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Excellent, very satisfied! After the scrub, my skin is soft, firm, and smells wonderfully of coffee. I'm especially happy that the product is natural. Wonderful!
review by Nataša on 1/16/2025
Navdušena! Piling s pomočjo kavnih zrn lepo ostrani odmrle celice in umazanijo, zaradi vseh olj ki jih vsebuje pa mojo kožo pusti gladko in nahranjeno, tako da tisti večer na kožo ne rabim nanašati nič drugega. V posebno zadovoljstvo mi je tudi dejstvo, da sem na svojo kožo nanesla naravni izdelek z 0 kemikalijami.
review by Anjel on 12/17/2024 -
Za piling je super, tako za obraz kot tudi dekolte ... ima čudovit vonj po kavi, čeprav nisem kofetkarica mi je zelo všeč. Nekaj časa imam to, nekaj časa pa 1001 noč (da ni ves čas enako). Čudovita je.
review by Tadeja on 8/14/2024 -
Piling je odličen, sem zelo navdušena.
review by Kaja on 7/15/2024 -
Besedica coffee me je prepričala in sem pred dvemi preizkusila. Najprej le obraz in občutek je bil krasen. Vonj božanski, koža mehka, voljna, mogoče malce mastna tako, da se tisti dan sploh nisem mazala s kremo ali oljčkom, kerje bila koža že dovolj nahranjena. Občutek čudovit. Naslednje jutro sem naredila piling še po vsem telesu. Sprva sem bila malce nerodna, ker sem narezala majcene koščke in so mi ti bežali iz dlani. Potem se raje uporabila kar celo piling ploščico, saj lepo leži v dlani. Nisem nič šparala..., koža je bila potem čudovita, voljna, mehka še naslednje jutro, kar žal mi je bilo spet tiste tople pajkice gor navleči..., Enkraten občutek. Osvežujoč, negovalen. Že dolgo svoji koži nisem privoščila tako dobrodejno nego. In to doma, nikamor ni treba iti..., le klik in naročim in si to lahko omogočim. Diši pa res omamno. In najlepši občutek je, ker vem, da je to vse naravno.
review by Sonja on 4/27/2024 -
Piling je moja dnevna rutina, ker očisti, osveži in da še vonj po kavi. Koža pa se hvaležno odziva. :)
review by Marja on 4/18/2024 -
Sporočam, da sem že nad prvo uporabo ploščice Coffee in seruma za lase čisto navdušena. Ploščica res intenzivno očisti pore, hkrati pa je vonj tako omamen, da bi še zvečer eno kavo popila. :) Tudi drug dan je koža popolnoma drugačna, mehka, očiščena.
review by Jasmina on 3/1/2024 -
Super je!
review by Mateja on 2/17/2024 -
Zelo zanimiva in učinkovita ploščica!
review by Andreja on 2/5/2024 -
Sem coffee odvisnik:) tako, da ploščica neverjetno, noro diši. Po uporabi je koža gladka, mehka.
review by Erika on 8/22/2023 -
Tina, čudovita je! Obožujem nahranjen in gladek občutek po tem, ko uporabim kavno ploščico! Popolna je za mojo suho in izsušeno kožo, medtem ko moja sestra pravi da opaža manj mozoljčkov ( ima mešano - bolj mastno kožo). 5 zvezdic- od obeh sester! :)
review by Nina on 8/1/2023 -
Zadovoljna z izdelkom. Vonj kave bi lahko dopolnili še s katerim drugim. Upam, da bo uporaba izdelka pomagala pri odpravljanju aken in mozoljev.
review by Katja on 7/30/2023 -
Čeprav ne maram kave piti, mi pa vseeno diši in ta piling omamno diši. Koža pa je gladka in sijoča.
review by Tanja on 5/10/2023 -
Odlicen izdelek, ga uporabljam tako za obraz kot telo. Po njem je koza mehka in gladka. Priporocam!
review by Simona on 5/3/2023 -
My mornings start with this bar, which smells divine to me, even though I don't drink coffee. I've been using it for a long time and it cleans the skin really well, exfoliates nicely and doesn't dry out the skin. The skin is more beautiful, without pimples. It really brightens up my sleepy morning :)
review by Martina on 2/24/2023
I love the smell of coffee and the softness of the skin after using the bar.
review by Irena on 2/2/2023
The Coffee exfoliating bar is wonderful! Cleanses, massages and super moisturizes the skin. The smell is amazing :)
review by Venesa on 2/2/2023
5 stars, beautiful product.
review by Nada on 1/26/2023
Coffee bar is nice, because it leaves the skin a little greasy and not dry, smells nice and of course removes dead skin.
review by Špela on 1/11/2023
This smells so good like coffee that it wakes you up. Very satisfied with the scrub.
review by Sara on 11/2/2022
Coffee bar is for pampering and intoxicating at once. It smells divinely beautiful and the skin is soft and nourished. Irena
review by Irena on 5/25/2022 -
The bar is great, I bought it because I once received a tester that I liked, and it lasted a very long time ... :) :) :)
review by Sonja on 5/5/2022 -
Top! I’m not a fan of exfoliating bars, but this one is great. The skin is soft, as if it doesn't need cream.
review by Barbara on 5/3/2022 -
It's like a little "drug" for my skin and my nostrils. I just adore her :)
review by Karolina on 4/11/2022 -
A great product for a morning routine. The skin is soft, fragrant and satisfied. ♥ ♥ ♥
review by Eva on 3/31/2022 -
Hey hey Tina, the coffee bar is top notch, I really love, love, love her! Well I like the smell and my skin love the effect.It cleanses the skin so nicely and smells stunning :) Bravo ♥
review by Aleksandra on 8/18/2021
This coffee scrub fairy is great. It makes my skin soft and beautiful, and it smells insanely nice because I love coffee. :)
review by Sabina on 8/18/2021
Tina ... I have a new favorite product! Clay scrub COFFEE :) I have been using it every night for 2 weeks now and it is really top notch for me! I feel like I don't have pimples anymore because of her :)
review by Marja on 7/27/2021
Tina, she's top notch! I tried it yesterday! Top.
review by Katja on 7/15/2021
She's great! !! The structure is just right, it leaves the skin soft and it smells sooo good that I can barely keep from using it every day! :)
review by Neža on 5/6/2021
I love this wonderful coffee scrub bar :) It smells divine and at the same time moisturizes the skin nicely. ☺️
review by Aleksandra on 4/22/2021 -
Considering that my facial skin has been heavily exposed to unhealthy influences from the environment for the last two years, mainly because of the work I did, scrub with Coffee was like a balm in the true sense of the word. Yes, I can say that the difference is known after the first use. I decided to use it every 5 days. I'm already looking forward to the results after a few uses. Considering that I am already counting fifty springs, it will be interesting to see how my skin will feel after using Coffee scrub bar a few times. I will definitely be happy to order products again when they run out. Thank you for your time and excellent products.
review by Dušan on 4/19/2021
Tina, Coffee scrub bar is great !!! The skin is smooth and soft after use! And how nice it smells !!!
review by Tanja on 4/19/2021
I'm really excited about the products, they are great !!!
Before buying the new Coffee peeling bar, I read a comment on your page that "you beat the 1001 Night clay bar". This didn’t seem possible because the smell of 1001 cleansing bar is divine and is my favorite facial cleanser. But you really managed to outdo yourself! The smell of coffee is so strong that I feel like I’m not in the bathroom, but in a coffee pot. Divine. The bar is just right rough to perform exfoliation, but at the same time soft and nourishing. I like its oily texture. I’m really excited and can’t wait to use it again
review by Ajda on 4/19/2021
Hey, Tina. I tried Coffee as an exfoliating body and face. It’s great, it’s not too rough, just right. But at the same time it leaves such a pleasant "oily" but not too greasy feeling. Very nurturing. Great invention. I was already doing a coffee scrub at home, but there was a lot of work and dirt. It is simple, elegant, and a nice nourishing feeling is left on the skin
review by Nastja on 4/19/2021
Tina, good morning. The rating of the coffee peeling bar is a 10. Already after the first use, a lot of old skin went away , but after the second use, the feeling of clean and gentle skin remained - really wonderful. I would definitely recommend it to everyone
review by Eva on 4/16/2021
review by Maja on 4/16/2021 -
This is one of the best scrubs ever.
review by Laura on 4/16/2021
I'm not a coffee lover, but the smell of this coffee is pleasant to me. Grateful to be given the opportunity to try peeling the bar by accident as a gift when buying other products. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have bought it myself. But now, oh it will be my new cosmetic product, always in stock. This exfoliator smells very nice, clean coffee, it is convenient to use, it makes the skin soft. And best of all, after use, it moisturizes the skin and makes such a thin silky layer. However, it has one drawback. It’s too small for the body because it’s so great I would use it day in and day out. Only for the face is a bar of a suitable size (as well as this could be, larger or packed with more bars). It is definitely not enough for the body.
That it is only made of natural ingredients and eco packaging is a dot on i and an addition to this perfection. -
I am a passionate coffee lover, everyone who knows me knows that. When I saw the coffee scrub, I said to myself that I must have it. And that's how it came into my hands, it smells wonderful and leaves an even better feeling on the skin, a great product! Thanks * coffeeholic *
review by Lejla on 4/14/2021 -
I got your coffee bar today and I have to say, that she smells sooooo nice! It also leaves a very very pleasant feeling on my face.
review by Julija on 4/12/2021
Dear Tina, Saturday morning was enhanced by the delivery of a clay package and I really could hardly wait for the evening to try the new coffee creation. Crazy excited !!! The smell, the texture, the feeling on the skin, you will slowly have to start making bigger fairies, because I would need this a lot... it's so nice to sit in the tub with her and get a little coffee massage. Really, thank you for the opportunity to give this fairy a try!
review by Jerneja on 4/12/2021
Tina! Can I honestly tell you my opinion of Cooffe? That this is now my favorite product! She beat 1001 cleansing bar! I tried to make really great scrubs at home, even with coffee. But this one is really good because it’s in the bar and you can do the scrub in a controlled way! I really love it!
review by Tanja on 4/8/2021
But this Tina ... OMG! The best face scrub ever! ♥
review by Sabina on 4/8/2021
How beautiful this new fairy of yours is! It's too early to publish the story, isn't it? :)
review by Sara on 4/8/2021