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  1. Rating

    Pozdravljeni. Danes sem prejela paket, glineni zobni prah in morem povedat, da je res super zadeva. In hvala za čudovito sporočilce.

    review by Tajka on 12/4/2024
  2. Rating

    Med ščetkanjem se ne peni kot navadna zobna pasta, a občutek svežine potem je super, zobki pa so gladki.

    review by Damjana on 7/13/2024
  3. Rating

    Tole stvar sem iskala že kar nekaj časa. Sem vesela, da sem jo našla pri slovenskih ponudnikih. Odlično deluje. Moji zobje so čisti, gladki in lepi!

    review by VANJA on 5/29/2024
  4. Rating

    Odlično in dobro dela!

    review by Irena on 5/18/2024
  5. Rating

    Zobni prah pa tudi super.

    review by Tamara on 5/16/2024
  6. Rating

    Zobje so res bolj gladki, občutek pa je prijeten.

    review by Petra on 5/11/2024
  7. Rating

    Redno sem uporabljala naravne zobne kreme, občasno sodo bikarbono. Ta zobni prah pa ima vse. Seveda pa je pomembno, da je iz samih naravnih človeškemu telesu prijaznih snovi.

    review by IRENA on 3/7/2024
  8. Rating

    Se navajam na popolnoma novo uporabo "zobne paste".
    Všeč mi je, da je tako fino mlet prah in da je iz naravnih sestavin.
    Zanj sem se odločila po spremembi prehrane, ko ne uživam več enostavnih sladkorjev (razen nesegretega medu) in precej manj ogljikovih hidratov.

    review by Ana on 2/22/2024
  9. Rating

    Prvič uporabljam zobni prah. Največ mi pomeni to, da je izdelek naraven brez dodatkom in v prijazni embalaži.

    review by Katjusa on 2/3/2024
  10. Rating

    Ta zobni prah je super zadeva za osvežitev ustne votline. Je naravni, za zobe kot sensitive. Priporočam.

    review by Melita on 8/26/2023
  11. Rating

    Super izdelek, poskusila sem ga prvič, se še navajam nanj in sem ponosna, da sem se odločila za ta naravni izdelek.

    review by Marinka on 7/16/2023
  12. Rating

    Glineni prah uporabim za vmesno umivanje zob, za hitro osvežitev, ker dejansko v ustni votlini deluje z ehom - okus na eterično sestavo in prijeten občutek prihajata v valovih še nekaj časa po umivanju. Zelo priporočam kot alternativo, ko želimo preparat z 0% kemičnih dodatkov.

    review by Marjeta on 6/3/2023
  13. Rating

    Izvrsten produkt, ki pripomore k popolni čistoči zob je prav tisto kar sem iskala že dlje časa. Izredno fantastična alternativa klasičnim zobnim pastam, ki jo priporočam prav vsem. Moj poskus se je izkazal kot zelo uspešen. Hvala ♥️

    review by Katjuska on 5/27/2023
  14. Rating

    Z veseljem vam bom pomagal pri ocenjevanju naravnega glinenega zobnega prahu, ki ste ga uporabljali. Zdi se, da ste navdušeni nad izdelkom, zato bomo poskušali ustvariti prisrčno oceno.

    Prvi vtis, ko sem preizkusil ta zobni prah, je bil čudovit vonj po zeliščih, ki je bil zelo osvežujoč. Poleg tega pa sem opazil, da je zobni prah zelo naraven, kar je zame zelo pomembno, saj sem bolj naklonjen naravnim izdelkom.

    Ko sem uporabil zobni prah, sem opazil, da se je lepo razpršil po zobeh in da se je lahkotno spiralo iz ustne votline. Med umivanjem zob sem opazil, da je zobni prah odstranil občutek nelagodja, ki ga pogosto občutim pri uporabi običajne zobne paste.

    Po umivanju zob sem se počutil, kot da so moji zobje čisti in sijoči. Poleg tega pa sem opazil tudi, da so moji zobje postali nekoliko bolj beli in da sem imel dolgotrajno svež zadah, kar je zelo pomembno za samozavest in dobro počutje.

    Na splošno sem zelo navdušen nad tem izdelkom in ga z veseljem priporočam vsem, ki si želijo naravnega in učinkovitega izdelka za umivanje zob. Njegov čudovit vonj in učinkovitost sta zame nedvomno najboljša lastnost tega izdelka. Če si želite lepih, sijočih in zdravih zob, je ta naravni glineni zobni prah zagotovo vreden poskusa.

    review by Romana on 4/10/2023
  15. Rating

    Interesting product. The teeth are smooth and bright. I recommend the purchase.

    review by Renata on 9/23/2022
  16. Rating

    Tooth powder complete with toothbrush was my first purchase.After the first brushing I had the feeling of glass teeth. Later, I introduced the tooth powder to my partner and impressed him as well. Now he is the one I am ordering him for.
    We are both very pleased. Thanks for the great products.

    review by Špela on 3/28/2022
  17. Rating

    We have bought Smile clay tooth powder several times. We are very satisfied with the product because the clay powder is finely ground, has a pleasant smell, contains natural ingredients and is significantly better than all toothpastes.

    review by Matjaž on 1/12/2022
  18. Rating

    Your products are really a balm for my skin and soul. The toothpaste is really great!

    review by Katja on 4/14/2021
  19. Rating

    Tooth powder is great!

    review by Sanja on 1/25/2021
  20. Rating

    I was most surprised by the tooth powder. Without any expectations about the smell I open the box and the first effect was - wow - it smells amazing. The pleasant smell of menthol remains in the mouth for several hours after washing.

    review by Tanja on 9/14/2020
  21. Rating

    toothpaste is fantastic (I was a little skeptical at first if I should ordered it , because I tried one clay paste years ago, but it didn't go through :)) - yours is something completely different and you actually feel that your teeth are clean :).

    review by Maša on 9/10/2020
  22. Rating

    I love the smell and how fresh I feel after washing. Thanks Tina!

    review by Jasna on 7/23/2020
  23. Rating

    Fantastic, nicely cleanses, does not dry out the mucous membranes, unlike almost all other products, and it is for a very long time !!!

    review by Jana on 7/23/2020
  24. Rating

    SMILE toothpaste is a great ! I like to prepare it in a small closed container and just mix it with water into a thick paste to have it ready for a whole week (that small sample container lasts for a week, it really consumes incredibly little!) Refreshing taste and super natural paste, definitely I recommend!! (I have very sensitive teeth and it turned out to be the best toothpaste so far!)

    review by Klara on 7/23/2020
  25. Rating

    For the tooth powder, however, it took me quite some time to get used to it, it bothered me a bit because I’m used to at least a little bit of foam. Well, after about three weeks, I just got used to it, so I like it now. :) In short, thank you for the great products!

    review by Barbara on 7/23/2020
  26. Rating

    The whole family uses Tooth powder and it really is the best!

    review by Dijana on 7/23/2020
  27. Rating

    In the meantime, I inspired both my granddaughters (8 and 2.5 years old) and my daughter to clean their teeth with clay !!! Unbelievable.

    review by Mojca on 7/23/2020
  28. Rating

    tooth powder is really great ... when it runs out I will order it again;) Body care products are top!

    review by Nevenka on 7/23/2020
  29. Rating

    After using toothpaste, my teeth are smooth.

    review by Gabrijela on 7/23/2020
  30. Rating

    Clay tooth powder is top , teeth are beautiful, clean and shiny and toothpaste is completely natural.

    review by Vilma on 7/23/2020
  31. Rating

    sMILE is great :)

    review by Ajda on 7/23/2020
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Tooth powder SMILE

Your new secret tooth brushing ritual. 

Availability: In stock

  • Vsebuje našo glino
  • Naravna kozmetika
  • Prijazno do živali
  • Ročno izdelano v Sloveniji
  • Naravna olja in zelišča
  • Veganski izdelek
  • Možnost recikliranja

Clay tooth powder will gently cleanse, whiten and refresh your teeth in a completely natural way. It is made from a beautiful blend of our Mineral Rich Grey Clay, Soda without aluminum ( balances oral PH and cleanse the teeth) ,  Xylitol ( a natural sweetener that supports healthy gums) and Herbs like Sage ( natural gentle whitening power) and Peppermint ( it freshens breath and is traditionally known to improve oral hygiene and dental health).

Our tooth powder is formulated with 100% natural ingredients without unnecessary fillers contained in typical toothpaste such as water, glycerin, preservatives, foaming agents and artificial flavours. One jar is equivalent to 2-3 tubes of toothpaste.

Tooth powder SMILE will keep your mouth fresh and clean with a beautiful and healthy smile

Dip your toothbrush in the tooth powder, put it under running water and continue with tooth brushing for 2 minutes. Rinse well. 


  • Gently cleanse, whiten and refresh your teeth
  • Formulated by holistic skincare expert, licensed esthetician, and massage therapist Tina Avguštin.
  • Inspired by Ancient beauty rituals;
  • 60 years familiy tradition with Slovenian Clay;
  • 100% Pure;
  • 100% Fresh;
  • 100% natural;
  • 100% vegan;
  • 100% Cruelty free and not tested on animals;
  • Original product;
  • Handmade with love in Slovenia (EU)
  • Crafted in small batches;
  • Free from fluoride, SLS & glycerine
  • One jar is equivalent to 2-3 tubes of toothpaste.


  • INCIPure Grey Clay • Xylitol • Sodium Bicarbonate • Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf • Salvia Officinalis ( Sage) Leaf
  • Produce: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Weight: 70 g
  • SESTAVINE : Pure Grey Clay • Xylitol • Sodium Bicarbonate • Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf • Salvia Officinalis ( Sage) Leaf
  • Proizvaja: T.A. NARAVA Tina Avguštin s.p., Suhadole 5c, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia, EU
  • Teža: 50 g

Tooth powder SMILE

Add to Cart €11.95
Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Made with pure therapeutic grey clay

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Handcrafted with love in Europe

Pure botanical ingredients

Pure botanical ingredients

Environmentally and animal friendly

Environmentally and animal friendly