Handmade and shipped from EU ♥ >>


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  1. Rating

    Odlična krema...mazljiva in meni osebno zelo lepo diši. Koža je po nanosu svilnata. Že sam občutek, da na kožo nanašaš naravne sestavine je božanski. Edina pomanjkljivost je, da jo prehitro zmanjka ;)

    review by Mateja on 10/3/2024
  2. Rating

    Mene je prepričala :) Uporabljam jo tudi kar tako, za navlažitev kože.

    review by Damjana on 7/13/2024
  3. Rating

    Odlična krema. Je mazljiva in se lepo vpije. Občutek in tudi izgled daje občutek, da bo krema res pomagala v boju proti celulitu.

    review by Nataša on 6/24/2024
  4. Rating

    Super kremica. Se mi zdi da res pomaga.

    review by Andreja on 5/19/2024
  5. Rating

    Zelo lepo se da nanesti in vmasirati...je priporočljivo večkrat dnevno? Zaenkrat mažem samo zvečer.

    review by Irena on 5/18/2024
  6. Rating

    Moja prva kremica proti celulitu, ki je zares TOP,jaz sem ga poimenovala kar moj Celulitko! Kožo dejansko zgladi in po redni uporabi so vidne manjše spremembe, ker imam zelo malo pomarančaste kože. Celulitko je mojih 5minut . Toplo priporočam vsem, ki bi se želele na naraven način lotit celulita.

    review by Sara on 4/11/2024
  7. Rating

    Mazilo je zame dokaj nevtralnega vonja in mi ni niti všeč niti me ne moti. Je čisto ok. Učinek mazila je super, koža je bolj gladka in mehka - za učinek na celulit pa bom morala še vztrajati, saj uporabljam mazilo še premalo časa. Edino kar je mini minus zame, je to, da je malo težje nanašati oz. je potrebno malo več mazila, da lahko lepo namažeš in zmasiraš, kar pomeni, da bo verjetno hitro zmanjkalo. Drugače pa krasno mazilo!

    review by Katja on 4/11/2024
  8. Rating

    Zelo prijetno mazilo, ki me motivira k redni samomasaži. Koža je po uporabi nahranjena in taka ostane do naslednjega tuširanja, odlične (naravne) pa so tudi sestavine. :)

    review by Julija on 2/17/2024
  9. Rating

    Super krema.

    review by Helena on 12/2/2023
  10. Rating

    Super mazilo. Koži daje gladek in napet videz.

    review by Tanja on 12/1/2023
  11. Rating

    Mazilo je izredno mazljivo, prijetne teksture in vonja. O anticelulitnem ucinku se ne morem porocati, ker ga uporabljam sele par dni. Prepricana sem, da je bo ze sama vsakodnevna nega dovolj za blagodejne ucinke. Glede na to, da je, ucinek na kozo ze tako super, anticelulitni ucinek bo samo dodana vrednost. Zagotovo si narocim se enega.

    review by Jana on 12/1/2023
  12. Rating

    Top zadeva. Resnično pomaga. Celulit je manj viden.
    Hvala iz ❤️.

    review by Mateja on 11/14/2023
  13. Rating

    Super zadovoljna. Koža mehka, navlažena in vidno manj celulita.

    review by Andreja on 9/17/2023
  14. Rating

    Imam krčne žile,stanje na nogah se mi je po prebolelem covidu še poslabšalo. Ampak ko se namažem s tvojim celulitkotom,po pol ure že občutim olajšanje,noge niso već boleče,pa še koža je mehkejša in bolj napeta.Tina,tole kremico bi ocenila z 10 zvezdicami!

    review by Irena on 8/16/2023
  15. Rating

    Super izdelek, priporočam. Sploh pa podpiram, ker je slovenski in naraven ❤

    review by LARA on 7/1/2023
  16. Rating

    Super v kombinaciji s glinenim pilingom detox!

    review by Tina on 6/13/2023
  17. Rating

    Koža je po nanosu kreme čudovito mehka, nežna in dišeča.

    review by Ksenja on 5/8/2023
  18. Rating

    Obcutek po nanosu je zeli dober, mehka koza, za ucinek je potrebno biti vztrajen, kot pri vseh drugih izrelkih proti celulitu. To pa je izziv :)

    review by Simona on 5/3/2023
  19. Rating

    Zadovoljna ker naredi kozo mehko in jo navlazi!

    review by Tina on 4/17/2023
  20. Rating

    Very good cream, moisturizes all day, very satisfied.

    review by Špela on 2/17/2023
  21. Rating

    An excellent cream that is not aggressive, has a wonderful smell and spreads very nicely.
    But what excites me the most is that my skin is moisturized until the next shower.

    review by Špela on 1/26/2023
  22. Rating

    It makes the skin soft and supple

    review by Darja on 1/26/2023
  23. Rating

    Cellulite makes my skin soft like velvet.

    review by Darja on 1/11/2023
  24. Rating

    The natural anti-cellulite ointment has a beneficial effect on all areas of the body that need additional care and firming. After use, the skin is extremely soft, fragrant, supple and nourished.

    review by Maja on 12/27/2022
  25. Rating

    Excellent skin care in combination with gua sha for the body. In the morning, the body is like new. Magical. Love it!

    review by Marjetka on 12/12/2022
  26. Rating

    After use, the skin is beautifully smooth and moisturized ♥

    review by Simona on 10/10/2022
  27. Rating

    For me, massaging clay salve on problem parts of the body has become an my daily ritual after showering. After application, the skin is supple and beautifully scented. Love!

    review by Nataša on 9/23/2022
  28. Rating

    Great feeling on the skin, absorbs great.

    review by Jerneja on 5/12/2022
  29. Rating

    When I apply this cream, it seems to me that I really enjoy a high standard of living. It really feels good and affects me divinely.

    review by Damjana on 5/9/2022
  30. Rating

    So far, I haven’t been exactly persistent in applying body creams, but with cellulite, that has changed. It smells so lovelyand spreads beautifully that I can’t wait to do my little ritual again in the morning.

    review by Irena on 5/5/2022
  31. Rating

    Tina, this cream has corrected the imperfections on the skin on my feet so well that I'm really excited - even though I'm 60 and a few years old.
    Kind regards to you and your team!

    review by Irena on 4/28/2022
  32. Rating

    top product .... very pleasant smell, pleasant structure .... the skin is pleasant to the touch after use ...

    review by Mateja on 4/28/2022
  33. Rating

    After one month of use, I can say that the skin is significantly smoother. Cellulite is less visible and the skin is rejuvenated. The skin on the abdomen is also firmer. At the same time, the cream also eliminates skin rashes and pimples, also due to ingrown hairs.
    Highly recommend!

    review by Naja on 4/15/2022
  34. Rating

    Great, nicely lubricating and nourishing cream. It is difficult to talk about the results against cellulite, but the feeling after application is very pleasant. :)

    review by Julija on 4/11/2022
  35. Rating

    Great product , Very friendly shop owner. I recommend.

    review by Aljoša on 4/5/2022
  36. Rating

    Great cream, the skin is smooth and soft and smells nice!

    review by Nataša on 3/31/2022
  37. Rating

    I immediately tried the coffee soap and anti-cellulite cream, honestly a very pleasant feeling on the skin.

    review by Anja on 3/17/2022
  38. Rating

    Goodbye cellulite ointment leaves a really good feeling on the skin.
    It absorbs nicely into the skin and I will be happy to continue using it.

    review by Irena on 3/14/2022
  39. Rating

    I don’t have any particular cellulite issues but I’m still excited about the feeling it leaves on my skin. Great!

    review by Urška on 3/14/2022
  40. Rating

    The cream absorbs nicely into the skin, I also use it for the abdomen.
    I am still waiting for the results because I have just started using the cream.

    review by Jana on 3/14/2022
  41. Rating

    Great product, I recommend to everyone :)

    review by Nina on 3/25/2021
  42. Rating

    It really is a great Goodye cellulite - not only does it help with orange skin, but to me it’s great as an ointment. The skin is nourished all day and smells really nice, not at all like an anti-cellulite cream.

    review by Breda on 1/22/2021
  43. Rating

    GOODBYE CELLULITE clay ointment is really good and unique!

    review by Marija on 11/16/2020
  44. Rating

    I ordered a face oil and an anti-cellulite cream, both of which are fantastic, extremely satisfying! <3

    review by Jadi on 9/21/2020
  45. Rating

    I cry over how good my legs look when I massage them with clay ointment. And how wonderful I feel! A new clay fairy addict here! :)

    review by Jerneja on 8/28/2020
  46. Rating

    I have just started using it, so there are no visible results yet, but the skin is so gentle when I apply it, great really!

    review by Lavra on 8/17/2020
  47. Rating

    Anti-cellulite is great! After 3 weeks, my thighs are unrecognizable. I have more supple skin, the pimples are gone and the skin is so smooth.

    review by Mateja on 8/7/2020
  48. Rating

    I also started using goodbye cellulite (along with body scrub detox) and I feel like I’m already seeing results.

    review by Nika on 8/6/2020
  49. Rating

    If I say I fell in love with her, I won’t be lying! She smells wonderful, nourishes the skin and pampers me. What could be nicer?

    review by Sanja on 7/13/2020
  50. Rating

    Your “goodbye cellulite” clay ointment smells so good. the skin remains nicely nourished until the next pampering.

    review by Sanja on 7/7/2020
  51. Rating

    I already ordered another cellulite because it totally impressed me.

    review by Polona on 7/7/2020
  52. Rating

    Cellulite is the best cellulite cream I have ever had - and the only one that actually works! Not only do you really know the change, but you also have super smooth skin after. It's really amazing how it warms the areas that are covered in cellulite. Really crazy! And so in the first place I use it mainly because it warms me up and only then it comes to a series of aesthetics - cellulite. Tina thank you a hundred times, masterpiece again !! ❤

    review by Klara on 7/7/2020
  53. Rating

    The ointment has been in use for half a year and the change is obvious. The skin is smoother and tighter and nourished.

    review by Simona on 7/7/2020
  54. Rating

    I also use an anti-cellulite ointment - not only did it tighten my skin, reduce the visibility of cellulite, but the bonus of using it is that all the pimples on the bikini area have disappeared (as a result of depilation). When I started noticing this, I was completely out of my mind, because I have very sensitive skin and my hair starts to grow back immediately. And I'm really happy to have discovered this product because I've used products before that are supposed to reduce hair regrowth but nowhere to be found. I am most happy that my skin accepts clay products so well

    review by Ingrid on 7/7/2020
  55. Rating

    I tried the cellulite cream, the feeling on the skin is gorgeous and lasts, which is essential for my dry skin, as some of the oils are not nutritious for me, and some remain as a film on top of the skin.

    review by Sabina on 7/7/2020
  56. Rating

    It actually smoothes the skin and after regular use, minor changes are visible because I have very little orange peel skin. Cellulite is my 5 minutes. I warmly recommend it to anyone who would like to tackle cellulite in a natural way.

    review by Sara on 7/7/2020
  57. Rating

    I've been using it for about a week now and it seems to me that the colors are slowly "fading", cellulite is no longer so visible. I am very surprised by the result in such a short time and I hope that with daily lubrication the visibility of cellulite will be minimal. I would recommend cellulite to all postpartum moms and all women who are struggling with cellulite.

    review by Anja on 7/7/2020
  58. Rating

    Tina, the ointment is fine for me, not because of cellulite, it's too early to say, but I apply it all over my body during the shower and then I have nourished fine skin!

    review by Maja on 7/7/2020
  59. Rating

    It’s is really great, it makes the skin soft, moisturized and firmer.

    review by Patricija on 7/7/2020
  60. Rating

    It's great for me!

    review by Tjaša on 7/7/2020
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Face and body ointment CALENDULA


Face and body soap TEA TREE


Close your eyes and make a wish - goodbye cellulite ♥ 

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €13.95

Akcijska cena: €9.95

  • Vsebuje našo glino
  • Naravna kozmetika
  • Prijazno do živali
  • Ročno izdelano v Sloveniji
  • Naravna olja in zelišča
  • Možnost recikliranja

Clay ointment Goodbye cellulite is the perfect mixture of natural ingredients which restore skin elasticity and glow. Natural essential oils of Juniper, Rose Geranium and Grapefruit and our Mineral Rich clay are the main active ingredients of this ointment against cellulite and in cooperation with Avocado and Sweet Almond Oil really works magic for your skin. 

Inspiration: The Dandelion Flower reminds us that wishes have power, but they also come with responsibility. So go for a walk, drink water and massage every day. Oh- and make a wish - GOODBYE CELLULITE.

Goodbye cellulite ointment has a sweet grounding scent with a fresh, balsamic and woody undertone. 

Apply an amount of balm with circular movements massaging it on your dry or wet skin. Rub in a vigorous way helping stimulate blood circulation on the area until your skin absorbs the cream


  • Formulated by holistic skincare expert, licensed esthetician, and massage therapist Tina Avguštin.  
  • Inspired by Ancient beauty rituals ;
  • 60 years familiy tradition with Slovenian Clay;
  • 100% pure ;
  • 100% natural; 
  • 100% Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
  • Original product;
  • Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU)
  • Crafted in small batches;
  • No parabens;
  • No Synthetic Fragrance;
  • No silicone, mineral oils & parabens;


  • INCIPersea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil • Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil • Cera Alba ( Beeswax ) • Pure Grey Clay ● Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Flower Oil ● Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil ● Juniperus Communis ( Juniper) Fruit Oil ● d-Limonene* ● Citronellol* ● Geraniol* ● Linalool* ● Citral* ● * naturally in Essential Oils
  • Produce: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Weight: 125 ml

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Add to Cart €9.95
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly