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Deodorantska krema je zelo nežna, sploh nimaš občutka, da imaš kaj namazano. Hkrati pa je učinkovita, meni zdrži cel dan, preverjeno tudi pri telovadbi in izletih v hribe.
review by Lara on 12/7/2024 -
Kremica je lepo mazljiva, nežnega vonja in učinkovita, predvsrm pa naravna.
review by Mojca on 8/28/2024
Priporočam ! -
Starejsa hci je imela kar tezave z eodoranti...vnete pazduhe...fleke...bolecine skratka groza od groze kaj vse je probala pa nic ni bilo ok z njeno zdravje pazduh...koncno sem jo prepricala da poizkusi tvojega naravnega...(seveda je bil problem to da ni bil v spreju) ampak ves kaj...sedaj ko ga je koncno probala je NORO NAVDUŠENA tudi ona
review by Tina on 8/5/2024 -
Naraven, lepo mazljiv izdelek, ki omogoča svežino cel dan.
review by Petra on 8/4/2024 -
Kremica je super, nezno diseca, krmasta, lahko se
review by Majda on 5/11/2024
namaze, priporocam vsem poponoma naravni izdelek.
Ocena 5 -
Ta luštna deo kremica je prijetno mazljiva, zelo lepo diši in za cel dan omogoča svežino, ki jo obljubi na začetku, tudi v menopavzi :).Hvala.
review by Barbara on 1/15/2024 -
Cool zadeva , res škoda nisem prej vedela za njo bi posebej hčerki prihranila marsikatero neprijetno situacijo ko se je spotila (ravno so začeli nagajat hormončki). Po tej kremici pa nič neprijetnega vonja. Super je priporočam.
review by Maja on 1/10/2024 -
Presenečena sem bila in zadovoljna z uporabo... Postaja moja stalnica....
review by Monika on 11/25/2023 -
Lepo mazljivo in hitro se vpije. Brez neprijetnoh vonjav tudi do večera. Top izdelek
review by Ivana on 11/22/2023 -
Super...drugačen od standardnih deodorantov, pa vseeno zelo učinkovti.
review by Tanja on 11/7/2023
Lepo se namaže in daje prijeten občutek. -
Odličen deodorant, zdrži cel dan in niti malo ne draži kože. Super zadovoljna.
review by IRENA PRAH on 9/27/2023 -
...dober občutek,ker veš,da je naravno..učinkuje.
review by NEVENKA on 9/20/2023 -
Čisto iskreno je tale deodorant edini, ki mi pomaga pri neprijetnih vonjavah. Preizkusila sem že mnogo deodorantov - od tistih "ta boljših" v drogerijah do mnogo naravnih, ki pa večinoma vsebujejo sodo bikarbono in so mi čisto razdražili kožo. Tale deodorant in njegov "bratec" Fresh Strong pa mi ne razdražita kože, ne mašita žlez znojnic in zaradi njiju tudi ob večjih fizičnih naporih sredi poletja nimam neprijetnih vonjav. Ocena je 11/10.
review by Sara on 8/22/2023 -
Tvoja oblika oz način deodoranta mi da občutek večje obstojnosti deodoranta, ker namažeš... Ne škoduje... In fajn občutek je... Pa tudi ga lahko daš malo v manjšo embalažo za na dopust...
review by Saša on 7/24/2023 -
Prijetno dišeč, zelo dobro mazljiv, ker ne vsebuje sode bikarbone. Dobro se vpije v kožo.
review by Karmen on 6/4/2023 -
Beautiful, delicate, but still fresh enough to keep it fresh. Even with my schoolboy :)
review by Aleksandra on 2/24/2023
The texture of the deodorant is creamy, it keeps the skin soft. The feeling of freshness and dryness lasts almost the whole day. It leaves no marks on clothes. I recommend!
review by Maja on 12/27/2022
I found your products on the Internet when I was looking for an all-natural deodorant. Until now, I used a deodorant advertised as "natural", but apparently this is not the case. After using it, my armpit skin became so inflamed that only corticosteroids helped. When the rash the size of a CD finally went away, my armpit burned and turned red when I sweated.....I devoted quite a bit of time to researching, reading a small sea of natural deodorant websites, among other things, I also reviewed your entire website, all posts and videos.... And finally gathered the courage and placed the order. I really hoped that this was the right product and I was not wrong (at least for now).
review by Anita on 10/7/2022
After 4 days of using the clay underarm pads and using the clay deodorant, I no longer have red underarms, and no burning at all! Thank you so much for the great products!!! -
A natural deodorant that spreads well and smells wonderful. If you want natural and local, order it.
review by Tanja on 9/23/2022
Very smooth, lasts all day, smells pleasant. The 12-year-old says that he will only use this from now on ❤️.
review by Teja on 9/23/2022
Recently, due to irritated skin, I replaced the deodorants with baking soda for these fresh - it's great, it actually holds and smells very nice, and there is no trace of irritated skin.
review by Julija on 4/11/2022 -
Great product, skin friendly and effective.
review by Irena on 4/11/2022 -
The best deodorant I have ever tried. Even after depilation, it works gently and nourishingly. I never thought before that I would find a deodorant that works as a soothing cream at the same time. Top!
review by Irška on 3/14/2022
Dear Tina,deodorant cream really suits me very well;it smells nice - gently and my skin accepted the deodorant nicely. I'm glad I found you.
review by Irena on 3/3/2022 -
The deodorant is really great. I already tried it yesterday right after the workout. :)
review by Nežka on 9/2/2021
A wonderful deodorant. I was a little skeptical about the smell and how it worked at first, but it positively surprised me. What convinced me the most about the purchase was that it does not contain baking soda, like most other deodorants that do more harm than good to the armpits. I'm happy to order more.
review by Sara on 6/3/2021
This deodorant helps me a lot, it smells nice and doesn't let me down even after I'm physically active. It spreads very nicely. I was looking for a deodorant that does not contain baking soda, which is sometimes present in other "natural deodorants" - since I was allergic to it. I recommend these deodorants to all those who want a natural product and who are active. it suits me very well.
review by Urša on 11/23/2020
Great deodorant!
review by Mojca on 9/18/2020 -
The best natural deodorant I have tried. It smells very nice, is long lasting and very easy to apply. My husband and I both adore him.
review by Vesna on 8/6/2020
Tina, I just opened the package. This is the cutest gently scented package ever! ❤ Wonderful! I “dipped” my finger into the deodorant and it works really smooth, not to mention the smell. Nothing too much, and yet fresh enough. My daughter and I both tried the deodorant - it works and is gentle!
review by Vojka on 8/3/2020
I’ve been testing a lot of natural products lately as I have dermatitis and it’s really hard to find the right products for my skin. After a few months of testing the clay products, I can safely say that they are excellent. They are suitable for sensitive skin and do not cause any reactions. In short, the top. At home I even have a collection, deodorant, COCO and GORGEOUS, soap, shampoo, conditioner ... Absolutely all products are TOP!
review by Janja on 7/28/2020
Thank you thank you for existing! after a 2-year search for a Slovenian natural deodorant (tried from deodorant in cream to deodorant in contact, various manufacturers, etc., unfortunately everyone was irritating the skin, because of baking soda) I finally found one that suits me! excited and overjoyed!
review by Iza on 7/28/2020
deodorant cream, which is the first that does not react aggressively to me after depilation. Thank you for your phenomenal products!
review by Petra on 7/28/2020
Lately, I've been swearing by natural deodorants, especially now that I'm pregnant and at this time I don't like perfumed products at all. It came as ordered when I was already running out of the previous one. I used it once a day, immediately after showering, after which I applied it to warm and fresh skin.
review by Ana on 7/28/2020
He didn't let me down, because I didn't sweat at all after using it.
review by Angel beauty on 7/28/2020