Handmade and shipped from EU ♥ >>


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  1. Rating

    Super je. Sploh ne veš, da ga imaš. Lepo se razmaže. Pa še naraven je!

    review by Saša on 4/8/2024
  2. Rating

    Glinena deodorantska krema je super. Zelo učinkovita in res pomaga pri preprečevanju neprijetnih vonjav. Moti me edino način nanosa ker ni tako praktičen.

    review by Andreja on 4/3/2024
  3. Rating

    Sem se odločila, da delim svojo pozitivno izkušnjo z glinenim deodorantom. Sicer ga s fantom uporabljava šele en teden, ampak sva oba izjemno zadovoljna. Jaz hodim v službo in domov peš, tudi delo je takšno da sem dobesedno vseh 8ur na nogah, skačem sem in tja ter se potim... Dnevno tako prehodim preko 10km. S tem deodorantom pridem v službo z lepim, svežim vonjem. Je prvi deodorant, ki ga sploh redno uporabljam (in mi resnično manjka, v kolikor ga pozabim nanesti), saj vsi ostali deoti na oblačilih puščajo madeže, ob prekomernem potenju pa dejansko smrdijo in zadevo še poslabšajo. Skratka, vse pohvale

    review by Julija on 4/2/2024
  4. Rating

    Krema je super, zdrži cel dan in še več. Prijetno diši po citrusih.

    review by Dea on 4/2/2024
  5. Rating

    Zelo ucinkovit, tudi med sportom ! Zelo hitro se spotim in nikoli si nisem upala uporabit naravnega deodoranta. Ampak glinena krema fresh strong zelo deluje, celo po sportni aktivnosti ostanem « brez vonja ». TOP !

    review by Maja on 3/31/2024
  6. Rating

    Sem bila skeptična.A noro, po uporabi neverjetno presenečena. Se ne potim, ne zaudarjam, skratka zelo, zelo priporočam. Hvala za tak izdelek.

    review by Bojana on 3/30/2024
  7. Rating

    Ta deodorant je najboljši od vseh naravnih, ki sem jih preizkusila. Sestavine deodoranta omogočajo tudi razstrupljanje in ne puščajo sledi na oblačilih.
    Z njim sem cel dan sproščena in varna v kateremkoli okolju. To je najboljša odločitev. Res vrhunski izdelek. Hvala :)

    review by Petra on 3/30/2024
  8. Rating

    Zelo prijeten vonj, enostaven nanos, meni je super!

    review by Gaja on 3/20/2024
  9. Rating

    Sama sem zelo zadovoljna z deodorantom saj se veliko potim. Deodorant je res prijetnega vonja in lahek za nanos.

    review by Smanta on 3/13/2024
  10. Rating

    Deodorantska krema je vrhunska., lepo diši in drži cel dan. Všeč mi je, da ne pušča sledi na belih oblačilih, po nanosu ne peče, na koži pa pusti mehak občutek. Super je.

    review by Jasmina on 3/6/2024
  11. Rating

    Odličen deodorant, dišeč in zelo prijeten.

    review by Ana on 2/22/2024
  12. Rating

    Zelo zadovoljna!Hvala:)

    review by Spela Repar on 2/11/2024
  13. Rating

    Super deodorant. Uporabljam ga že nekaj let, ne zamenjam ga.

    review by mateja on 2/10/2024
  14. Rating

    Ze nekaj mesecev sem imela nevšečnosti z vonjem pod pazduhami, ne glede na to, kateri deodorant sem izbrala ali v kakšni obliki. Ko me je na cedilu pustil tudi kristal..., mi je bilo jasno, da bo treba nekaj korenito spremeniti. Nič ni več delovalo na moji koži. Spreminja se. Pa saj se tudi jaz.

    Po naključju sem pri kosilu v lokalu naletela na podobno temo pri sosednji mizi in slišala čudežno besedico GLINA.SI.
    Naročila sem še isti dan, dobila že 2 dan po naročilu in takoj namazala svoje pazduhe. Malo me je skrbelo, če bo zdržalo... že takoj po prvem nanosu in če bo zdržalo cel dan oz.12 ur. In je zdržalo. Zelo lepo diši, lepo se razmaže. Vesela:-))

    In potem mi moja hči pove, da ona to že dalj časa uporablja in da je zelo zadovoljna. No?!

    Za vikend si privoščim še anti celulitne obloge. Se že sedaj veselim, ker sem že vse preparate "prevohala" in zelo lepo dišijo.

    review by Sonja on 2/7/2024
  15. Rating

    Ta teden prvič poskusila deodorant fresh strong,lepo diši,lepo se razmaže.
    Učinkovit cel dan.
    Sem zelo zadovoljna,sigurno ga še naročim.

    review by Magda on 2/7/2024
  16. Rating

    super negovalna kremica, drži dlje kot nežnejša variant, super nguje kožeo pazduh, zelo zadovoljna

    review by IRENA on 2/7/2024
  17. Rating

    Deodorant se lepo razmaže, presenetila me je tudi zelo dobra ucinkovitost, saj tudi po vecjem fizicnem naporu nisem zaznala slabega vonja.

    review by Andreja on 2/5/2024
  18. Rating

    Prvič preizkušam glinen deo...strong mi res zdrži cca 8-10h...drugi nekje par ur(cca 6h), preizkušam še madeže na majicah, ker mi je en drugi naravni deo uničil vse poletne majice...vonj je Top mogoče tudi zato, ker imam rada sveže, aromatične vonjave, ki se ne tepejo z mojimi parfumčki....vsekakor navdušena

    review by Majchi on 1/31/2024
  19. Rating

    Najboljši naravni deodorant, kar sem jih uporabljala do sedaj. Sigurno ga priporočim naprej.

    review by TATJANA on 1/20/2024
  20. Rating

    Najboljši deodorant do sedaj, kar sem opazila že po prvi uporabi. Zdrži ves dan in ne zamasti oblačil.
    Vsekakor še naročim. :)

    review by Darja on 12/3/2023
  21. Rating

    Sem šele na začetku uporabe, ampak prvi vtisi so zelo pozitivni. Že dolgo sem iskala alternativo konvencionalnim deodorantom, polnim različnih škodljivih snovi in sem srečna, da nam Tina ponuja tako zdravo alternativo.

    review by Dunja on 11/27/2023
  22. Rating

    Kremo uporabljam že 2 meseca. Sem zelo zadovoljna, je enostavna za nanos in učinkovita.

    review by Urška on 11/19/2023
  23. Rating

    Odličen vonj, ne pušča madežev in dolgaaaa obstojnost :)

    review by Emil on 10/14/2023
  24. Rating

    Res super deodorant ki deluje.

    review by Tina on 10/4/2023
  25. Rating

    Všeč mi je, ker je lepo mazljiv, ne pušča madežev in predvsem ker deluje!

    review by Danila on 9/20/2023
  26. Rating


    review by Andreja on 9/5/2023
  27. Rating

    Deodorant uporabljam že nekaj let. Še vedno je med vsemi deodoranti, ki sem jih do danes preizkusila (brez aluminija), najbolj učinkovit in nežen do kože...Včasih malo menjam, a na koncu vedno pristanem nazaj pri glinenem....

    review by Jolanda on 9/3/2023
  28. Rating

    Krasno diši in lepo se ga namaže pod pazduhe

    review by Jelka on 8/30/2023
  29. Rating

    Odlično 5. Takega naravnega deodoranta se nisem imela. To glineno mazilo res vpije neprijeten vonj in zeloooo dolgo zdrži. Posebno v teh zelo vrocih dneh. Vse kar je opisano v zapisu izdelka o tej deodorantski kremi vse drzi. Priporočam, ne boste razočarani.

    review by Melita on 8/25/2023
  30. Rating

    Zeloo disec in ucinkovit deodorant :)

    review by Katja on 8/7/2023
  31. Rating

    Odličen je. Takoj po tuširanju ga nanesem na vlažno kožo in to je to. Naraven, učinkovit, prijetno diši, ne pušča madežev na oblačilih. Sem super zadovoljna.

    review by Marjeta on 7/29/2023
  32. Rating

    Z nakupom kreme sem zadovoljna. Se odlično vpije, ne pušča madežev.

    review by Andreja on 7/12/2023
  33. Rating

    Uporabljam ga že več mesecev. Prvi naravni deodorant, ki (vsaj meni) dejansko izpolnjuje vse "kar obljublja"... moje telo ga je sprejelo za svojega. ❤

    review by Simona on 6/28/2023
  34. Rating

    ODLIČEN deodorant! Preizkusila sem že kar nekaj naravnih deodorantov, ampak ta je absolutni zmagovalec. Hvala Tina!

    review by Veronika on 6/25/2023
  35. Rating

    Deodorantska krema Fresh Strong je najboljši deodorant, kar sem jih uporabljala! Do sedaj sem uporabljala "heavy duty" antiperspirante - tudi po 2-3x dnevno. Vašo deodorantsko kremo nanesem le enkrat dnevno in preverjeno deluje ves dan! Iskrena hvala za ta čudovit in zdrav izdelek, Tina!

    review by Gordana on 6/21/2023
  36. Rating

    Čudovit,prijeten vonj,ne pušča flekov.

    review by Layla on 6/20/2023
  37. Rating

    Zelo nežen do kože in prijetnega vonja.

    review by Andreja on 6/7/2023
  38. Rating

    Super deodorant, ravno prav močan vonj in ne pušča madežev na oblačilih, kot nekateri drugi naravni deodoranti.

    review by Neža on 6/5/2023
  39. Rating

    Enostavno najboljši naravni deodorant. Od prve uporabe do zdaj ga občasno zamenjam le s tistim v trdi obliki. Vsak ima po svoje privlačen vonj in način uporabe.

    review by Andreja on 6/5/2023
  40. Rating

    Pozdravljena Tina...z zadnjim nakupom sem zelo zadovojljna..deo v kremi deluje,ga uporabljam!

    review by Nevenka on 6/5/2023
  41. Rating

    Prekrasen, nežen, nevpadljiv vonj. Všeč mi je,ker se ne svaljka na koži in se odlično vpije. Priporočam.

    review by Jasmina on 6/4/2023
  42. Rating

    Odličen izdelek - nepogrešljiv pri vsakdanji uporabi.
    Enostaven nanos, prijeten vonj, lično pakiranje,…
    Priročen izdelek za potovanja.

    review by Špela on 6/3/2023
  43. Rating

    Ko osvojiš način uporabe, deodorant zelo v redu in obstojen.

    review by andreja on 5/31/2023
  44. Rating

    Ni mi več potrebno preizkušati naravnih deodorantov, od sedaj uporabljam tega!

    review by Brigita on 5/28/2023
  45. Rating

    Deodorant uporabljam že dlje časa in sem zelo zelo zadovoljna. Pred tem sem preizkusila že veliko verzij naravnih deodorantov ampak tale meni osebno daleč najbolj ustreza. <3

    review by Urška on 5/8/2023
  46. Rating

    The deodorant is great, I've been using it for several years and I'm really very satisfied.

    review by Tina on 3/8/2023
  47. Rating

    I am very satisfied with your products so far, I am most impressed by the FRESH STRONG cream deodorant, without which I can no longer imagine going out among people. I will try the bar for the first time, but I have no doubt that I will be satisfied.

    review by Mateja on 2/17/2023
  48. Rating

    Fresh strong deo cream really works all day, without the need to reapply. The smell is discreet and I don't even detect it, so it is suitable for combining with other fragrances. Application is simple and does not cause a burning sensation like some deodorants in a spray. Definitely recommend!

    review by Tanja on 2/17/2023
  49. Rating

    I bought the part on the recommendation of a friend. I've been using it myself for a week now and I really like that even though it's natural, it does a really good job of protecting against unpleasant odors.

    review by Irena on 2/17/2023
  50. Rating

    Great deodorant. Pleasant, efficient.

    review by Andreja on 2/17/2023
  51. Rating

    The best deodorant I've ever used!! Ten ♥

    review by Mateja on 1/17/2023
  52. Rating

    The deodorant is great, it provides protection for the whole day.

    review by Karmen on 1/9/2023
  53. Rating


    review by Živa on 9/24/2022
  54. Rating

    I’ve been using your deodorant for a few years now and I don’t even think about putting anything else under my armpits. It works great and does not harm the skin.

    review by Simona on 5/25/2022
  55. Rating

    I've been looking for a deodorant for years, that would be natural and last me all day ... and I found it with you. Very very very grateful and satisfied. Thank you for your products ♥.

    review by Tina on 5/16/2022
  56. Rating

    I've only been using it for a couple of days, but it actually works. I have tried a lot of natural and unnatural deodorants, but I always had some problems - inflamed lymph nodes, pimples, burning skin after shaving, itching, unpleasant smell, excessive sweating .... I have no problems with this cream, it really spreads nicely and lasts. all the stress at work and running after the baby :) I also convince my husband to try it :)

    review by Martina on 4/28/2022
  57. Rating

    I have been using deodorant cream for a year now. I use only this deodorant and the smell of strong fresh suits me best. It is kind to the skin, pleasant smell…. I highly recommend….

    review by Jolanda on 4/26/2022
  58. Rating

    Very effective deodorant, smells nice. It actually works !!

    review by AnaM on 4/25/2022
  59. Rating

    The whole family is really happy with the deodorant cream. We girls use Sensitive, and now we have convinced the male part to use it as well. Strong is suitable for them. My husband uses deo for sports and also in business meetings. It smells pleasant, and there are no traces of unpleasant sweating.

    review by Katja on 4/25/2022
  60. Rating

    I am really very happy because it actually works against sweating and has a very pleasant smell.
    I would recommend it to everyone, especially now at a time when it is warmer and we sweat more.

    review by Metka on 4/21/2022
  61. Rating

    I think it's great, because I can apply it immediately after waxing, which was not possible with other natural deodorants.

    review by Mateja on 4/21/2022
  62. Rating

    I love this deodorant! ♥

    review by Petra on 4/15/2022
  63. Rating

    I am very happy with the deodorant. It is gentle on the skin, pleasant and nice smelling, in short excellent.

    review by Jožica on 4/13/2022
  64. Rating

    I am very happy with the deodorant, I have been using it for several years.

    review by Tatjana on 4/5/2022
  65. Rating

    Great deodorant! I have been using it for a couple of years now and it is the only one that really helps me.

    review by Zorica on 3/15/2022
  66. Rating

    I got your deodorant as a gift! It's fantastic! You’ve got a new regular customer - also for all the other wonderful products. It feels like the sun is shining when I receive your package because your accompanying words are so kind. And how carefully everything is wrapped… Thank you for that! ♥ ️

    review by Maj on 3/9/2022
  67. Rating

    I am very pleased. The deodorant smells nice and protects against unpleasant odors for a very long time. It also works great for me right after shaving.

    review by Tajda on 3/9/2022
  68. Rating

    Great product against unpleasant odors, protects for a very long time and still smells nice! It's really great!

    review by Ines Clara on 3/7/2022
  69. Rating

    I have to say that I could hardly wait for the package in which I received, among other things, the deodorant cream FRESH STRONG, which of course I used immediately. As gentle on the skin as all your creams and serums. I haven’t used any deodorant in quite some time because nothing suited my skin. but this is top notch. Thanks

    review by Nataša on 12/30/2021
  70. Rating

    I’ve had an allergy to “artificial” deodorants lately. This deodorant is a real discovery for me. Beautiful deodorant !!

    review by Sonja on 12/17/2021
  71. Rating

    Super deodorant! Effective, withstands all-day intense activities.:)

    review by Katja on 8/27/2021
  72. Rating

    I met clay fairies when I was looking for a natural, effective, nice-smelling deodorant made in Slovenia. Strong fresh meets all conditions :)

    review by Andreja on 8/9/2021
  73. Rating

    The deodorant is really TOP :) :) really the best. I can’t wait to try the other products.

    review by Tina on 6/16/2021
  74. Rating

    My partner and I are using your deodorant and we are really surprised what it can do!

    review by Sanja on 5/24/2021
  75. Rating

    Your deodorants are the only ones that WORKS for me!

    review by Lejla on 5/24/2021
  76. Rating

    It's really good!

    review by Eva on 3/15/2021
  77. Rating

    Fresh Strong deodorant is really good! The best product I have tried so far. Wonderful!

    review by Katja on 2/16/2021
  78. Rating

    Deodorant positively surprised both of us (boyfriend and me)! I can’t believe there are no unpleasant odors all day long!

    review by Sanja on 1/25/2021
  79. Rating

    For my teenage daughter, I bought a natural deo cream, which of course I had to test myself. I love it and it works and lasts all day.

    review by Tajda on 12/21/2020
  80. Rating

    my boyfriend wondered how he didn't smell anything during the day :)

    review by Sara on 10/19/2020
  81. Rating

    I tried deodorant for the hills. After 11km I was overjoyed because I still smelled nice. And there was no stench in the evening. I adore this clay more and more every day! I already use it on my hair, under my armpits and on my legs. :)

    review by Mateja on 8/7/2020
  82. Rating

    I was most impressed with the deodorant, which is really mega. It is finely lubricated, does not leave stains on clothes, does not have an intense smell and does not irritate the skin. I am really very satisfied with the product, as I have already tried many natural deodorants, but they did not give the desired effect.

    review by Tjaša on 7/28/2020
  83. Rating

    The deodorant is great. It is effective in preventing odors, and still smells nice. It is used by me, my husband and my mom, we are all very happy. Now we have tested it on our daughter, who is coming into puberty and it works great on her as well. I am infinitely grateful that the unpleasant smell can be suppressed in a completely natural way with her as well! Thanks!

    review by Nina on 7/28/2020
  84. Rating

    Your deodorant is really the best - pleasant smell, gentle texture and very durable. I'm not replacing it :)

    review by Alenka on 7/28/2020
  85. Rating

    Great deodorant, does a great job, even on the hottest days. At the same time, it is completely natural and gentle on the skin. Great product just like other products from Tina's hands.

    review by Anja on 7/28/2020
  86. Rating

    Simply natural, perfect, ... First I was positively shocked by the wonderful smell, then the texture, and after application its effectiveness ... This deodorant is to blame for the fact that I decided to try other clay products from Tina .... and I'm really excited about everything I've tried so far ... Thank you ...

    review by Anja on 7/28/2020
  87. Rating

    Another product I can't live without. It has become my daily routine and I am really glad I decided to take the test. Deodorant is completely natural, so my body is healthier and consequently sweating no longer has a strong smell. The cream is super lubricating and lasts a really long time. Even a very small application is enough for a feeling of freshness and a nice smell. Thanks!

    review by Ana on 7/28/2020
  88. Rating

    one of my favorite products. A natural and at the same time strong deodorant. After using it, I no longer smell it, but it is free of chemicals.

    review by Eva on 7/28/2020
  89. Rating

    Most Top Product. Due to the pleasant smell of the product, my armpits are fresh and have a pleasant smell

    review by Katarina on 7/28/2020
  90. Rating

    I tried it to see if it lasted all day - that is, from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. I was VERY surprised because he endured the job (office type, but stress is not lacking :-)), and then in the evening even an hour of intense exercise (before that I did not wash perfectly and re-applied deota). My usual deodorant definitely can’t do that.

    review by Sabina on 7/28/2020
  91. Rating

    And here's the thing: I've never had a better deodorant in my life than yours! :) Thanks!

    review by Vasja on 7/28/2020
  92. Rating

    I am very happy with the deodorant and I have already ordered it :)

    review by Jernej on 7/28/2020
  93. Rating

    Dear Tina. This deodorant is the BEST! I've been sweating a lot since I can remember, because I like very spicy and especially meat food, I also 'smell' very strongly ... But since I have this thing of yours, I haven't had these problems! She was even tried on a hot vacation in the middle of this winter.

    review by Majda on 7/28/2020
  94. Rating

    I finally found it :-) Tina what you did is top top ... I am very happy. Usually, when I take the child to kindergarten and do what is necessary, I had to change my clothes. Now we can play on the playground even in the afternoon and there is no unpleasant smell. Thank you thank you thank you for creating for All of us.

    review by Maja on 7/28/2020
  95. Rating

    It works 100% for me! I have tried many deodorants, but this one is the best!

    review by Simona on 7/28/2020
  96. Rating

    i have already tried the deodorant cream and it is really great.

    review by Špela on 7/9/2020
  97. Rating

    I am extremely pleased with your deodorant. It is the only one that offers me freshness all day long! :)

    review by Zala on 6/29/2020
  98. Rating

    Ta deodorant je super, drži cel dan, ima lepo naraven vonj in je zelo mazljiv. Top!!!

    review by Timea on 2/8/2020
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Set for all skin types


Facial cream GORGEOUS

Deodorant cream FRESH STRONG

Discover our collection of natural deodorant creams handmade with cruelty free and 100% natural ingredients!  Perfect for all skin types.

Availability: In stock

  • Vsebuje našo glino
  • Naravna kozmetika
  • Prijazno do živali
  • Ročno izdelano v Sloveniji
  • Naravna olja in zelišča
  • Veganski izdelek
  • Možnost recikliranja

The FRESH STRONG deodorant cream is a strong and non-toxic deodorant with our Mineral Rich Grey Clay, that works in a completely NATURAL way. Beautifully soft Coconut Oil and Shea Butter will nourish the skin while baking soda and clay powder help to draw the moisture from your body, absorb it and neutralizes sweat pH. The natural, gentle and fresh essential oils work in perfect harmony, do not clog the pores and help maintain freshness.

Lemongrass eucalyptus natural essential oil blend has sweet grassy of fresh lemongrass with a hint of minty scent. Like a fresh summer morning.  

♥ For men and women and all skin types;
♥ Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU);
♥ 100% Original product ;
♥ 100% natural ingrediants;
♥ No aluminum,no parabens; no synthetic fragrance; no silicone, mineral oils ;
♥ Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
♥ Crafted in small batches;
♥ Made from clay with 70 years familiy tradition ;

Apply a pea-sized amount of cream to the clean skin of your underarms. And don’t forget to put a cream in your travel bag! 

  • ( INCI): Butyrospermum Parkii ( Shea ) Butter • Cera Alba ( Beeswax ) • Sodium Bicarbonate • Pure grey Clay • Cocos Nucifera ( Coconut) Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuosus ( Lemongrass ) Oil • Eucalyptus Globulus ( Eucalyptus) Leaf Oil •  Citral* Geraniol* d-Limonene* Linalool* Citronellol* Eugenol* ● * naturally in Essential Oils
  • Produced by: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • 25 ml

Deodorant cream FRESH STRONG

Add to Cart €10.95
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly