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I smile every time I sit on my bed at night and see your solid hand cream waiting on my nightstand. Even if I don’t need it that day, I know it’s there, ready to pamper me.
review by Maja on 1/13/2025 -
Kremica, ki me rešuje vsako leto. Je ne dam :) Traja pa celo večnost!
review by Anja on 12/6/2024 -
mimogrede najboljša krema ever kar sem jih imela!
review by Anita P on 11/26/2024 -
Subtilen vonj sivke in svež vonj čajevca. Krema se v rokah hitro raztaplja in jo lahko brez težav naneseš kamorkoli. Jaz jo uporabim za dlani pa vse do komolcev. Najljubši večerni ritual, ki ga komaj čakam še preden ležem v posteljo. Celo obnohtna kožica je vidno nahranjena.
review by Mateja on 11/8/2024
Super izdelek! -
Krema za roke... Leksuzna wellnes krema za roke... Bogata s samimi dobrimi stvarmi...to občutis že,ko se je dotakneš....
review by Saša on 10/3/2024 -
Uporabljam jo zvečer, tako za roke, kot za stopala. Vaše izdelke pa priporočam tudi ostalim, kadar nanese beseda o kozmetiki :)
review by Tanja on 6/24/2024 -
Super krema. Lepo se vpije v kožo, pusti prijeten občutek. Najraje jo uporabim zvečer pred spanjem. Zjutraj je koža še vedno mehka in gladka.
review by Špela on 3/10/2024
Shranjujem pa jo kar v hladilniku, saj se sicer preveč zmehča. -
Kremo uporabljam zvečer. Nanesem na roke in stopala. Koža je nahranjena, svilnata. Zelo sem zadovoljna.
review by Tina on 2/9/2024 -
Pred enim tednom sem tole kremico dobila kot darilo pri nakupu drugih izdelkov. Ravnokar pa sem oddala naročilo za novo, ker prve že pol manjka :) super mazljivost, vonj in obstojnost!
review by Anita on 2/7/2024 -
prvič sem poizkusila trdo obliko kreme, tako da se moram še navaditi pri nanosu... je pa vse v opisu resnično - nahranjena koža, hitro vpitje v kožo in svilnat občutek.
review by natasa on 2/3/2024 -
Potrebno se je navadit na trdo obliko. Potem je Pa super. Enostavno za uporabo. Rada jo imam za pete, kjer daje mehkobo in prijeten občutek.
review by Katjusa on 2/3/2024 -
Vsaka vilinčica je edinstvena in čarobna na svoj način, in tudi ta je taka. Uporabljam jo zjutraj ali zvečer, običajno za stopala, saj je hranljiva in nežna hkrati. Tina, hvala!
review by Andreja on 1/27/2024 -
Malo sem se morala navaditi na kremo v trdi obliki, a sem zadovoljna z njo, ker se lepo razmaže in vpije pa še praktična je.
review by Tatjana on 11/5/2023 -
Krema se ob stiku s kožo prijetno tali in postane zelo mazava. Je zelo prijetnega vonja in kožo zmehča. Kljub temu, da je ob nanosu zelo mastna, se hitro vpije v kožo in ne pušča sledi.
review by Špela on 10/29/2023
Zaradi nanosa majhne količine je ne zmanjka hitro. -
Res je bogata! Samo malo potrebuješ pa ti lepo nahrani kožo. Tako edinstvene kreme za roke še nisem videla. In občutila. Po navadi se trudijo za lahkotnost kreme, da se hitro vpije... Ta pa je bogata in tudi se lepo hitro vpije. Sploh po uporabi detergenta za posodo pomivat, ki kožo izsuši, tale zadeva zelo prav pride.
review by Saša on 10/22/2023 -
Ta vilinčica je poleg nepogrešljivega glinenega deodoranta fresh strong, bodisi v trdi bodisi v kremni obliki, ena mojih najljubših. Zakaj? Zato ker me poleg posebnega vonja, bogate sestave in masažne strukture opominja, naj bom prijazna do sebe. Tina, hvala!
review by Andreja on 10/21/2023 -
Krema mi je zelo všeč, mehka koža ter zelo prijetno diši.
review by Erika on 8/21/2023 -
Čudovita krema za roke! Lepo nahrani, vonj sivke je pa božanski in da zvečer prav čarobno piko na i pri prehodu v spanec. V idealu bi si sicer želela, da bi bila cena nižja, ampak tako pač je pri vrhunskih sestavinah.
review by Nataša on 6/27/2023 -
Tudi trda krema za roke mi ugaja, saj prijetno diši in neguje tako roke kot tudi nohte.
review by Jolanda on 5/30/2023
Odlična krema, za roke. Porabiš jo malo, kožo pa lepo nahrani
review by Katarina on 5/8/2023 -
Moj najljubši večerni ritual s čudovito kremo .
review by Radmila on 4/18/2023 -
Great cream for my dry hands in winter. The skin is nourished and pleasantly soft and fragrant
review by Simona on 2/17/2023 -
Noro dober izdelek! Je Prvi, ki sem ga preizkusila, ko je prišel paketek za dušo! :) Prekrasna receptura, Ravno prav oljnato, božanski vonj, lepa mazljivost! Čudovit izdelek, vreden nakupa!
review by Anita on 1/11/2023 -
I hesitated for a long time to buy the cream and first asked for a sample just in case... But the experience with the real cream is much more pleasant. Just the right size, melts quickly, smells wonderful, leaves hands nourished and body relaxed.
review by Polona on 1/11/2023
I order again and again because it supports the body and spirit :) my favorite fairy:)
review by Anja on 11/28/2022
In one word: THE BEST!
review by Jerneja on 5/12/2022 -
The hand cream wonderfully pampers my hands and feet while sleeping. It adds the missing oil to the skin so that it is all soft and supple in the morning. All praise <3!
review by Vesna K on 5/3/2022 -
I received the cream twice as a gift when ordering the package. I like it because it absorbs nicely, it can be seen that the skin on my hands is nourished and cared for. I have it on my nightstand so that I can pamper myself a bit before going to bed :) I definitely order it when I run out.
review by Martina on 4/28/2022 -
Extremely fragrant and currently no. 1 when choosing hand cream. I recommend !!!
review by Neja on 1/4/2022
Wonderful hand cream and so fragrant! I followed your suggestion TinA - I have the cream in the bedroom. Before going to bed, I apply the cream on my hands and feet, Royal pampering and such a pleasant feeling!
review by Mojca on 12/22/2021
Finally, after a few months, I take care of my hands regularly before going to bed. Dry, cracked hands really needed the cream! We moms sometimes forget about ourselves. Well, you reminded me it was time for my evening ritual again. :)
review by Sara on 12/20/2021
Dear Tina, thank you for a really wonderful hand cream :)
review by Mojca on 12/17/2021
My hands are renewed. My nails are nourished. I massage it in the evening and feel it the next day. It really is a wonderful cream ...
review by Sonja on 12/17/2021
The hand cream is WONDERFUL! Just about a month ago, I was thinking I would need hand cream and preferably clay one. But she wasn't there at the time ... and I couldn't believe how fast she manifested herself! :)
review by Teja on 12/16/2021
I received the ordered package yesterday and was very pleasantly surprised as all the products are very nicely wrapped. :) In the evening, I tried the hand cream and as soon as I took it in my hands, it softened so I didn't need it much, and my hands were nicely lubricated. This is a wonderful product. Congratulations for such good products that are natural made with love and warm the heart and soul :) I will be happy to try another clay product in the future. And since I know that I will not be disappointed, I will recommend it to my friends :)
review by Valerija on 12/15/2021
Tina, waaauuu! this cream is top! I thought coffee was my favorite clay product, but I think Fairy Hands is even better for my skin ❤ It melts nicely, lubricates even better and smells intoxicating :) when absorbed, the skin stays soft and smooth, slightly waxy and supple - really a special, non-greasy feeling. after the massage, our hands were glowing :) thank you for this New Year's gift! I'm already packing the mini version into a pot, safe. You know, I really don't like hand creams because they're all greasy and artificial smelling ... but yours ... the complete opposite! I think this is a massage bar... because it could be used to massage a larger part of the body :) not just the hands and feet!
review by Teja on 12/15/2021
EXACTLY WHAT I was looking for !!! Clay hand cream! I heard a long time ago that clay is healthy for my hands because I have cracked skin and when you sent it to me, I tried it right away. It really is great, it smells nice, it is good for nails, it nourishes my skin, I just have to learn to calm down. Haha, I hope the fairy cream helps me.
review by Barbara on 12/9/2021
Hey, Today, as I was returning the empty packaging and personally picking up the ordered package, I got a hand cream tester! :) :) OMG how good it is :) ♥ I had to try it right away and I was thrilled all the way home. My husband tried it at home and was also impressed. Did we smell lavender? I still have to learn how much to put on my hands, but even if I put too much on it, it was oily in a very pleasant way, like - you know it really feeds your hands. I felt it :). Usually I have to start rubbing my hands in September / October and I once thought that it would be really crazy if I had a clay hand cream :) :)
review by Tina J. on 12/8/2021
Really bravo, bravo, bravo :) ♥ -
It smells very nice and it melts so nicely in your hands. Otherwise, I use very little hand cream - because the smells are usually too strong, so I think this will change now. :) + it is natural and made with love. ♥ And yes, I will definitely take time for it ... besides the evening ritual! :) ♥ Have a great day Tina too!
review by Sara on 12/8/2021
I don’t like to use hand creams otherwise, but this one doesn’t bother me because it’s really different.
review by Miha on 12/8/2021
The cream melts nicely and has a very pleasant smell. The skin on the hands after applying the cream is really well fed and soft.
review by Tanja on 12/7/2021
Clay-based hand cream is the ideal solution for my extremely dry hands and soft nails. When I apply and massage the cream, I admire the soft and willing hands, and the gentle mysterious scent. Thanks Tina.
review by Tinka on 12/7/2021