetilo skrbno pakiranje in lep napis zraven.
    Z izdelkom sem zelo zadovoljna.Lasje so mehki,sveži in super se peni in izpere.Še bom naročila pa tudi ostale izdelke v kratkem spet.

    review by Danijela on 7/8/2024
  48. Rating

    Pozdravljena, glineni šampon že dalj časa uporabljam in sem zelo zadovoljna!

    review by Irena on 6/20/2024
  49. Rating

    Prvič uporabljam trdi šampon za umivanje las. Navdušena sem nad tem, kako dobro se peni in kako sveži so lasje po uporabi. Spere se hitro in lepo diši.

    review by SABINA on 6/19/2024
  50. Rating

    Šampon je odličen in moji lasje so hvaležni za to naravno nego
    ocena 5

    review by Marija on 6/12/2024
  51. Rating

    Ne vem več, kdaj sem začela z uporabo vaših izdelkov, vem pa da sem začela z glinenim šamponom, po priporočilu prijateljice. Všeč mi je postal šele pri tretji uporabi, ko sem se ga malo navadila. Zdaj pa ga ne želim menjati za nobenega drugega.

    review by Klavdija on 6/12/2024
  52. Rating

    Hvala vam za izvrsten šampon. Uporabljam ga že tri leta, ko sem hudo zbolela, sem začela iskati naravne izdelke. Po vseh šamponih za lase, sem imela hitro mastne lase, po glavi me je vse srbelo, zato sem si morala zelo pogosto umivati lase. Z uporabo vašega šampona nimam nobenih težav z lasiščem. Sedaj sem ga kupila še za sina, ki ima težave s prhljajem. Upam, da mu bo pomagal.
    Hvala za super izdelke in vse dobro vam želim.

    review by Dani on 6/11/2024
  53. Rating

    Super šampon!

    review by Mojca on 6/10/2024
  54. Rating

    Zelo zadovoljna!!!

    review by Marjeta on 6/10/2024
  55. Rating

    Tudi jaz zelo zadovoljna z vašim trdim šamponom, ki lase naredi res mehke:)

    review by Saša on 6/10/2024
  56. Rating

    Glinena vilinčica beauty je super. Preizkusila sem tudi druga trda naravna mila, vaš je daleč najboljši.
    Hvala in naj traja:)

    review by Špela on 6/10/2024
  57. Rating

    Fantastičen šampon, ki pusti mehke in voljne lase. Še moj mož, sicer "nejeverni Tomaž", je po enem letu prepričevanja navdušen nad njim:-).

    review by Vanja on 6/6/2024
  58. Rating

    Super zadovoljna z izdelkom!!!!! Podaljša pranje glave vsaj za kak dan, prijetno diši in super priročen za potovanja!!!! Toplo priporočam

    review by Mojca on 6/5/2024
  59. Rating

    Sampon je moj priljubljeni izdelek in upam da ga boste se dooooooooooooolgo proizvajali skupaj z ostalimi Tinaglina izdelki.

    review by Helena on 5/31/2024
  60. Rating

    Šampon je enostaven za uporabo, ob nanosu se lepo speni in temeljito očisti lasišče. Všeč mi je tudi, da nima umetnega vonja.

    review by Sonja on 5/31/2024
  61. Rating

    najbolj mi je pa vsec sampon za lase, ki sem ga prejela zraven kot darilce, en testercek...tega bom pa defenitivno narocila ker pa res naredi mehke sijoce lase in ne izsusi lasisca, prej me je srbelo in imela sem malo prhljaja, zdaj pa nic vec..sampon je res noro dober.

    review by Karmen on 5/28/2024
  62. Rating

    Danes sem prvič uporabila glineno trdo milo - šampon...kak se to lepo peni! IN čudovite mehke lase imam brez biločesa drugega.
    Čestitke, odlično delo delate!

    review by Irena on 5/20/2024
  63. Rating

    Pozdravljeni, Vaše trdo milo je nadvse božansko z moje lase. Super ste.

    review by Beti on 5/20/2024
  64. Rating

    Danes sem prvič uporabila glineni trdi šampon THE BEAUTY. Kako pa se to lepo peni! In čudovite mehke lase imam zdaj po pranju brez biločesa drugega.
    Odlično opravljeno delo, Tina - Glina! Čestitke in hvala!

    review by Irena on 5/18/2024
  65. Rating

    Danes sem probala šampon za lase in je res odličen. Sploh ne rabim dodat nobenga olja na konice, ker so čist mehki.

    review by Tamara on 5/16/2024
  66. Rating

    Šampon je top, ko ga je zmanjkalo so me otroci spraševali, da kje je. K je tko fajn! :)

    review by Vanja on 5/11/2024
  67. Rating

    Šampon lepo umije lase, diši nežno. Všeč mi je predvsem iz vidika ker ni nobene plastične embalaže. Dokupila sem si tudi podstavek, saj se mi zdi, da se milo tako lepše ohrani.

    review by Ana on 5/7/2024
  68. Rating

    Zelo sem zadovoljna s šamponom!

    review by Nuša on 4/29/2024
  69. Rating

    Še zmeraj najboljši šampon za moje lase do zdaj! Z novim serumom pa zmagovalna kombinacija:)

    review by Andreja on 4/24/2024
  70. Rating

    The best šampon ever! Ne vem kako vam to uspe, ampak moji lasje so po umivanju naravni, točno taki, kot morajo biti. mehki, voljni, čisti. Res odličen šampon. Ga pa kar hitro zmanjka v primerjavi z balzamom, ki ga prav tako uporabljam in je odličen!

    review by Jasmina on 4/22/2024
  71. Rating

    Krasen šampon, sploh za moje zahtevne lase, ne menjam ga več za nobenega drugega. Ker je v trdi obliki je praktičen tudi za na potovanja.

    review by Katja on 4/20/2024
  72. Rating

    Nad glinenim šamponom sem navdušena že od kar sem ga prvič uporabila. Je moj spremljevalec tudi na potovanjih. Mojim rdečim lasem daje mehkobo, svilnat lesk in lasje navdušijo mnoge, tudi frizerko.

    review by Marja on 4/18/2024
  73. Rating

    Najboljši šampon! Res podaljša čas med pranji in je super za vse tipe las. Zdaj sem za uporabo navdušila tudi ostale družinske člane :)

    review by Tina on 4/17/2024
  74. Rating

    To je zame ze top sampon, ze kar lep cas in sedaj sem navdusila ze celo druzino. Imamo razlicne tipe las, ampak cisto vsem ustreza. Hvala za ta odlicen izdelek.

    review by Karolina on 4/15/2024
  75. Rating

    danes sem prvič uporabila oba izdelka ( serum za lase in šampon) in sem resnično navdušena. Oba izdelka sta fantastična! Ne morem verjeti, kako učinkovit je ta šampon in to le po 1 nanosu na lase.
    Čestitam za tako sijajna izdelka :)).

    review by Nina on 4/12/2024
  76. Rating

    Super, neverjetno dober šampon. Ga uporabljam doma , na potovanjih... Res 1x. Bravo.

    review by Bojana on 3/30/2024
  77. Rating

    Glineni šampon uporabljam že vrsto let, pred kratkim pa se je zanj navdušila tudi hčerka. Obema šampon zelo ustreza. Lase razmasti in jih naredi sijoče sveže. Definitivo zelo priporočam vsakomur.

    review by Mojca on 3/11/2024
  78. Rating

    Top šampon. Sedaj ga uporabljam že kar nekaj česa in je res odličen. Vonj je prijeten, lepo se peni, dobro očisti lase. V kombinaciji z glinenim balzamom za lase pa je sploh super.
    Kože ne draži, ne pusti štrenastih las, super je. :)

    review by Špela on 3/10/2024
  79. Rating

    S šamponom sem zelo zadovoljna. Všeč mi je, da lasje več dni zgledajo sveže in da lasišče ne postaja tako hitro mastno.

    review by Nuša on 3/5/2024
  80. Rating

    Včeraj sem prvič oprala lase s tem šamponom. Lepo se nanaša, lasje so čisti že po enem nanosu.

    review by Valerija on 3/4/2024
  81. Rating

    Zelo sem zadovoljna s šamponom. Temeljito očisti lasišče, naravi prijazno (brez plastične embalaže) in še dolgo časa traja :)

    review by Anamarija on 3/3/2024
  82. Rating

    Z izdelkom sem se srečala prvič. Trenutno sem po prvi uporabi zelo zadovoljna . lasje so čisti in mehki.

    review by Tamara on 2/25/2024
  83. Rating

    Še vedno top izdelek brez plastične embalaže! :)

    review by Nina on 2/23/2024
  84. Rating

    Že več let ga uporabljam in ga ne zamenjam več. Sedaj so ga sprejeli vsi družinski člani. Imam občutek, da mi ščiti lase. Postali so temnejše rjave barve, ker se mi zdi, da jih poleti sonce več ne posvetli.

    review by Ana on 2/22/2024
  85. Rating

    Top šampon, ki se lepo peni in popolnoma očisti lasišče. Moji lasje so po uporabi lahkotni in svetleči

    review by Aina on 2/21/2024
  86. Rating

    Odličen šampon, ki se lepo peni in popolnoma očisti lasišče. Lasje so po uporabi svetleči, mehki in dlje časa čisti. Že nekaj let ga uporabljamo prav vsi v družini. Ga priporočam!

    review by Ingrid on 2/18/2024
  87. Rating

    To šampon uporablja moja družina že vrsto let in je top! Ne zamenjam ga za nič drugega :)

    review by Mateja on 2/17/2024
  88. Rating

    vaš šampon je z menoj, odkar sem enega prejela v dar. Za moje lase je res čudovit. Moji lasje do po uporabi voljni in mehki, a obdržijo volumen. Občutek je super. Včasih uporabim po pranju las še vaš balzam, a ga v bistvu niti ne potrebujem. Pa da omenim, da moji lasje prevzemajo sivino zrelih let, a ostajajo z vašim šamponom prijetni na otip. In kot sem vaš šampon spoznala tako, da sem ga prejela v dar, tako tudi sama vaše izdelke z veseljem poklanjam hčerkama, prijateljem in sorodnikom.
    In vedno dobim posebne zahvale, ko jih uporabijo.

    review by Vlasta on 2/12/2024
  89. Rating

    super šampon!

    review by natasa on 2/3/2024
  90. Rating

    Top šampon! Super pena, lasje se lepo očistijo in moje lasišče po uporabi ni izsušeno. Tudi vonj je prijeten in ne draži.

    review by Špela on 1/15/2024
  91. Rating

    naša družina uporablja samo še tvoje glinene šampone. To pove vse o tvojih čarobnih vizijah in rokah. Uspešno delo še naprej.

    review by Marjetka on 1/15/2024
  92. Rating

    Enostavno odličen!

    review by Tea on 1/14/2024
  93. Rating

    Preizkusila sem že veliko šamponov in ta glineni trdi šampon je bil edini, pri katerem sem opazila spremembo že po prvem pranju. Šampon se lepo peni, po uporabi pa so lasje svetleči in mehki.

    review by Anja on 1/13/2024
  94. Rating

    Tale trdi sampon Beauty je cista desetka! Same pohvale imam zanj! Ko ga naneses na lase, se ustvari zelo prefinjena pena, ki lasisce zelo dobro in nezno ocisti in kar je meni najvaznejse, to je prvi sampon, po katerem me lasisce ne srbi in to mi res pomeni vse! Obozujem ga in ga uporabljam ze leta. Vse pohvale!

    review by Ines Clara on 1/10/2024
  95. Rating

    Odličen šampon, lepo se peni. Imam dolge in goste lase, občutek imam, da so čisti že po prvem nanosu šampona. Razmasti ampak ne izsuši. Zelo priporočam!

    review by Darja on 1/8/2024
  96. Rating

    Zelo ima rada to trdo in nežno milo, saj je tako naravno in brez plastike. Povsod ga lahko s sabo vzamem. Peni se fantastično. Hvala.

    review by Sonja on 12/19/2023
  97. Rating

    Fajn šampon.
    Dobro očisti lase, ne draži lasišča in traja dolgo časa.

    review by Špela on 12/6/2023
  98. Rating

    Šampon the beauty je super.Edini šampon ki mi ustreza pri občutljivi koži in lasišču in mi naredi res lepe in zdrave lase

    review by Urška on 12/5/2023
  99. Rating

    Odličen šampon, lepo razmasti lase, ne da bi jih izsušil. Lasje so lahki, svetleči.

    review by Darja on 12/3/2023
  100. Rating

    Po uporabi vzorčka sem se takoj odločila za nakup.
    Šampon se odlično peni, lasje so po uporabi mehki in je praktičen za potovanja.
    Bravo !

    review by Tanja on 12/1/2023
  101. Rating

    Trdi šampon mi je pomagal pri seboroičnem dermatitisu, da se ta ni ponovno pojavil. Lepo se peni in ne masti lasišča. Paziti je treba, da se ploščico po uporabi odloži na suho mesto.

    review by Jana on 11/29/2023
  102. Rating


    review by Nadja on 11/27/2023
  103. Rating

    Odličen, najboljši šampon, negovalen in praktičen, igrivo simpatičen, dišeč, zelo lepo se peni, vzamem ga s seboj tudi na potovanja! ❤️❤️❤️

    review by Freja on 11/25/2023
  104. Rating

    Prvič uporabljam glineni šampon... Z izdelkom zelo zadovoljna

    review by Monika on 11/25/2023
  105. Rating

    Prvič uporabljam glineni šampon, odlično se obnese..... Zagotovo še naročim.

    review by Monika on 11/25/2023
  106. Rating

    Super šampon! Končno sem našla šampon, ki podaljša čas med pranji las, tako lepo očisti lasišče. Vse pohvale.

    review by Urška on 11/25/2023
  107. Rating

    Najboljši trdi šampon kar sem kdaj probala, ne zamenjam za nič na svetu. Lasje oprani, sijoči in dolgo časa se ne mastijo. Priporočam vsem, ki imajo težave z mastnimi lasmi.

    review by Ivana on 11/22/2023
  108. Rating

    Ta trdi šampon je že nekaj let moja stalnica. Lasje so mehki in zdravi, embalaža pa je plastic-free, kar obožujem. Super izdelek!

    review by Darja on 11/15/2023
  109. Rating

    Glineni šampon je res super, tudi za dolge lase.

    review by Mateja on 11/12/2023
  110. Rating

    Odlicen sampon!

    review by Marinka on 11/12/2023
  111. Rating

    Res je kar pišejo drugi. Najboljši šampon, priročna oblika, lepo se peni, dobro očisti, je nežnega vonja, enostavno odličen.

    review by Teja on 10/23/2023
  112. Rating

    Ko se navadiš na glinen šampon ga ne želiš več menjati. Zdi se mi fantastičen.

    review by Andreja ( SI) on 10/19/2023
  113. Rating

    Šampon je res top. Lasje so svetleči, mehki in se manj mastijo. Ga ne zamenjam za nobenega drugega. Priporočam.

    review by Urša ( SI) on 10/19/2023
  114. Rating

    Šampon sem naročila že tretjič. Sem super zadovoljna z njim, tudi las si ne potrebujem prati na 3 dni, dovolj je na 4 ali 5.

    review by Talja ( Si) on 10/16/2023
  115. Rating

    Ta šampon uporabljam že nekaj mesecev in ga ne zamenjam več za nič drugega. Imam dolge lase in po umivanju, tudi brez uporabe balzama (čeprav uporabljam tudi glineni balzam), so lasje mehki, svetleči in se zelo lahko razčešejo. Po redni uporabi se lasje ne mastijo več tako pogosto, tako da lahko zdržim 5 dni brez umivanja las brez težav.

    review by Valerija on 10/15/2023
  116. Rating

    Zelo zadovoljna.

    review by Nataša on 10/14/2023
  117. Rating

    Edini šampon, ki ga uporabljam že kar nekaj let, ne vem več koliko. Res mi odgovarja.

    review by tanja on 10/14/2023
  118. Rating

    ena boljših naravnih zadev kar jih je na trgu, hvala za vaš vložek za naše zadovoljstvo, objem

    review by Simona on 10/11/2023
  119. Rating

    Super šampon!

    review by Mateja on 10/11/2023
  120. Rating

    Odlično!!! Šampon res daje vse to, kar je v opisu! Priporočam!

    review by Cvetka on 10/9/2023
  121. Rating

    Zelo dober šampon! Priporočam uporabo skupaj z balzamom. Lasje so zdravi, mehki, bleščeči, kar pa me najbolj veseli, konice las, ki so bile prej zelo lomljive, sedaj niso več! Lasne konice so zdrave, nerazcepljene.

    review by Barbara on 10/9/2023
  122. Rating

    Vrhunski izdelek. Že več kot dve leti ga uporabljam. Lasje so postali sijoči, lasišče je čisto, brez prhljaja in lase ob uporabi glinenega balzama perem le enkrat tedensko. Opazila sem tudi, da so konice bolj zdrave (imam namreč dolge lase), prav tako se mi zdi, da kljub letom, ko se rast las menda upočasni, moji lasje rastejo kot pri dvajsetih.

    review by Ivana on 10/9/2023
  123. Rating

    Šampon je res enkraten. Več mesecev sem se borila s prhljajem in preizkusila mnogo šamponov pa mi noben od njih ni pomagal. Po uporabi glinene vilinčice the beauty pa sem opazila rezultate že po prvem pranju. Pa lasje so po pranju tako božansko mehki in svetleči.❤️✨

    review by Danaja on 10/9/2023
  124. Rating

    Super šampon,drugega več ne morem uporabljati.Ta je super

    review by Andreja on 10/9/2023
  125. Rating

    Zelo zadovoljna! Lasje so mehki, res lahko komot podaljšam čas med pranji za dan, dva, pakiranje primerno za potovanje, zmaga pa občutek, da daš na svojo glavo nekaj naravnega!

    review by NATAŠA on 10/9/2023
  126. Rating

    Glineni trdi šampon je najboljši nakup šampona v mojem življenju. Navdušena čist do konca :-)

    review by Romana on 10/7/2023
  127. Rating

    Odličen naraven in lokalen šampon. Sestavine so za pojest, sem vesela, da veliko lokalnih podjetnikov izdeluje odlične naravne izdelke.

    review by Tanja on 9/23/2023
  128. Rating

    S tem šamponom sem vedno zadovoljna.
    Lasje dobijo mehkobo in so vau :)

    review by Anja on 9/13/2023
  129. Rating

    Vedno znova preseneča. Vedno znova odličen.

    review by Andreja on 9/5/2023
  130. Rating

    Imam skodrane lase in odkar si jih umivam s tvojim glinenim trdim samponom in negujem z balzamom so moji lasje mehki in voljni.Tudi, ce grem na potovanje, ju obvezno vzamem s seboj.

    review by Nataša on 9/4/2023
  131. Rating

    Šampon se lepo speni, lasje so sijoči in se ne mastijo več.

    review by Nina on 9/3/2023
  132. Rating

    Šampon uporabljam že nekaj let. Res je super, lasišče ne srbi več, prhljaj je hitro izginil, lasje so močni, se ne mastijo....poleg tega pa je res super, da ni v plastiki....res dober izdelek...Hvala!

    review by Jolanda on 9/3/2023
  133. Rating

    Ta cudoviti sampon uporabljam ze kar nekaj let in brez njega vec ne morem! Odpravil mi je srbenje lasisca in lase cudovito nahrani! Drugih samponov sploh vec ne uporabljam, sampon beauty je za cisto petico!

    review by Ines Clara on 9/2/2023
  134. Rating

    Uporabljam ga že nekaj časa in sem res zadovoljna.Moji lasje so tako mehkiiii.

    review by Layla on 8/30/2023
  135. Rating

    Ga redno uporabljam in sem res super zadovoljna. Lasje so mehki, sijoči in se ne mastijo.

    review by Ema on 8/30/2023
  136. Rating

    Naravnost obožujem vaše šampone in jih uporabljam že leta..ter vsakemu priporočam, da so res odlični. Tako da, hvala, ker ste <3

    review by Vanessa Zoya on 8/30/2023
  137. Rating

    Izjemen šampon, uporabljam ga že 2 leti. Lasišče me več ne srbi, lasje so bolj mehki in sijoči. Toplo priporočam :)

    review by Sergeja on 8/30/2023
  138. Rating

    Moja ocena je odlična, saj sem našla najboljši šampon za moje lase. Probala sem vrsto naravnih šamponov, ampak tale mi do sedaj najbolje odgovarja. Definitivno priporočam vsem nakup glinenih izdelkov.

    review by Ivana on 8/29/2023
  139. Rating

    Sem poskusila vaš šampon v obliki mila - veliko presenečenje :-) bravo!

    review by Ariana on 7/26/2023
  140. Rating

    Najboljši šampon kar sem jih probala… lasje po pranju so mehki in sijoči, pa tudi ne mastijo se mi hitro

    review by Sara on 7/13/2023
  141. Rating

    Čudovit šampon, lasje so mehki,... uporabljam samo ta šampon že par let.. toplo priporočam vsem, ki imate radi naravno.

    review by Danila on 7/10/2023
  142. Rating

    Zelo dober šampon. Pomaga pa mi pri izpadanja las in imam zelo lepe sijoče lase. Šampon zelo priporočam.

    review by Sanja on 7/9/2023
  143. Rating

    Odličen šampon

    review by Karmen on 7/9/2023
  144. Rating

    Zelo dober šampon, priporočam

    review by Andreja on 6/26/2023
  145. Rating

    Odličen šampon, dolgo zdrži, lasje so mehki in voljni. Nimam več težav s srbečico po lasišču.

    review by Daša on 6/20/2023
  146. Rating

    Lasje so po uporabi mehki in se ne mastijo. Zadostuje, da jih umijem enkrat na teden. Šampon zdrži zelo dolgo, na potovanju zavzame malo prostora.

    review by Andreja on 6/7/2023
  147. Rating

    Glinen šampon The Beauty sem prvič naročila pred cca 3 leti in od takrat uporabljam le še tega. Res mi je všeč ker zdrži reees zelo dolgo, mnogo dlje od običajnega šampona. Pri uporabi navadnega šampona sem imela lase mastne že po 2 dneh, z glinenim šamponom pa mi ostanejo kot bi bili ravno umiti tudi 4-5 dni. Iz umivana na 2-3 dni sem prišla na umivanje 1x na teden.

    review by Neža on 6/5/2023
  148. Rating

    Z eno besedo, odličen! uporabljam ga že 5 let in ga ne menjam!

    review by Mirjam on 5/30/2023
  149. Rating

    Trdi glinen šampon mi je zelo všeč, saj se dobro peni in moje lase naredi mehke.

    review by Jolanda on 5/30/2023
  150. Rating

    Najboljši šampon za vse vrste las! Osvežujoč in prijetno zmasira lasišče.

    review by Andreja on 5/24/2023
  151. Rating

    Pri vas sem naročila Glineni trd šampon in je res super. Prej so se mi lasje zelo mastili. Takoj drugi dan so bili že mastni, zdaj pa ni več tako. Glinen trd šampon je res super in uporaba je res super. Pri pranju se res super peni. Hvala.

    review by Darja on 5/11/2023
  152. Rating

    Ta šampon sem prvič uporabila z rahlim dvomom ker sem dala skoz že celo vrsto naravnih šamponov ampak skupaj z balzamom za lase je The Beauty fantastičen. Moji mastni lasi ostanejo dlje lepi in okrepili so se. Balzam jih naredi potem ravno prav in naravno mehke. Čudovita izdelka, hvala Tina zanju.

    review by Mojca on 5/8/2023
  153. Rating

    Super šampon!

    review by Mateja on 5/5/2023
  154. Rating

    Sampon je super, najboljsi od trdih samponov doslej. Lasje so zelo mehki!

    review by Mandarinca on 5/1/2023
  155. Rating

    Odličen eko šampon,ki neguje. Priporočamo!!

    review by BOJANA on 4/30/2023
  156. Rating

    Odličen šampon. Za pravo zdravo nego in razvanje. Lasje se ne mastijo, so mehki in sijoči. Uporabljam ga že več kot dve leti. Zelo zadovoljna.

    review by Marja on 4/26/2023
  157. Rating

    Great shampoo!

    review by Nevenka on 3/23/2023
  158. Rating

    just fell in love with this shampoo bar. My hair is so shiny, soft, ...it used to get greasy within 2 days, and this shampoo keeps my scalp clean longer.

    review by Darja on 3/23/2023
  159. Rating

    The only shampoo for me and our family. Great product. The scalp is so fresh after washing. No other natural shampoo has such an effect! It was also praised by my husband, who is really, really hard to charm. He's been using it since I ran out of his once, and he used mine. Since then, that's it.

    review by Urška on 3/23/2023
  160. Rating

    In one word - superb. My daughter and I both use it - I have thin and fine hair, she has dry and curly hair. We are both very satisfied. I dye my hair with natural hair dye and using clay shampoo makes my hair soft without conditioner, which also makes my hair less oily. Because of her dry hair, my daughter also uses a clay conditioner in addition to the clay shampoo, and her curls are also nice and soft. I don't trade it for anything else.

    review by Sabina on 2/24/2023
  161. Rating

    Great shampoo. I have a little psoriasis on the back of my head, this shampoo doesn't irritate me. I have been using it for two years.

    review by Jana on 2/24/2023
  162. Rating

    The shampoo is really top notch. It lathers well, the scalp is well cleaned, and the hair "comes to life", and are flexible and fragrant. Since I've been using it, I don't wash my hair as often as before. What I like most is that the product is natural, without artificial, synthetic additives. And of course, a homemade, Slovenian product :)

    review by Daca on 2/24/2023
  163. Rating

    Since I wash my hair with it, the oiliness of my hair has reduced. I used to wash my hair every 2 days, now I can last at least 3, which is really amazing. Impressed. Thank you.

    review by Tina on 2/17/2023
  164. Rating

    Tried the shampoo on my daughters and it lathers nicely and they have silky hair. Love it!

    review by Barbara on 2/17/2023
  165. Rating

    This is really something extraordinary :) Although it is a hard shampoo, it lathers nicely and cleans the scalp well.

    review by Eva on 2/7/2023
  166. Rating

    I got the shampoo for the first time as a gift from my daughter-in-law. We hit it off immediately ♥ . Thank you for creating it for me too.

    review by Lili on 2/2/2023
  167. Rating

    Natural, fragrant and foaming hair soap. I really like it!

    review by Irena on 2/2/2023
  168. Rating

    All of a sudden, my scalp couldn't take the usual shampoo and hair dye anymore. I scratched myself to the point of blood, my scalp felt like it was on fire! Of course, I urgently got an examination from a dermatologist, who gave me temporary medication, but she told me that I could use any shampoo. I tried more and it still felt awful, but the 'fire' was gone because of the meds. I finally found this clay hard shampoo that totally calmed my itching and redness. Since then I have been using it constantly and I don't intend to change it! Thank you Tina and the team! this time I'm sending you a hug, Tina, like I always get when I open your super-smelling package that always makes me happy!

    review by Cvetka on 2/2/2023
  169. Rating

    I used it for the first time and I am very surprised. A wonderful product!

    review by Marija on 2/2/2023
  170. Rating

    Dear Tina, thank you for your products, they are great ♥ . Because I have psoriasis, I have changed my personal care products a lot, including shampoos and conditioners. The shampoo lathers gently and richly, leaving the hair feeling light and clean after rinsing. With clay solid hair conditioner, it is a successful combination for naturally beautiful, shiny and clean hair.

    review by Branka on 2/2/2023
  171. Rating

    A wonderful product for my hair that I don't want replace it with any other shampoo.
    Even my daughter, who has a sensitive scalp, is very satisfied.

    review by Špela on 1/26/2023
  172. Rating

    Great. My daughter has been using it for more than a year and her hair is less greasy than before use :)

    review by Jasmina on 1/26/2023
  173. Rating

    Really great shampoo!

    review by Staša on 1/26/2023
  174. Rating

    Used soap shampoo for the first time and it's great.

    review by Darja on 1/26/2023
  175. Rating

    I love this shampoo bar! :)

    review by Cvetka on 1/19/2023
  176. Rating

    I just went to work after the maternity ward, the colleagues were impressed with my hair... I had to tell who the credit goes to. Thank you once again and all the best in the future

    review by Nataša on 1/11/2023
  177. Rating

    Thank you, your products are wonderful: I am very happy with the hair soap, they have recovered perfectly from falling out, which is unfortunately a common occurrence these days.

    review by Marta on 1/11/2023
  178. Rating

    Solid shampoo is also a surprise. Rub a little on wet hair and they are perfectly bound. Then pleasant and soft to the touch.

    review by Vlasta on 1/11/2023
  179. Rating

    This hard shampoo is gentle on the scalp, the hair is clean and voluptuous! I recommend!

    review by Si on 1/11/2023
  180. Rating

    The shampoo is wonderful, it lathers well, it has a beneficial effect on the scalp, it helps me a lot with psoriasis. I haven't changed it since I bought it. I recommend!!!!

    review by Iris on 1/11/2023
  181. Rating

    The clay shampoo impressed me with its smell and performance. After use, the hair is soft, the scalp is cleansed and soothed. I recommend!

    review by Maja on 12/27/2022
  182. Rating

    The best shampoo for hair! I switched from washing my hair every 3 days to washing it once a week ♥ one shampoo is enough for half a year :) I have been using it for two years and will continue to do so. All praise! ♥

    review by Manuela on 12/20/2022
  183. Rating

    I wouldn't trade this shampoo for anything in the world, I'm really very satisfied with it.

    review by Sara on 12/12/2022
  184. Rating

    Today I used the shampoo for the first time, by just lathering it between my hands and then on my hair. Great lather and really uses very little. Thanks to the hairdresser who recommended it to me or to her client who brings the hard shampoo with her. :)

    review by Neli on 11/22/2022
  185. Rating

    Best shampoo ever. I have thin hair, I dye it with henna and I'm always looking for the best natural hair wash. Now I'm ending a year trial. (it was "accidental": I got a sample, used it and made up my mind). Thank you also for always kind message in the package. Keep this habit even when there are many more packages

    review by Mateja on 11/21/2022
  186. Rating

    I tried your shampoo for the first time and I have to write that I was very, very satisfied with the first hair wash. You really convince me and I will certainly continue to use it. Thank you for a natural and quality product. I recommend the purchase.

    review by Aleksandra on 11/2/2022
  187. Rating

    I have been using clay shampoo for many years and it has helped with the itching and I have also reduced the number of washes with it. I am also very happy about the ecological packaging! I don't change it anymore :)

    review by Ana on 11/2/2022
  188. Rating

    I have been using The Beauty clay shampoo for a long time and I really like it because it lasts a long time, because it foams up nicely and cleans my hair❤️

    review by Vilma on 10/27/2022
  189. Rating

    For years, I only used hair salon-bought shampoo because it was the only one that suited me. When I came across the clay shampoo, I decided to give it a try. And it suits me very well. It lathers well, cleans the hair thoroughly and makes it soft. The hair is in excellent condition, especially in combination with the clay conditioner. So I found my new favorite and best shampoo, I swear by it and recommend it to everyone! But the best thing is that it does not burn or irritate the eyes if the foam accidentally comes into contact with them, so I also use it regularly when washing my son's hair.

    review by Tina on 10/27/2022
  190. Rating

    Excellent shampoo, I've been using it for some time and I would recommend it, especially for curly hair

    review by Jelka on 10/24/2022
  191. Rating

    Great shampoo!

    review by Dunja on 10/13/2022
  192. Rating

    I agree with the comments that after using it for a long time, the hair is fresher, softer, with a pleasant, unobtrusive and at the same time neutral, gentle smell, it lathers very nicely and also washes the scalp well. I don't use any other anymore. ;)

    review by Eva on 10/11/2022
  193. Rating

    Excellent shampoo, the hair are pleasant to the touch and fresh for a long time. ♥

    review by Simona on 10/10/2022
  194. Rating

    The best shampoo I've ever tried ❤️

    review by Andreja on 10/2/2022
  195. Rating

    A wonderful shampoo for hair. After washing, my hair are soft and absolutely gorgeous. I've been using solid shampoo for a couple of years and I i love it!

    review by Danila on 9/25/2022
  196. Rating

    I have been using this soap for washing my hair for quite some time now. In the beginning, it took me a little more time to get used to using it, but now I wouldn't change it for anything else. My hair is clean, without dandruff or grease.

    review by Tanja on 9/23/2022
  197. Rating

    I'm really looking forward to the products. Until now, I have only used hard shampoo for my hair, which I no longer change.

    review by Tina on 9/23/2022
  198. Rating

    I have been using the shampoo for a year and I completely fell in love with it. With its gentle foamy structure, it effectively cleanses my hair and scalp. Awareness that the product is completely natural comforts me because I use it several times a week. The hair is soft, fragrant with full volume.

    review by Barbara on 6/6/2022
  199. Rating

    Top product. The shampoo is used by all members of the family and children love it very much.

    review by Tea on 6/2/2022
  200. Rating

    My favorite shampoo! I have been using it for 2 years and I am not replacing it. The dandruff is gone and the hair is less greasy. Thanks <3

    review by Alja on 5/25/2022
  201. Rating

    Great shampoo. It seems to protect my hair. They are more silky, comb better and get greasy later. I have been using it for many years and I recommend it.

    review by Ana on 5/25/2022
  202. Rating

    Great hard shampoo. The only hard shampoo that suits me. I have colored hair and after washing it does not become dull despite not using your conditioner. After drying, they are denser and beautifully shaped.
    I recommend❤️

    review by Giliola on 5/9/2022
  203. Rating

    Great, especially for oily hair.

    review by Ramona on 5/3/2022
  204. Rating

    Great shampoo, mild for the scalp, I reduced the number of washes per week :)
    Very pleasant smell.

    review by Ana on 5/3/2022
  205. Rating

    The shampoo foams super nicely and it smells great. As soon as I started using it, the time between washing my hair increased, as my hair is no longer greasy as it was when I used other shampoos. Great product! :)

    review by Katja on 5/3/2022
  206. Rating

    The best natural shampoo I have ever tried. I like it because it foams up nicely right away. Great shampoo.

    review by Karmen on 4/25/2022
  207. Rating

    Super shampoo with great scent. All the girls in the family like to use it because their hair is soft and breathable.

    review by Staša on 4/22/2022
  208. Rating

    I washed my hair for the first time yesterday with your shampoo, it’s really magical. I only lost a couple of hairs, otherwise I lose at least three times as much.

    review by Apolonija on 4/20/2022
  209. Rating

    It smells really nice and makes beautiful shiny hair!

    review by Jerca on 4/20/2022
  210. Rating

    All products are great. We are happy to use them.

    review by Simona on 4/20/2022
  211. Rating

    We have been using this shampoo for quite some time and I do not buy any commercial preparations because it suits everyone in the family.

    review by Karolina on 4/20/2022
  212. Rating

    This is my absolute favorite among the products! At first I was skeptical about how it is even possible to wash my hair with a hard shampoo, so I didn’t add it to my cart on my first purchase. But Tina added it;) As a sample and that was - "love at first wash"! ;) It foams so nicely, it smells neutral, the hair is clean (it stays clean longer than usual) and healthy, because they like it the most that I don't apply chemicals to it. Personally, I had rather weak hair and very frequent dandruff. That has changed. I don't know if it will help you in this way, but I am sure that this shampoo is much more natural and unobtrusive for the body. I sincerely recommend the purchase and suggest a combination with Silky balm. ;)

    review by Mojca on 4/11/2022
  213. Rating

    It is a shampoo that has brought balance to my hair. I have been using it for more than 3 years now and when I run out of it I think about whether I would try it with some other product and I change my mind every time and place an order again. At the same time, there is always a gift or dedication waiting for me when I receive it, which gives me feelings of gratitude and prolongs the bond, which is very close to my heart.

    review by Karolina on 4/11/2022
  214. Rating

    I have been using Beauty shampoo for about 2 years. I have used natural shampoos before, this one suits me best. I am 52 years old and have virtually no gray hair (I have long hair). I believe also because of the use of natural shampoos like this one. Plus, the packaging is ecological and the fact that we do not poison groundwater.

    review by Mojca on 4/11/2022
  215. Rating

    Shampoo is top. In the beginning I had a bit of a problem with the quantity, now I have found the right ratio and I don't replace it with another one ...

    review by Valerija on 4/11/2022
  216. Rating

    Great shampoo. Lots of foam and smells nice :)

    review by Simona on 4/11/2022
  217. Rating

    I am very positively surprised. I have shampooed twice, I like to lather a lot, because the variants of natural shampoos that did not lather have not worked on my oily hair so far. Your shampoo cleaned my fat really nicely, and my hair seems to shine nicely.

    review by Meta on 4/6/2022
  218. Rating

    It's really great! Something completely different than commercial shampoos. Soothes irritated, itchy scalp and leaves hair soft. I recommend storing in a separate, dry container because the shampoo starts to dissolve in water quickly.

    review by Melita on 4/5/2022
  219. Rating

    I recommend buying this shampoo bar! I have been using the shampoo for a few years now and it is really great. I like it because it foams nicely and is easy to apply.

    review by Irena on 3/30/2022
  220. Rating

    I rate it with the highest possible rating. From the first order, it is always on the shelf in the bathroom, even as a reserve :), because I would not exchange it with another.

    review by Mihaela on 3/22/2022
  221. Rating

    Great shampoo! It allows easy application because it foams nicely and the hair is soft after use. After long-term use, I noticed less dandruff and split ends. It is also wonderful that the packaging is environmentally friendly.

    review by Katja on 3/21/2022
  222. Rating

    Stunning scent, sophisticated design and wonderful packaging ... this hard shampoo is a real treat for the hair and offers a very special hair washing experience.

    review by Vanja on 3/15/2022
  223. Rating

    Great shampoo, my hair is much less greasy. I recommend.

    review by Zorica on 3/15/2022
  224. Rating

    After giving birth, I began to experience sensitive and itchy scalp. Shampoos from the store only made the situation worse. So I told myself to try your hard shampoo. At first, I admit, I was a little skeptical when I read the ingredients. I thought that my hair would remain greasy after washing because of all the ingredients of the shampoo. I will definitely become your regular customer. Bravo :)

    review by Andreja on 3/14/2022
  225. Rating

    Wonderful shampoo, plastic-free packaging is also an advantage, great!

    review by Špela on 3/14/2022
  226. Rating

    My favorite shampoo for a few years now.
    Since using it, I no longer have scalp problems. Thanks!

    review by Karnen on 3/14/2022
  227. Rating

    I don’t trade it for any other shampoo. Convenient, gentle and thorough in cleansing hair. I have loved and sworn to shampoo for years.

    review by Urška on 3/14/2022
  228. Rating

    I have been using this shampoo bar for a long time and I am very satisfied. I really recommend.

    review by Jana on 3/14/2022
  229. Rating

    Smells great, easy to use. Everything is TOP! I recommend!

    review by Nina on 3/9/2022
  230. Rating

    This wonderful clay shampoo saved my very complicated hair. They don’t fall out to me anymore, they’re not as greasy as they used to be. And they are pleasantly soft and shiny. For several years now, shampoo has been my faithful companion. Great!

    review by Ines Clara on 3/7/2022
  231. Rating

    Great !!! Shampoo really does what it says! Highly recommend!

    review by Cvetka on 3/3/2022
  232. Rating

    This is by far the best shampoo for me. I have been using it for quite some time (probably for years). I highly recommend!

    review by Maja on 1/12/2022
  233. Rating

    The best shampoo ever ... I really recommend it ... it's top !!!

    review by Neja on 1/4/2022
  234. Rating

    The beauty shampoo is the best shampoo in the world! ♥ Thanks for all the great products! :)

    review by Ines on 12/13/2021
  235. Rating

    I am more than happy with the shampoo. Ever since I first used it I still use it. Thank you for your great product. All the best ♥

    review by Majda on 12/3/2021
  236. Rating

    The best. Great shampoo for my atopic dermatitis on the scalp ♥

    review by Andreja on 11/12/2021
  237. Rating

    The hairdresser was amazed that I have such healthy hair. The faeries in the clay shampoo really do their job : D

    review by Irena on 11/4/2021
  238. Rating

    For the first time, my head didn’t itch after washing. So a really great product. ❤ thank you and good luck!

    review by Valentina on 7/30/2021
  239. Rating

    I decided to use clay shampoo bar because I wanted a shampoo without unnecessary additives. I was very happy with the shampoo!

    review by Tjaša on 7/28/2021
  240. Rating

    Very pleasant, gentle and effective. Clay is really wonderful for my hair.

    review by Andreja on 7/15/2021
  241. Rating

    Hair shampoo is great. I have tried a lot of different solid shampoos and I have to say that yours is by far the best :)

    review by Barbara on 7/12/2021
  242. Rating

    I want to share a good experience again :) Or one interesting aspect of hair care. It will be about a year and a half now since I have been using your hard shampoo for my hair. The last 2 times I checked with the hairdresser to see what my hair looked like. And they say they are extremely healthy and strong. :) So, here’s another proof that the products are top notch. I am most happy with the shampoo. At the last purchase, I added balm to the basket, so now I'm trying the combination. I look forward to!

    review by Darja on 7/7/2021
  243. Rating

    I have to say I tried another natural shampoo because I ran out of yours and that’s not it, fairies really work wonders ♥

    review by Lucija on 5/24/2021
  244. Rating

    Great! I have otherwise chemically treated hair, so I never believed that anything natural would suit me and despite various attempts, it really didn’t. Until my mom showed me the clay shampoo !! Brilliant! I use a clay shampoo on the top of my head and a hair shampoo on the colored tips. Sometimes I use a clay shampoo for the entire length and honestly - no difference is noticed.

    review by Neža on 4/19/2021
  245. Rating

    It all started when a friend gave me a clay shampoo. I didn't like it the first time I used it. After the third use, I became very fond of it. I got the feeling that my hair was just shining. Even the hairdresser praised them. They look very healthy. Once I stopped using clay in between because I wanted to use some other shampoo until the end, my hair quickly resisted and stopped shining. I have been using clay shampoo for three years now and I am not replacing it anymore. During this time, my bathroom has been enriched by at least 15 more of your products. And what other fairy will join.

    A sincere thank you for your work, care for nature and health

    review by Klavdija on 4/12/2021
  246. Rating

    The BEAUTY shampoo bar is the best shampoo I have ever used. I have very oily hair and the shampoo extended my washing time for two days. In addition, I also had dandruff and now it is gone. The shampoo also has a very pleasant smell, so the hair is fragrant and shiny after washing. it feels like a fairy washes your hair.

    review by Urška on 4/12/2021
  247. Rating

    Shampoo without comparison! I have thinner but very thick hair, which often looks like straw on my head after drying. Ever since I switched to this shampoo, my hair has been soft, supple and breathable, like being at a hairdresser. When I ran out of it 1x, and tried a liquid hair shampoo from the store ... There’s no comparison, like day and night!

    review by Karin on 3/31/2021
  248. Rating

    This shampoo is really great. Makes hair beautiful and soft. I don’t trade it for anyone else anymore.

    review by Tanja on 3/22/2021
  249. Rating

    Great products. I am a regular user of shampoo bar and it is the only one that does not grease my hair.

    review by Jana on 3/22/2021
  250. Rating

    I have been using the shampoo for a long time and it is really great. I have very thick hair, I had little doubt that the shampoo would suit my hair, but it is really great. Now I also use a conditioner which is also great. I also really like the packaging design. you are great :)

    review by Barabara on 3/15/2021
  251. Rating

    I can’t wait to get your products. I had to wash my hair a few times with one other shampoo because I didn’t order yours on time and it’s really not comparable. :)

    review by Daša on 2/19/2021
  252. Rating

    This shampoo is really unique. I struggled with dandruff for months and tried many shampoos but none of them helped me. After using the clay beauty shampoo, I noticed the results after the first wash. And the hair is so divinely soft and shiny after washing

    review by Danaja on 2/11/2021
  253. Rating

    The best shampoo for the whole family. The hair is soft and shiny after washing. :)

    review by Mojca on 1/22/2021
  254. Rating

    I use shampoo and clay lemon soap. Both are really great. :)

    review by Andreja on 1/11/2021
  255. Rating

    Wow the best shampoo on the market, and I’ve tried quite a few. The hair is soft, fresh and smells nice. It is a real pleasure to massage your scalp! Thanks for the great product!

    review by Damjana on 1/11/2021
  256. Rating

    one really big compliment for clay shampoos! they are so great!

    review by Katarina on 1/6/2021
  257. Rating

    Great for hair care!

    review by Sandra on 12/23/2020
  258. Rating

    I tried your beauty shampoo for the first time today, and it left me totally thrilled. I told this to my father and suggested he try it. Guess what, he was very impressed too. I will be ordering shampoo for him soon.

    review by Špela on 12/14/2020
  259. Rating

    I tried this shampoo today and it is excellent - I usually washed my hair with soda before shampooing because after that they weren't really greasy. Now I only used your shampoo and the hair is really beautiful!

    review by Sabina on 12/10/2020
  260. Rating

    Hard shampoo is great, very long lasting, even my hair doesn’t need to be washed as often! Thank you!!!

    review by Petra on 12/7/2020
  261. Rating

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful products. Both - boyfriend and I use Shampoos and soaps and we really love clay;)

    review by Urška on 11/27/2020
  262. Rating

    The best shampoos in the world.

    review by Polona on 11/27/2020
  263. Rating

    I already have this shampoo - and it's the best shampoo I've ever had.

    review by Klara on 11/27/2020
  264. Rating

    All I love products, they are fantastic. I appreciate hair products the most, both shampoo and conditioner, because now my hair can last up to 4 days.

    review by Staša on 11/25/2020
  265. Rating

    Finally one shampoo after which my hair is no longer greasy and I don’t have to wash my hair every other day. Not to mention the foam it makes and the pleasant smell.... Other clay products are also very good and unique.

    review by Tadeja on 11/25/2020
  266. Rating

    I am very happy with the shampoo, because I have really sensitive hair and at the same time greasy, I usually wash my hair every 2 days. Now, I haven’t washed my hair in 4 days -and they didn’t get greasy! Thank you, I will definitely order something else!

    review by Urška on 11/23/2020
  267. Rating

    The shampoo suits us all very well (except for my husband - but he is bald -so... :)

    review by Tjaša on 11/20/2020
  268. Rating

    I am really happy with the shampoo and conditioner. For the first time in my life, my hair has volume and amazing shine. And I strive for everyone to try how soft they are. I can’t wait for every hair wash. You’re great and I can’t wait to order and try something new.

    review by Melita on 11/13/2020
  269. Rating

    Shampoo is really great!

    review by Katarina on 11/11/2020
  270. Rating

    Great shampoo! Finally I no longer have oily scalp and completely dry tips. The hair is soft, shiny and beautiful.

    review by Alja on 11/10/2020
  271. Rating

    Let me first say, that I love your products and i used them regularly. Your Gorgeus cream and Beauty shampoo are constantly in stock with me and are just phenomenal. :)

    review by Vesna on 11/4/2020
  272. Rating

    wonderful hair shampoo!

    review by Tanja on 11/4/2020
  273. Rating

    How nice is this shampoo! :) Above all, I was surprised that it foams so much.

    review by Eva on 10/22/2020
  274. Rating

    My daughter and I only use this shampoo. The post office says the new stock is already on its way. :)

    review by Katarin on 10/13/2020
  275. Rating

    The best shampoo in the world!

    review by Magda on 10/12/2020
  276. Rating

    I love your products. My hair are so beautiful now :)

    review by Ana on 10/9/2020
  277. Rating

    I have been buying from you for a long time and I keep coming back. Your hair products have no competition.

    review by Katja on 10/5/2020
  278. Rating

    Very satisfied . I use shampoo bar Beauty
    and hair conditioner bar Silky (after using only these two, I have soft and shiny hair and they also don’t get greasy.) I also use a face mask and i can't praise enough face cream Gorgous. The skin is smooth like silk when you touch your face. Thanks for these beautiful products.

    review by Majda on 10/5/2020
  279. Rating

    I bought my first The beauty shampoo over a year ago. It’s been my only shampoo since.

    review by Milena on 9/29/2020
  280. Rating

    My 4 boys and I also don't use any other hair care anymore, just clay - from head to toe. :)

    review by Mojca on 9/23/2020
  281. Rating

    Dear Tina, I would like to share with you one wonderful experience ..... Since I have been using a set of clay shampoo bar & conditioner bar regularly for almost 3 months - after each (chlorinated) swim - my natural hair color is more beautiful and with less shiny silver in between - In short ... I don't replace it with any other.

    review by Kristin on 9/23/2020
  282. Rating

    I have been using “fairy” shampoo for a while now and even if due to circumstances I happen to use another shampoo, I can always reaffirm how this one suits my hair better.

    review by Alenka on 9/23/2020
  283. Rating

    This has been the only shampoo I use for a long time! I am very happy with it :)! I have already recommended it to many friends! Thank you for your effort and kindness. Keep up the good work!

    review by Emma on 9/23/2020
  284. Rating

    Best shampoo ever!

    review by Melita on 9/21/2020
  285. Rating

    Dear Tina, your products are great, this shampoo is for my boyfriend who has a head full of dreadlocks and the shampoo really suits him. Continue this magic :)

    review by Tjaša on 9/18/2020
  286. Rating

    I am very happy with the shampoo.

    review by Ines on 9/14/2020
  287. Rating

    Dear Tina, thank you for the effort and energy you put into your work and the new products you pamper us with. Your solid shampoo bar is so great to me that after a very long time of its use, when I ran out and tried another natural Bio, otherwise liquid, I was very disappointed. It didn’t foam at all and I had to apply it over and over again. Your clay shampoo, however, is really great because just two strokes on my hair are really enough, despite having long hair. And since using it, just one wash a week is enough for me.

    review by Metka on 9/10/2020
  288. Rating

    This shampoo really makes the hair soft and clean ..it is great!

    review by Tanja on 9/9/2020
  289. Rating

    Hair shampoo is really the best!

    review by Marja on 9/4/2020
  290. Rating

    Some time ago I received a hair shampoo as a gift when ordering :) I really don't know why I waited so long to try it - because this is CRAZY !! What hair! they were never so soft! Waaw!
    Thanks :)

    review by Maša on 8/24/2020
  291. Rating

    Really happy with the shampoo. I have never found hair products that would suit me so well. Thanks for these wonderful products!

    review by Mia on 8/17/2020
  292. Rating

    The hair shampoo is great, I don’t trade it for anything else!

    review by Lavra on 8/17/2020
  293. Rating

    The first product I have bought so far is shampoo. It's great! My daughter also tried it, and she loves it too.

    review by Vesna on 8/6/2020
  294. Rating

    The shampoo is great! I highly recommend! I can't wait to try the other products

    review by Lavra on 8/5/2020
  295. Rating

    I tried a hard shampoo yesterday and was positively surprised that it actually lathers up nicely and cleans my hair and scalp perfectly.Well done!

    review by Tina on 7/24/2020
  296. Rating

    I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and it’s really great! The hair is really soft and shiny! certainly from now on I only use this one. Thank you!

    review by Mateja on 7/21/2020
  297. Rating

    I am so very, very happy that I found your clay shampoo. I’ve bought shampoos from a to z all these years, but mostly there wasn’t a significant difference. I had to wash my hair clean every day. All surprised, I found that now that I use a clay bar Beauty, I wash my hair for three or four days and my scalp doesn’t itch or burn. Because of the burning scalp, I was also at the dermatologists, but it was no better and I still, after all the ointments and shampoos, had a burning scalp. As a result, my hair fell out badly. So far, I’ve used one bar that works wonders and I’ve already made some stock. I will be happy to try other products as well. Truly, all congratulations and thanks for the top products!

    review by Nataša on 7/13/2020
  298. Rating

    Your shampoo has been used by my whole family for a long time and everyone loves it!

    review by Marijana on 7/13/2020
  299. Rating

    Really top shampoo and conditioner. My hair is getting curly and lush again, and it’s full of new hair

    review by Špela on 7/10/2020
  300. Rating

    Praise for the shampoo, I have been using it for almost half a year now, super happy. I finally have beautiful and shiny hair ... All the products I’ve tried are really nice, and my favorite is the shampoo and face cream.

    review by Manuela on 7/9/2020
  301. Rating

    wonderful products, I finally found a shampoo and my hair are very grateful :-)

    review by Nataša on 7/9/2020
  302. Rating

    All the products bought so far from you are great, and I don't use any other shampoo, only this.

    review by Valentina on 7/9/2020
  303. Rating

    The “The beauty” hard shampoo turned my hair care upside down - in a positive way. My hair is extremely soft and supple after washing, so I don’t have to use the conditioner at all anymore. Also, my hair is no longer greasy like it used to be. I do not exchange clay hard shampoo for anything in the world :)

    review by aNDREJA on 7/9/2020
  304. Rating

    this shampoo is great!

    review by Meta on 7/9/2020
  305. Rating

    I haven’t had my hair so soft and full of volume in years!

    review by Katja on 7/8/2020
  306. Rating

    I love this shampoo bars!

    review by Ana on 7/7/2020
  307. Rating

    already after the first wash I can feel that my hair are grateful.

    review by Živa on 6/26/2020
  308. Rating

    I love this shampoo! :)

    review by Marjeta on 6/26/2020
  309. Rating

    I have to say that I was skeptical about the shampoo because I have very thick hair. But I found that everything is true about your shampoo bar written by enthusiastic users of your cosmetics.
    I trust in your knowledge and I hope you will continue pamper us with your products for a long time.

    review by Vesna on 6/8/2020
  310. Rating

    There are 4 women at our house , 3 of them are long-haired, and we absolutely adore your shampoo! ❤ As long as you make it, I don't replace it with anything else.

    review by Mojca on 6/8/2020
  311. Rating

    I have already washed my hair and they are so beautiful, willing, strong, shiny ... I am very surprised .... I have already shared my positive experience with hair soap with my friends.

    review by Mojca on 6/5/2020
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Shampoo bar THE BEAUTY

A beautiful ritual to clean, energize and beautify all hair types. 

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €11.95

Akcijska cena: €8.90

The shampoo bar is designed for all hair types and provides the scalp and hair with a special kind of ritual - the gentle and rich foam cleans the hair and revitalises it, leaving it full of energy, soft and nourished in a completely natural way. Our shampoo bar is enriched wtih natural Coconut, Olive Oil, Mineral Grey Clay and Natural Essential Oils and doesn`t contain SLS, silicone or any other ingredients that are harmful for your hair. One bar is equivalent to 2-3 bottles of liquid shampoo. 

The Beauty smells like summer, with notes of citrus and Peppermint.

Color of our shampoo bar The beauty represents Amethyst, which is all about self protection and balance. Amethyst facilitates hair growth and scalp health. 

Swipe the shampoo a few times along the entire length of wet hair, massage it in and leave it in your hair for one minute. Thoroughly rinse off. Use conditioner or hair oil, if necessary. 


  • For all types of hair;
  • Perfect for travel;
  • one bar is equivalent to 2-3 bottles of liquit shampoo;
  • Formulated by holistic skincare expert, licensed esthetician, and massage therapist Tina Avguštin. 
  • Inspired by Ancient beauty rituals;
  • 70 years familiy tradition with Slovenian Clay;
  • Pure and Natural;
  • 100% vegan;
  • 100% Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
  • Original product;
  • Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU)
  • Crafted in small batches;
  • No parabens;
  • No Synthetic Fragrance;
  • No silicone, mineral oils & parabens;


  • INCI: Sodium Coco-Sulfate ( made from the fatty acids of coconut oil)  • Aqua • Olea Europaea ( Olive) Fruit Oil • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut ) Oil • Pure Grey Clay • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil • Citrus Reticulata ( Mandarin) Peel Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass) Oil • Mentha Piperita ( Peppermint ) Oil • d-Limonene* • Citral* • * naturally in Essential Oils
  • Produce: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Weight: 50g

Shampoo bar THE BEAUTY

Add to Cart €8.90
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly