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Milo mi je všeč, ker ima vonj po limoni. Koža je po umivanju mehka in ne zateguje. Načeloma sem vedno za tuširanje uporabljala gele za tuširanje, saj mi je po umivanju z milom vedno zategovalo kožo in na koži sem imela občutek suhosti. Vendar pa sedaj, ko sem spoznala glinena mila, dejansko ne uporabljam več gelov, ampak samo še vaša mila Zelo veliko uporabljam tudi druge vaše izdelke, saj so res vrhunske kvalitete in upam, da boste še naprej razvijali svojo kreativnost in nas razvajali s svojimi novimi izdelki.
review by Nataša on 10/26/2024 -
Odlicno milo, priporočam vsem.
review by Majda on 5/11/2024 -
Glineno milo LEMON lahko rečem samo SUPER! Zelo naravno, z nežnim vonjem po limoni (ravno prav vonja - ne preveč, ne premalo) in rahlim pilingom, ki kožo poživi. Po uporabi je koža sveža in svilnata.
review by Mojca on 3/11/2024 -
Top! Ze ob prejemu je cel paketek disal po naravnem vonju mila. po umivanju je moja koza sijoca, obcutek po spiranju mila pa nemasten in svez.
review by Veronika on 1/17/2024 -
pet zvezdic, sem zadovoljna z milom, saj mi kožo omehča in da prijeten občutek
review by cvetka on 1/13/2024 -
Dišeča, kvalitetna ploščica mila,ki osveži in odstrani toksine iz telesa.Hkrati,da mehkobo koži.
review by Anita on 12/10/2023 -
Zanimivo milo z vonjem citrusa...ki ti že zjutraj polepša jutro in te z vonjem vabi v nov dan. Kožo navalaži, očisti in nahrani. Pa še čisto naravno je, saj glina tudi notranje hrani in zdravi telo...
review by anita on 12/9/2023 -
Zelo fajno... Za pocrkljati. Tvoja mila niso za vsakodnevno umivanje rok. Škoda ga je za to. Fajno za tuširanje. In enostavno vzeti si čas zase.
review by Saša on 10/22/2023 -
Prvič preizkusila milo in je res super. Lepo diši, naravno in prijetno za kožo.
review by Ema on 8/30/2023 -
Zelo rada imam to milo. Všeč mi je vonj in občutek na koži po njegovi uporabi. Uporabljam le trda mila in nad glinenimi sem navdušena. Zelo priporočam.
review by Tatjana on 8/21/2023 -
Tko lepo,naravno diši.
review by Layla on 7/23/2023 -
Limona❤čudovit vonj.
review by Layla on 7/22/2023 -
Mi je super všeč. (Praktičen, lepo sede v dlan, se ne peni pretirano, ne izsuši mi kože, obožujem ga.)
review by Tina on 5/24/2023 -
The best soap ever! I have been using only this soap for some time. My favorite is lemon because it has a really nice natural smell. The skin is really soft and fresh after showering. I have already bought this soap for everyone in the family, also for gifts, because I want everyone to like it as much as I do :D great product.
review by Urška on 3/23/2023
We have been using your product for some time. I'm glad I found you on the Facebook page. The products are of high quality and, for me, very important, natural.
review by Jelka on 2/17/2023 -
Wonderful cream! Fluffy, light, nutritious. Gentle, spreads nicely and absorbs quickly, leaves no grease filter. It nourishes the skin and does not clog it, but lets it breathe. It still smells very nice. Infinitely grateful to the neighbor who gave me my first cream for my birthday! I have been buying it regularly since then, as I have finally found natural and really quality cosmetics. The cosmetics are already with you the next day, nicely packaged, with a wonderful dedicator Tina, who obviously really creates with all her heart. And this is also strongly known in cosmetics. So I will definitely try another product in the future. Tina thank you for being!
review by Katja on 5/9/2022 -
My skin is in love with this soap. Simple and the best. I can also adjust the size for the trip by cutting it off and I don't have to take the whole thing with me. Less is more! :)
review by Tina on 5/9/2022 -
The soap is really great! :)
review by Sonja on 5/5/2022 -
it's great! ♥♥
review by Zala on 3/22/2022 -
I have noticed that hair on my legs are much softer since I used this clay soap and they shave nicely.Top clay soap !!
review by Tanja on 3/22/2021 -
It’s really great, it foams nicely and leaves the skin really smooth.
review by Tanja on 10/9/2020
That soap is great! It has a pleasant but not too strong smell, foams nicely, leaves no traces and most importantly: leaves the skin clean and smooth <3
review by Neža on 10/5/2020
All soaps are beautiful, they gently cleanse the skin and at the same time nourish it. The skin is clean, smooth, gentle and smells like a fresh morning :) In addition, these soaps are also friendly to the sink and bathtub - they do not leave any traces, which annoyed me with all the hard soaps tested so far. Extreme compliments to Tina and her products :)
review by Mateja on 6/22/2020 -
Top soap for body and face!
review by Sara on 6/22/2020 -
My favorite!!! I love this soap. It smells so fresh and clean. If you keep making it, I'll keep buying it.
review by Tina on 6/22/2020 -
AMAZING! ABSOLUTELY in love with the smell, and it absorbs well into the skin.
review by Verena on 6/22/2020
Smells lovely and fresh.
review by Andreja on 6/22/2020